Nonproliferation & Counterproliferation


The more that weapons of mass destruction (WMD) spread to other countries, the more likely countries will use these weapons in armed conflict or potentially lose control of them. FAS seeks to prevent the further spread of such weapons to other countries or non-state actors (see the issue area on nuclear and radiological terrorism for ways to deal with the latter threat). Many of FAS’s founding members in 1946 worked to educate the U.S. Congress about the need for appropriate controls on nuclear technologies in order to stop (at best) or limit (more practically) the proliferation of these technologies to other countries. FAS at that time called for (and won) civilian control of the newly formed Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and argued for international control of technologies needed for making nuclear weapons (this was not achieved). (To separate the advocacy and regulatory aspects of nuclear power, the AEC was later split in the 1970s into two U.S. government agencies: the Department of Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.)

Since 1946, FAS experts have researched methods to improve controls on technologies that can be used to make nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and have educated policymakers, the public, and the press about these methods. In general, there are two approaches to stopping or limiting the spread of WMD: nonproliferation and counter-proliferation.


Nonproliferation typically involves the creation and enactment of treaties, international conventions, domestic laws, regulations, and even non-binding codes of conduct. An exemplar of this approach is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) of 1970. The NPT is one of the most universally adhered to treaties with all but four countries as members. Five of the members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) are defined in the NPT as nuclear weapon states while the other almost 190 member countries are defined as non-nuclear weapon states. The former states have agreed in article VI of the treaty to pursue nuclear disarmament and a treaty on general and complete disarmament while the latter have agreed in articles II and III to not acquire nuclear explosives and to maintain proper safeguards on their peaceful nuclear programs. Article IV contains the grand bargain that the nuclear capable states will aid other states in acquiring peaceful nuclear technologies. While article IV does not explicitly mention acquisition uranium enrichment and reprocessing of plutonium, many states have often interpreted this article has providing such access. The concern is that enrichment and reprocessing can be applied to make highly enriched uranium and plutonium, the essential fissile material necessary to manufacture nuclear weapons.








For instance, FAS experts have investigated the benefits and risks of missile defense in countering threats of missiles armed with WMD. Presently, Charles Ferguson and Bruce MacDonald, an adjunct senior fellow, are examining the strategic implications of a possible Chinese development and deployment of missile defense. In recent years, FAS has sponsored analytic work on the potential effects of U.S. missile defense deployment on U.S.-Russia nuclear arms control and arms reductions. Since the 1960s, FAS leaders such as Hans Bethe, Richard Garwin, and Herbert York have testified to Congress and written extensively about missile defense to further the public debate. FAS will continue to analyze and track missile defense developments especially its technological effectiveness in shooting down missiles and its effects on arms control and international security.

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