

“In 2019, eight Americans were awarded Nobel Prizes – half were foreign born,” the JASON report said. “Today, foreign nationals account for the majority of graduate students in many technology fields, including electrical, civil, mechanical, industrial, chemical, and petroleum engineering. They also dominate in fields including computer science and economics, and some universities’ graduate programs likely could not maintain their high level of excellence without foreign students.”

But some foreign scientists — often, but not only, from中国— violate U.S. norms of scientific ethics by improperly sharing sensitive research information and technology without authorization.


Although the magnitude of unambiguously unethical activity is not clearly known, “there are enough verified instances to warrant concern. . . These actions pose a threat to the U.S. fundamental research enterprise,” the JASONs said. See基础研究安全,December 2019.

In this case, however, the proper response is not greater secrecy but greater transparency, the JASON report said.

“这是既不可行,也不可取基础研究的控制以外的地区机制到位的[1985年国家安全决策指令]NSDD-189” which held that unclassified basic scientific research should be otherwise unrestricted. “It is not possible to draw boundaries around broad fields of fundamental research and define what is included and what is excluded (government controlled) in that discipline of inquiry,” the JASONs said.

Instead, they recommended, the concept of research integrity needs to be expanded to require full disclosure of all affiliations and personal commitments — such as ties to foreign military or security organizations.


实际盗窃或间谍当然受到法律制裁。但作为一般原则,谁移民到美国的外国科学家应该像对待其他任何公民,该JASONS写,和y “should be judged on their personal actions and not by profiling based on the actions of the government and political institutions of their home country.”



该JASONs recommended that the National Science Foundation facilitate more effective communications between the academic community and intelligence and law enforcement agencies, “including encouraging the declassification of information related to foreign influence in fundamental research.” (More fromNSFScience性质C&EN

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该committees are “aware that academia is not always kept apprised by the interagency of a complete picture of potential activities and threats in the research community, such as improper technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and cyber-attacks directly attributed to nation-state governments,” said a new在FY 2018年,2019年和2020年情报授权法声明这是最近在FY2020国防授权法案通过。



Garwin on Serendipity and Solar Sailing

今年七月,行星学会的Lightsail 2 spacecraft证明成为生存能力“太阳帆船”,“在地球轨道的第一艘由阳光完全推进。”

但太阳帆船的实用性是第一个由物理学家理查德L. Garwin描述六个十年更早。


本周,Garwin反映就这个问题和其他情节在他解决问题和技术创新的使用寿命。他说,从哈佛物理系博士后研究人员。看到Serendipities from Long Ago由Richard L. Garwin,主题演讲,2019年9月11日。

How did he come up with solar sailing?


Not everyone grasped the concept immediately,Garwin注意

“I recall that when the Chief Scientist of the U.S. Air Force was asked about this proposal at a press conference, he explained that even if it would work, it could only be used for going outward beyond Earth orbit around the Sun and not for going inward, because radiation pressure was radially outward from the Sun.”

“他错过ssed, of course, was that the fact that the sail was in Earth orbit or, for that matter solar orbit, meant that a reflective sail could be angled so as to provide a force perpendicular to the sail, that would have a component either along the velocity vector or in the opposite direction, so that the orbital velocity component could be increased or reduced; thus, the SS could either gain or lose energy and so spiral in or out from the Sun, or in Earth orbit.”



“The five R&D budgetary priorities in this memorandum ensure that America remains at the forefront of scientific progress, national and economic security, and personal wellbeing, while continuing to serve as the standard-bearer for today’s emerging technologies and Industries of the Future,” wrote Acting OMB Director Russell T. Vought and White House science advisor Dr. Kelvin K. Droegemeier in the8月30日的备忘录

该做cument, which is intended to inform executive branch budget planning for fiscal year 2021, contains no acknowledgment that many scientific challenges are global in scope, that foreign countries lead the U.S. in some areas of science and technology, or that the U.S. could actually benefit from international collaboration.

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白宫备忘录begins by designating the entire post-World War II period until now as America’s “First Bold Era in S&T [Science & Technology].” It goes on to proclaim that the “Second Bold Era in S&T” has now begun under President Trump.


许多所提出的技术重点是正在进行中 - 包括人工智能,机器人和基因治疗。有些争议或争议 - 如声称需要投资于针对电磁脉冲攻击的保护。

Meanwhile, the memo takes pains to avoid even mentioning the term “climate change,” which is disfavored by this White House. Instead, it speaks of “Earth system predictability” and “knowing the extent to which components of the Earth system are practically predictable.”

Today’s Second Bold Era is “characterized by unprecedented knowledge, access to data and computing resources, ubiquitous and instant communication,” and so on. “Unfortunately, this Second Bold Era also features new and extraordinary threats which must be confronted thoughtfully and effectively.”


