Nuclear Weapons


10.17.22 | 7分钟阅读 | Text byHans Kristensen

坚定的中午练习将练习非战略核武器,例如这支无武装的B61-4核重力炸弹被RAF Lakenheath的第48战斗机翼从F-15E掉落。图片:桑迪亚国家实验室。

[更新后的版本]今天,2022年10月17日,星期一,北大西洋条约组织(北约)将在欧洲开始进行为期两周的长期演习,以培训机组人员使用美国非战略核弹。该练习被称为“坚定中午”,以比利时的克莱恩·布盖尔(Kleine Brogel)空军基地为中心,这是欧洲储存美国核弹的六个空军基地之一。该练习是在欧洲核基地的重大现代化中进行的。




The Steadfast Noon exercise will practice a controversial arrangement known as nuclear sharing, under which the United States installs nuclear equipment on fighter jets of select non-nuclear NATO countries and train their pilots to carry out nuclear strike with U.S. nuclear bombs.

The arrangement is controversial because the United States as a party to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) has promised not to hand over nuclear weapons to other countries, and the non-nuclear countries in the sharing arrangement have promised not to receive nuclear weapons from the nuclear weapon states. In peacetime the nuclear weapons are under U.S. control, but the arrangement means that they would be handed over to the non-nuclear country in war time. The arrangement was in place before the NPT was signed so it is not a violation of the letter of the treaty. But it can be said to violate the spirit and has been an irritant for years.

在美国空军人员的监督下,德国空军人员正在练习在德国龙卷风战斗机上的美国B61-4核弹形状。在战争中,可以控制德国飞行员对美国核弹的控制。图像:der spiegel。

“If NATO was to conduct a nuclear mission in a conflict,”北约说, “the B-61 [sic] weapons would be carried by certified Allied aircraft…However, a nuclear mission can only be undertaken after explicit political approval is given by NATO’s Nuclear Planning Group (NPG) and authorisation is received from the US President and UK Prime Minister.” It is unclear why the U.K. Prime Minister would have to authorize employment of U.S. nuclear weapons, and unless NATO territory had been attacked with nuclear weapons first, it seems unlikely that the 29 countries in the NPG would be able to agree to approve of employment of non-strategic nuclear weapons from bases in Europe.

NATO disclosed earlier this year北约七个国家为核共享任务贡献了双重能力的飞机。这些国家没有被发现,但五个是众所周知的:比利时,德国,意大利,荷兰和美国。第六个国家可能是土耳其(尽管有传言称它不再是任务的一部分),在这种情况下,某些土耳其F-16仍然有能力运送B61炸弹。第七个国家是一个谜,但事实证明这是希腊。尽管希腊不再存储核武器(它们在2001年被撤回)并且没有坚定的战斗机,但它具有储备金和应急任务。像其他盟友(法国除外)一样,希腊也完全参与NPG。]



目前在欧洲那六个活跃的网站t store U.S. nuclear bombs: Kleine Brogel air base in Belgium, Büchel air base in Germany, Aviano and Ghedi air bases in Italy, Volkel air base in the Netherlands, and possibly Incirlik in Turkey. The estimated number of weapons at each site is based on the number of active vaults, aircraft, and other information.

这些基地中的每个基地都有一个或二十二个主动拱顶(武器存储安全系统,WS3),内部有许多保护飞机避难所。德国的拉姆斯坦空军基地曾经是欧洲最大的存储地点,但只有7个保险库仍然活跃于训练和转移中。所有武器都是取消from Lakenheath before 2007 but the United Kingdom wasrecently added对于核基础设施存储现代化计划,这意味着欧洲现在有八个活跃的WS3站点。

各个基础的现代化因能力,位置和东道国的不同而有所不同。在比利时的Kleine Brogel空军基地, the host base for the Steadfast Noon exercise this year, the 701英石弹药支援中队区域已通过用于核武器维护卡车的通行设施大大扩展。其他建筑包括飞机柏油碎石外围区域内的主要设施,一个新的控制塔以及地下电缆的升级以及警报通信与显示(AC&D)系统。

德国的Büchel空军基地, construction is underway on the runway. During construction, the Tornados of the 33战斗机将临时位于诺维尼奇空军基地。但是,10-15 B61核弹将保留在Büchel的保险库中。基地的其他最新更新包括地下电缆和警报通信和显示(AC&D)系统。

In 2020, as part of a series of visits to bases involved in the nuclear sharing mission, U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Derek C. France, the director of operations, strategic deterrence, and integration for U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa Headquarters director of operations, strategic deterrence, and integration, visited Büchel Air Base where he received a tour and explanation of a protective aircraft shelter. A picture of the tour shows the vault open and a B61 nuclear bomb shape inside.

美国空军少校德里克·C·法国将军,欧洲美国空军 - 非洲空军总部的行动,战略威慑和核整合总监,于2020年10月15日在布切尔空军基地进行了保护飞机庇护所。。


Ghedi Air Base in Italy正在进行戏剧性的升级,其中包括新的F-35A战斗机的新停机坪和庇护所区域,该飞机将取代核共享任务中的龙卷风喷气机。在704的武器维护卡车上似乎也正在进行工作ThMunss地区。而且,已经建立了八个大约八个保险库,可能是11个活跃的金库。该周长类似于周长constructed at Aviano and Incirlikair bases in 2014-2015. Finally, Ghedi also has received an upgrade of underground cables and the Alarm Communication & Display (AC&D) system used for the WS3 vaults.

升级Aviano Air Base在意大利和Incirlik空军基地in Turkey happened around 2015 are described in this article:欧洲核基地的升级承认安全风险. Since then, installation of new cables between the nuclear vaults at Incirlik Air Base is visible on satellite images.



F-35A测试 - drops A B61-12引导核弹。增强武器将与战斗机和战略轰炸机兼容,并从2023年开始更换欧洲的旧B61版本。图片:美国空军。

Finally, the existing B61 nuclear bombs will soon be replaced by the enhanced B61-12 guided nuclear bomb. Development is essentially complete and full-scale production of about 480 B61-12s is expected to begin soon. The new weapon is thought to have the same yield range as the current B61-4: 0.3, 1.5, 10 and 50 kilotons. Training of the units in Europe to receive the new weapon is scheduled to begin in early-2023 and the first weapons potentially arriving at the first base in late-2023 or 2024.


欧洲基地的每个WS3保险库最多可以容纳四枚核弹。在这里,工作人员正在将加载B61炸弹练习到一个库中:顶部机架上的两枚B61-3/4炸弹,下部机架上的两枚B61-12炸弹。图片:美国空军,由约瑟夫·特雷维特克(Joseph Trevithick)(在foia下的驱动器)获得。

约翰·D(John D.)和凯瑟琳·T·麦克阿瑟基金会(Catherine T.,开放慈善事业和个人捐助者。所作的陈述和表达的观点仅是作者的责任。