Nuclear Weapons


03.04.23 | 7分钟阅读 | Text byHans Kristensen






Most people would describe a nuclear bomb getting bent as an事故, but U.S. Air Force terminology would likely categorize it as a Bent Spearincident,那是defined as“对核武器或核部件的明显损害,需要能源部进行重大返工,更换或重新认证。”美国空军保留“事故”,以涉及破坏或丢失武器的事件。

美国空军在欧洲部署核武器并不是一个秘密,而是部署它们的秘密。沃尔克尔空军基地已经存储了B61数十年。我和其他人有提供了足够的文档为此和两个前荷兰总理们and a国防部长2013年,甚至承认武器的存在。沃尔克尔空军基地是欧洲六个空军基地之一,美国空军目前正在部署estimated100 B61 nuclear bombs in total.



What does the image itself show? It appears to show a damaged B61 nuclear bomb shape strapped to a four-wheel trolly. The rear of the bomb curves significantly to the left and one of four tail fins is missing. There is also pink tape covering possible damage to the rear of the tail. The image first (to my knowledge) appeared in aLos Alamos National Laboratory student briefingpublished last year that among other topics described the mission of the Accident Response Group (ARG) to provide “world-wide support to the Department of Defense (DoD) in resolving incidents and accidents involving nuclear weapons or components in DoD custody at the time of the event.”

图像中的人员也讲述了一个故事。地板上似乎正在检查武器外部损坏的两个人带有字母EOD的肩垫,这表明他们可能是爆炸性的军械处置人员。根据美国空军的说法,“ EOD成员采用机密技术和特殊程序来减少或完全消除存在未爆炸的军械造成的危害。这包括常规的军械,犯罪和恐怖分子自制物品以及化学,生物和核武器。”

监督操作的左侧的人似乎拿着一个带有红色虚线颜色标记的文件夹,类似于在《信息自由法》(FOIA)(FOIA)中已解密和发布的分类文档上看到的颜色模式(请参阅右侧的图像)。右边的平民可能来自其中一个核武器实验室。洛斯·阿拉莫斯(Los Alamos)和桑迪亚(Sandia)都为B61炸弹生产了组件。


Photo Geolocation

没有照片本身或者纪录片nt in which it was published that identify the location, the weapon, when it happened, or what happened. I have searched for the photo in search engines but nothing comes up. However, other photos taken inside Protective Aircraft Shelters (PASs) at Volkel Air Base show features that appear to match those seen in the accident photo.

One of those photos is from April 2022 (the same month the Los Alamos briefing was published), when Dutch princess Catharina-Amalia visited Volkel Air Base and was taken on a flight in one of the F-16s. The Dutch Air Force commander在推文中突出了这次访问其中包括几张照片,包括一张来自飞机庇护所内部的照片。这张照片显示了公主与荷兰空军官员,包括荷兰空军的负责人和核任务的指挥官312ThVolkel的中队是F-16战斗机轰炸机,也是地下武器存储系统盖的一部分(WS3)保险库,用于存储B61核弹(请参见下图)。

The 312ThSquadron is part of the Dutch Air Force’s 1英石机翼,配备了F-16战斗机轰炸机,并配备了美国提供的硬件和软件,使它们能够交付B61核弹,美国空军在基地的11号庇护所下建造的拱顶上。荷兰飞行员接受培训以运送武器,并由美国和北约机构对该部门进行检查和认证,以确保他们有必要时雇用炸弹的技能。在和平时期,炸弹由美国空军703的人员控制Munition Support Squadron (MUNSS) at the base. If the U.S. military recommended using the weapons – and the U.S. president agreed and authorized use, the U.K. Prime Minister agreed as well, and NATO’s Nuclear Planning Group (NPG) approved – then the weapon would be loaded onto a Dutch F-16 and the strike carried out by a Dutch pilot. Such an operation was rehearsed by theSteadfast Noon exercise去年十月。

One of these pilots (presumably), the commander of the 312Th中队,出现在Dutch Air Force video(第二)俄罗斯入侵乌克兰成立一周年,于2月出版。在视频中,指挥官爬进了F-16,并戴上了头盔。起初,可以看到遮阳板显示出橙黄色的蘑菇云,说明了核爆炸。但是,当视频削减并且指挥官转向相机时,核蘑菇云的盖子消失了,大概是为了避免向俄罗斯发送错误的信息(见下文)。在北约期间还可以看到核蘑菇遮阳板覆盖物Steadfast Noon exercise at Volkel AB in 2011


Nuclear Accident Management

B61等核武器设计是必需的要成为“单点安全”,这意味着如果化学高爆炸物从单个点引爆,则武器的可能性少于一百万的概率不到一百万。但是,如果武器不是完整的,例如在飞机庇护所内的卡车内部的维护工作中,美国空军安全审查发现in 1997 – nearly three decades after the one-point safety requirement was established – that “nuclear detonation may occur” during a lightning storm. Improved lightning protection was quickly installed.

根据国家和双边安排,对涉及美国核武器涉及美国核武器的事故和事件进行管理。美国裁定,与荷兰武装部队驻扎有关的1954年军队协议(SOFA)足以进行监管,但荷兰政府一直在敦促在荷兰美国运营集团(NUSOG)进行更大的咨询(NUSOG)(NUSOG)),一个特殊的双边协调机构,旨在制定和管理美国核武器事故响应计划,程序,培训和练习。披露2008 - 2009年争议再次证实了荷兰存在核武器。

Although nuclear detonation from an accident is unlikely, detonation of the chemical high explosives in the weapon would likely scatter plutonium and other radioactive materials. An accident inside a vault or shelter potentially would have local effect, while pollution from the crash of a C-17A cargo aircraft carrying several weapons could be a lot more extensive.洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室出版的图片在2020年,单个C-17A至少可以携带30 B61核弹(请参见下图)。这意味着,估计存储在沃尔克尔空军基地的所有10-15 B61炸弹都只能在一次飞行中移动。

Background information:

Lakenheath Air Base添加到核武器存储现场升级

这项研究是由John D.和Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation的慷慨捐助,Newland Foundation,Plowshares Fund,Prospect Hill Foundation,Longview慈善基金会,Stewart R. Mott R. Mott Foundation,生命研究所的未来,开放慈善事业和个别捐助者。