This may or may not augur a change in the longstanding policy of openness in basic research that was formally adopted in President Reagan’s 1985国家安全决策指令189。该指令称,“这是本届政府的政策是,在可能的最大程度,基础研究的产品保持不受限制。”

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“中国已制定收购美国技术的广阔努力,包括敏感的商业秘密和专利信息,”照2018年报告from the National Counterintelligence and Security Center. “Chinese companies and individuals often acquire U.S. technology for commercial and scientific purposes.”

感知中国盗窃美国知识产权是导致对中国进口美国的关税征收的因素之一。看到U.S.-China Relations,美国国会研究服务,2019年8月29日。

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an August 30 briefing在国防部人工智能,空军中尉杰克将军讨论沙纳汉在需要保护军事数据在AI的情况下。

But unlike the new White House memo, Gen. Shanahan recognized the need for international cooperation even (or especially) in national security matters:

“We’re very interested in actively engaging a number of international partners,” he said, “because if you envision a future of which the United States is employing A.I. in its military capabilities and other nations are not, what does that future look like? Does the commander trust one and not the other?”

By analogy, however, the same need for international collaboration arises in many other areas of science and technology which cannot be effectively addressed solely on a national basis, from mitigating climate change to combating disease. In such cases, everyone needs to be “at the forefront” together.

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“Many of these international scholars, especially in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, would, if permitted, prefer to remain in the United States and work for U.S.-based companies after graduation, where they could also contribute to the United States’ economic growth and prosperity. But under the present rules, when their academic studies are completed, we make it difficult for them to stay. They return to their countries with the extraordinary knowledge they acquired here, which can inform future commercial strategies deployed against U.S. competitors,”Bollinger wrote on August 30

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“Under the President’s FY2020 budget request, most federal agencies would see their R&D funding decline. The primary exception is the Department of Defense,” according to the Congressional Research Service.

“The President’s FY2020 budget request would reduce funding for basic research by $1.5 billion (4.0%), applied research by $4.3 billion (10.5%), and facilities and equipment by $0.5 billion (12.8%), while increasing funding for development by $4.5 billion (8.3%).” See联邦研究与发展(R&d)资金:FY2020,updated August 13, 2019.


国防部decision not to renewthe underlying contract for the independent JASON scientific advisory panel drewcriticism从国会议员和参议员两党,两院基。


他们指出,在国家核安全管理局had recently intervenedto sustain the JASONs for the coming year.

“However,” they wrote, “given the national security interests involved in cancellation of the JASON contract, a permanent solution must be found. We encourage you to work with NNSA and the other agencies that utilize JASON to find an appropriate long-term home for JASON, whether it be Research and Engineering, another office, such as Acquisition and Sustainment, or NNSA.”

If the JASONs’ current sponsor at Defense Research and Engineering is indifferent to or uninterested in the work of JASON, it would be pointless to compel continued sponsorship of the group there. But other agencies such as NNSA have an interest in preserving JASON, as does Congress itself.

“Members of Congress have long counted on their nonpartisan, independent, science-based advice to inform our decisions on a range of national security issues facing our nation, such as nuclear weapons, space, and emerging technologies,”成员写。该y posed a series of questions about the Pentagon’s handling of the JASON contract and they asked the Acting Secretary of Defense to cooperate in resolving the issue.

上周题为“反制” 2016 JASON报告副本的信息自由法请求被拒绝由美国国防高级研究计划局的吸引力。非保密JASON报告是从FOIA豁免的审议材料,因为它包含了武器出口的控制信息,DARPA说。





这是的第一个问题问的众议员吉姆·库珀,众议院军事委员会战略力量小组委员会主席,在昨天听证会(at about 40’20”).

NNSA局长丽莎·戈登 - 哈格蒂说她知道,五角大楼采取了一些行动,并说,她曾问她的工作人员,以了解更多信息。她指出,NNSA在保持JASON面板的生存能力,特别是因为有兴趣:“我们确实有一些JASON正在进行的研究。”

事实上,JASON执行对于许多机构的技术研究在side and outside of the national security bureaucracy and it is highly regarded for the quality of its work.


Even to insiders, the DoD’s thought process is obscure and uncertain.


“底层IDIQ合同有一个5年时间of performance, which just expired on March 31. Last November, OSD started the process of letting a new 5-year IDIQ contract with essentially the same structure so that the cycle could continue. They decided to compete the contract, solicited bids, and were going to announce the contract award in mid-March. Instead, what happened is that about two weeks ago (March 28, two days before the expiration of the existing IDIQ contract) they announced that they were canceling the solicitation and would not be awarding another contract at all. Instead, they offered to award a single contract for a single study without the IDIQ structure that allows other agencies to commission studies.”



这一消息最早是在报道“Storied Jason science advisory group loses contract with Pentagon”通过Jeffrey Mervis and Ann Finkbeiner inSciencemagazine, and was first noticed by斯蒂芬·扬

杰森面板已经执行studies(其中许多被归类)为联邦机构,包括National Nuclear Security Administration,中央情报局和国家侦察办公室,还有人口普查局卫生与人类服务部

最近,农业部denied a Freedom of Information Act requestfor a copy of a 2016 JASON report that it had sponsored entitled “New Techniques for Evaluating Crop Production.” The unclassified report is exempt from disclosure under the deliberative process privilege, USDA lawyers said. That denial is under appeal.

