

08.10.22 | 6 min read

在编译时,国会在其议程上比半导体要多得多2022年筹码与科学法。The bill–law as of yesterday–puts forward an expansive framework to advance U.S. innovation broadly, including in areas that feed into a critical sector: the生物经济

美国生物经济 - 经济的一部分driven通过生命科学和生物技术,并通过工程,计算和信息科学来实现了许多突破性的突破,例如有助于应对Covid-19的毁灭性影响或遗传工程的微生物的mRNA疫苗,或provide农作物的营养,而没有与传统肥料相关的污染。估价在上面950亿美元, the U.S. bioeconomy accounts for more than five percent of the U.S. gross domestic product–more than thecontributionfrom the construction industry, and on par with the contribution of the information sector.

However, without sufficient support from and coordination of federal resources, the U.S. bioeconomy risks ceding ground to competitors that are implementing cohesive strategies to advance their bioeconomies. For example, China目标to dominate the 21st century bioeconomy and hasprioritizedgrowth of its bioeconomy in its five-year plans. From 2016 to July 2021, the market value of publicly listed biopharmaceutical innovators from Chinaincreasedapproximately 127-fold across several major stock exchanges, to more than $380 billion, with biotechnology companies accounting for more than 47 percent of that valuation.

To improve the likelihood that the U.S. advances its leadership of the bioeconomy and continues to reap the bulk of the bioeconomy’s economic, national security, and societal benefits, key provisions in the new law are intended to ensure a strong U.S. bio-workforce and the execution of leading-edge bioinnovation in America.

Select highlights


《筹码与科学法》的行政部门要求 潜在影响
Create a mechanism to (i) coordinate the use of federal resources to support the bioeconomy’s R&D and diverse workforce needs, and (ii) engage in planning and goal-setting, requiring a strategy to be produced one year after the bill is enacted, and be updated every five years thereafter. 一种更加集中和资源良好的联邦方法来发展美国生物经济。
通过支持开放标准,接口和流程的测试床网络,包括通过重新利用或重新调整工业站点(例如工业站点),来促进生物经济的规模扩大。 降低与技术开发相关的成本,并增加最初发现的频率到产品商业化。
设计强大的过程来衡量生物经济的重要经济产出,收益和各个方面。 Make it more possible to set specific goals for the U.S. bioeconomy and measure progress against those goals.
Integrate ethical, legal, environmental, safety, security, and other societal issues into decision-making on policies impacting the bioeconomy, including public perspectives, by convening workshops, consensus conferences, and educational events. As bioeconomy products become more advanced and touch more and more parts of our lives, the benefits are to be maximized and the risks minimized, and an ongoing dialogue would be inclusive of the non-specialist public.
包括bioeconomy-relevant像任何学科chnology, genomics, and synthetic biology as a focus area for funding by the National Science Foundation’s new Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships. 例如,支持将基本研究结果转化为商业产品,建立研究和技术开发伙伴关系,或在使用启发和转化研究中促进劳动力发展。
制定一种国家基因组测序策略,以利用该国的植物,动物和微生物生物多样性。 Having a plan to decipher the DNA sequences of more and more organisms’ genomes would provide researchers with more “biological parts” to use in the design of novel biotechnologies.

Opportunities to take action to shape the new bioeconomy policy landscape



此外,将协调这项工作的大部分机构委员会将由许多联邦机构组成,对于所有正确的声音来说,都很重要。这应该包括努力支持基础研究,实验发展,商业化和公平,道德,法律,环境,安全,安全和社会问题的机构人员。金博宝正规网址此外,白宫科学技术政策办公室主任(OSTP)将从机构间委员会成员中选择一名联合主席。这一切为社区提供了机会connectwith OSTP to encourage the right agencies to serve on the committee, and to serve as co-chair.

An office established by the President will serve as the point of contact on federal activities related to the bioeconomy for government organizations, academia, industry, professional societies, State governments, interested citizen groups, and others to exchange technical and programmatic information. Once up and running, this office will be the place to go to discuss R&D, commercialization, social issues, and more. Notably, while this office will, in part, support the interagency committee and oversee the coordination of much of this work, the CHIPS and Science Act does not specify where the office should be housed within the federal government, providing another opportunity for the community to engage with policymakers to press for the most effective positioning of the office.

There will also be opportunities to engage with the National Academies, which were charged, under National Science Foundation contract, to “执行a review, and make recommendations with respect to, the ethical, legal, environmental, safety, security, and other appropriate societal issues related to” R&D in areas that undergird the bioeconomy. This might involve making comments during study committee meetings’ open sessions, submitting written comments in response to requests, or communicating with the members who are selected to make up the committee. The National Academies report is due to Congress within two years, and is also likely to be influential with officials in the executive branch.

A call to action–we want to hear from you!

与生物经济相关的规定均在整个CHIPS和Science Act中编写。如果您对包含其他内容感兴趣,则可以查看some summary materials或阅读第625-650页的账单本身(标题IV – Bioecormencomy Ronegrons and Development),并对诸如“生物制造”,“基因组学”,“生物学”,“微生物”等术语进行一些关键字搜索,以找到其他相关的规定。如果您愿意,请让我们知道您对您的意义,或者您如何采取行动来影响新的政策格局通过此形式提交您的想法。如果有机会发展您的想法并与决策者互动,我们很乐意与您联系。


Opportunities to take action to shape the new bioeconomy policy landscape



此外,将协调这项工作的大部分机构委员会将由许多联邦机构组成,对于所有正确的声音来说,都很重要。这应该包括努力支持基础研究,实验发展,商业化和公平,道德,法律,环境,安全,安全和社会问题的机构人员。金博宝正规网址此外,白宫科学技术政策办公室主任(OSTP)将从机构间委员会成员中选择一名联合主席。这一切为社区提供了机会connectwith OSTP to encourage the right agencies to serve on the committee, and to serve as co-chair.

An office established by the President will serve as the point of contact on federal activities related to the bioeconomy for government organizations, academia, industry, professional societies, State governments, interested citizen groups, and others to exchange technical and programmatic information. Once up and running, this office will be the place to go to discuss R&D, commercialization, social issues, and more. Notably, while this office will, in part, support the interagency committee and oversee the coordination of much of this work, the CHIPS and Science Act does not specify where the office should be housed within the federal government, providing another opportunity for the community to engage with policymakers to press for the most effective positioning of the office.

There will also be opportunities to engage with the National Academies, which were charged, under National Science Foundation contract, to “执行a review, and make recommendations with respect to, the ethical, legal, environmental, safety, security, and other appropriate societal issues related to” R&D in areas that undergird the bioeconomy. This might involve making comments during study committee meetings’ open sessions, submitting written comments in response to requests, or communicating with the members who are selected to make up the committee. The National Academies report is due to Congress within two years, and is also likely to be influential with officials in the executive branch.

A call to action–we want to hear from you!

与生物经济相关的规定均在整个CHIPS和Science Act中编写。如果您对包含其他内容感兴趣,则可以查看some summary materials或阅读第625-650页的账单本身(标题IV – Bioecormencomy Ronegrons and Development),并对诸如“生物制造”,“基因组学”,“生物学”,“微生物”等术语进行一些关键字搜索,以找到其他相关的规定。如果您愿意,请让我们知道您对您的意义,或者您如何采取行动来影响新的政策格局通过此形式提交您的想法。如果有机会发展您的想法并与决策者互动,我们很乐意与您联系。
