

01.12.23 | 9分钟阅读 | 文字迈克尔·费舍尔&Sruthi Katakam&Maeve Skelly

For the United States, the economic, societal, and national security benefits of the life sciences are vast. The U.S. bioeconomy – the part of the economydriven通过生命科学和生物技术,并通过工程,计算和信息科学启用 - 重视950亿美元。Life sciences research leads to清洁作物through pollution-free fertilizers, and access to life-saving vaccines, like those mRNA vaccines that helped counter the devastating impacts of COVID-19. And industries built on the life sciences create good-paying jobs across the country.


Advancing the U.S. Bioeconomy to Create Jobs and Bolster Competitiveness.Many provisions in the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act are intended to enable the bioeconomy.实施应关注三个领域:尖端的研发,基本和公开的工具以及生物制造。为了进一步支持基础研究,国会可以指导美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的目标最大化回报通过大量的研发预算,通过通过随机对照试验进行评估,资助更多高风险的高回报研究以及将更多的资金献给早期职业研究人员,通过评估新颖的资金机制。国会也可以建立a Plant Genome Research Institute (PGRI) that would drive plant genomics research and centralize federal government activities, helping to promote crop innovation and enable a diversified, localized, and resilient food system. And to ensure all Americans benefit fully, actions should be taken toaddress bias开发,测试和监管以及市场开发和评估阶段的医疗技术。

为了促进美国生物工业制造规模和商业化,国会可以授权美国简历计划办公室at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. With appropriations, the office would house a suite of initiatives:


也可以利用生物技术来快速追踪我们国家实现保护目标,补救受污染的栖息地并检测危险的环境毒素和病原体的能力。为此,国会可以建立national center实现多个重要目标:

保护美国人免受生物威胁。Covid-19的人类和经济损失表明有必要为将来的大流行病和流行病做好准备。然而,目前,制药公司几乎没有或没有经济激励措施来从事疫苗研究,以造成尚未导致大流行的传染病。为了解决这一市场失败,美国应通过联邦融资来激励疫苗开发以获得新兴的传染病。具体而言,国会应在10年内向生物医学高级研究与发展局(Barda)授权并适合100亿美元投资基金that would:

口罩,尤其是高质量的呼吸器是疾病敏锐的工具,可以帮助减少呼吸道疾病(如流感病毒和RSV)的感染。反过来,这可以减轻医生和医院的负担,并避免其他医疗保健。为此,应通过添加一个来扩展用于分发CoVID-19诊断测试的邮件输送系统masks via mail程序。对于那些希望参加的美国人,应重新启动和扩展Covid-19测试邮寄计划,并包括一个选择一个10盒的免费N95口罩的选项。此外,从“首先,第一个”方法中从战略国家库存中旋转面罩清单将防止口罩被存储在推荐的货架上,并促进不断补充美国的储备。最近National Strategy for a Resilient Public Health Supply Chain,以及《美国法案》中的两党PPE(H.R.1436)和《两党预防大流行法》(S.3799),所有人都倡导旋转库存系统;但是,必须采取步骤以更好操作它的实施并设定时间表。国会应授权政府制定战略准备和响应,以授予HHS协调操作以及响应要素密钥管理和分配责任,以实现关键诊断和预防措施(例如测试和口罩)。

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was significantly worsened by the presence of diseases that persist at relatively stable case numbers within a particular region. Additional infections paired with COVID-19 infections can lead to lower survival rates and longer hospital stays, creating a drain on resources as well as higher morbidity and mortality effects. Congress should thus authorize an倡议在疾病控制和预防中心内,可以增强区域疾病的报告和跟踪,并有助于减少数据差距,从而防止对抗循环疾病的行动和反应。该倡议可以纳入S. 3814,两党制现代化的生物监视能力和流行预测法。

最后,两党的大流行和全危害的准备和推进了2019年的创新法(PAHPAIA) will expire in 2023. This law contains several integral provisions for national health security, public health preparedness, biosurveillance, and emergency medical countermeasures, as well as authorizations for BARDA and the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). Congress should re-authorize PAHPAIA, as it forms the bedrock of America’s pandemic preparedness architecture, and consider expanding its purview to address aspects of other U.S. challenges such as wildfires and antimicrobial resistance.


Bioeconomy in CHIPS and Science.对于美国生物经济至关重要的规定筹码和科学法,国会应确保获得强大的拨款。这些包括:


生物产品试点计划。The National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA)生物产品试点计划(created in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Sec. 70501) is intended to increase economic activity in rural areas of the U.S. while also lowering commercialization risks associated with bringing biobased products to market. The program aims to study the benefits of using materials derived from covered agricultural commodities for manufacture of construction and consumer products. The program’s work also enables the development of a more circular economy, where finite resources are not just extracted and consumed but also regenerated in a sustainable manner. Adopting a more circular economy ensures that wealth and other economic benefits in the form of jobs and other opportunities are created, and stay in, rural communities, while learnings can be shared throughout the U.S. innovation ecosystem.

总计最高500万美元是可用的对于2022财年和2023财年每个计划的计划。该计划的资金应延长到2028财年,每年的水平每年增加到500万美元以上,根据NIFA的要求/program team

Scaling and Regionalizing Networked Bioindustrial Manufacturing.2023 NDAA(A分区,第215节)指示国防部长建立和扩展了制造创新机构和中级规模设施的网络,用于研发,试点和扩展创新的生物工业制造工艺和产品。对这些活动的支持对于确保工业基础可以利用生物工业制造工艺来生产化学物质,材料和其他产品,以支持国家安全并确保脆弱的供应链。国会应符合NDAA,在国家安全生物经济活动中提供5亿美元的拨款,包括3亿美元的生物制造创新机构。

抵消全球营养不良以增强美国的安全。由于19日的大流行,环境影响和诸如乌克兰战争之类的冲突,全球营养不良率为8%,预计会变得更糟。在世界各地提供挽救生命的待遇是美国国家安全的核心价值,是美国国家安全的优先事项 - 新发布的国家安全战略将整个部分致力于粮食不安全。



