
我们在与这四个报告中结束了与能源政策有关的OTA报告的每周特征。ReportsReports两次审查与美国石油进口中断相关的能源安全,另外两个讨论了北极和大陆美国海岸的石油和天然气勘探。我们的帖子从本周早些时候获得这里这里, 和这里


“This assessment addresses the technologies, the economics, and the operational and environmental factors affecting the exploration and development of energy resources in the deepwater and Arctic regions of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and the 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) established in March 1983.”

“在决定ANWR沿海平原的未来,国会必须解决从油田勘探,开发和生产在北极环境中的环境影响范围内的各种问题,以至于阿拉斯加潜在额外的石油产量的经济和国家安全益处金博宝正规网址…This report presents the results of an assessment of a subset of these issues focusing in particular on: the oilfield technology being used to develop the Alaskan North Slope’s oil resources and the likely configuration of that technology as it might be applied in the future to the coastal plain; and the prospects for future North Slope oil production, especially the likelihood that the flow of oil through the Trans Alaskan Pipeline System will suffer a serious decline during the next decade.”

“伊拉克于1990年8月的侵犯科威特引发了对该国家对外国石油供应中断的脆弱性的长期休眠意识。参议院能源和自然资源委员会提高了对美国延长敌对行动的潜在影响的潜在影响,提出了OTA提出了1984年报告的结论,U.S.漏洞对石油进口削减…The report’s conclusion that U.S. capability to replace lost oil imports is shrinking should be sobering to those who believe that there are quick and easy technological solutions, or that market forces alone will be sufficient to overcome the substantial economic and social dislocations that could result from a prolonged major oil disruption.”