五角大楼此举取消JASON合同似乎是由联邦机构更大的趋势,以限制独立的科学和技术咨询的一部分。截至昨天的听证会上注意到众议员库珀,the Navy also lately terminatedits longstanding Naval Research Advisory Committee.





该decision to disestablish the Committee was announced ina March 29联邦纪事注意,这并没有消除它提供任何理由。电话和电子邮件海军寻求更多信息的秘书办公室后概不退换。


This official said that the Committee had been made vulnerable by an earlier effort to reduce the number of Navy advisory committees. Instead of remaining an independent entity, the NRAC was redesignated as a sub-committee of the Secretary of the Navy Advisory Panel, which provides policy advice to the Secretary. It was a poor fit for the NRAC technologists, the official said, since they don’t do policy and were thus “misaligned.” When the Secretary decided to eliminate the Panel, the NRAC was swept away with it.

Did the NRAC do or say something in particular to trigger the Navy’s wrath? If so, it’s unclear what that might have been. “This is the most highly professional crew I’ve seen,” the Navy official said. “They stay between the lines.”



根据the NRAC website(这仍然是网上现在),“海军研究咨询委员会(NRAC)是一个致力于在科学,研究和发展领域提供客观的分析,独立的民用科学咨询小组。根据其建议,NRAC需要注意的重要问题,并提出海军管理与行动过程“。金博宝正规网址


上的一个2017年的报告Autonomous and Unmanned Systems in the Department of the Navy似乎是NRAC最近公布的机密报告。

根据海军托马斯B. Modly书记下令撤除了NRAC的一个2019年2月21日的备忘录

“This was a sudden and unexpected move according to people I know,” said the Navy scientist. “I have not yet seen an explanation for its termination.”


该JASON scientific advisory panel谨慎赞同进一步研究了被称为磁惯性聚变(MIF),作为实现融合发电的工序。


“尽管收到〜1%MCF和ICF的资金,MIF实验在最近几年取得了突飞猛进的进展向盈亏平衡的条件下,”the JASONs said到高级研究计划局能源(ARPA-E)去年年底的报告。


看到展望低成本融合发展,JASON Report JSR-18-011, November 2018.

融合报告是由JASONS 2018年编写的两份机密报告之一(第二正在等待发布。)从去年的其ReportsReports它12个报告进行了分类。

New York Times最近提供聚变研究的概述清洁,丰富的能源:融合的梦想永远不会结束c·克莱本线,2019年1月11日。

Meanwhile, the Federation of American Scientists警告联邦机构的电流关断威胁到美国的科学技术的许多方面。

“The partial government shutdown is compromising the very research that is important to the health and security of our nation. Important scientific breakthroughs could be compromised or lost with each and every day that the shutdown continues,” FAS said在a January 16 letter白宫和国会。



“这是国防部政策来支持其文化ic and engineering integrity,” according to a Department of Defense指示that was reissued last week.

This is in large part a matter of self-interest, since the Department depends upon the availability of competent and credible scientists and engineers.

“Science and engineering play a vital role in the DoD’s mission, providing one of several critical inputs to policy and systems acquisition decision making. The DoD recognizes the importance of scientific and engineering information, and science and engineering as methods for maintaining and enhancing its effectiveness and its credibility with the public. The DoD is dedicated to preserving the integrity of the scientific and engineering activities it conducts.”

一些实际后果这一政策是流动在该指令规定了, 包含:

–Permitting publication of fundamental research results



政策further states that:

- 联邦科学家和工程师可以向媒体和有关基于他们与科学家或工程师组织进行适当的协调正式工作的科学和技术问题的公开讲话。

–DoD approval to speak to the media or the public shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld.

- 在任何情况下,可以国防部人员询问或直接科学家或工程师,以改变或者抑制其专业的研究结果,虽然他们可能认为事实错误被纠正。



US-China Scientific Cooperation “Mutually Beneficial”

该US and China have successfully carried out a wide range of cooperative science and technology projects in recent years, the State Department told Congress last year ina newly released report




美国国会2016年双年度报告,根据信息自由法案上周公布,介绍了对2014 - 2015年中正在进行的方案。


Science & Technology Issues Facing Congress, & More from CRS

Science and technology policy issues that may soon come before Congress were surveyed in一份新的报告从美国国会研究服务。





该American Health Care Act,March 14, 2017


EPA政策研究水利基础设施的综合规划和承受能力,updated March 14, 2017

国家公园管理局:FY2017拨款和十年趋势,updated March 14, 2017

卡塔尔:治理,安全,以及美国政策,updated March 15, 2017

北爱尔兰:当前的问题和对和平进程的持续挑战金博宝正规网址,updated March 14, 2017

Navy LX(R) Amphibious Ship Program: Background and Issues for Congress,updated March 14, 2017