
Cluster Development is the New Economic Development

01.12.23 | 6分钟阅读 | Text by瑞安·布斯卡利亚(Ryan Buscaglia)Melissa Roberts Chapman

We don’t know if Congress does New Year’s Resolutions like the rest of us, but it seems like at least one of their goals is to continue ‘建筑区域创新经济。’我们可以从这个标题中猜出很多 - 给予House of Representatives Subcommittee on Research and Technology12月底听证会。在会议上,各方和专家的委员会成员讨论了经济发展管理局(EDA)现有计划的成功和挑战,以在美国创建创新集群。这次听证会上有一个明显的信息 - 一个已经在行动中回应了:有一种新的经济发展方式可以留在这里。




恢复更好的区域挑战 授予21个不同区域联盟合作伙伴的赠款 $1 billion appropriated in the American Rescue Plan (ARP) EDA
Good Jobs Challenge 授予32个行业劳动力培训合作伙伴关系的赠款 $500 million appropriated in the American Rescue Plan (ARP) EDA
构建规模 国家赠款竞赛的投资组合旨在帮助地区计划和实施创新生态系统建设策略 - 51赠款总计4700万美元。 2,000万美元的区域创新授予23财年综合法案 EDA
Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs 计划授予授予美国全美专注于技术开发,创造就业能力和创新能力的区域技术枢纽 $500 million appropriated in the FY 23 Omnibus bill EDA
Recompete Pilot Program 对年龄较大的社区(25-54)就业差距的投资 $200 million appropriated in the the FY23 Omnibus bill EDA
Regional Innovation Engines 每台发动机的资金最多为10年(每台总计约1.6亿美元),以建立一个区域生态系统,该系统可进行可翻译的使用启发的研究和劳动力开发。
总体而言,NSF获得了12%的预算增加,包括23财年的Omnibus法案中的3.35亿美元的补充资金来实施CHIPS和Science Act。 NSF
区域清洁氢枢纽计划 Grants to establish 6-10 clean hydrogen hubs in communities across the U.S. $7 billion provided by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act 母鹿
Growth Accelerator Fund 企业家支持组织(ESO)的竞争性奖励,以增加以研发,预期的SBIR公司,创新者和企业家的数量。 1000万美元的综合综合支出账单 SBA
Regional Innovation Clusters 授予小型企业,供应商和服务提供商集中在地理区域的枢纽。现在包括非营利组织作为协调合作伙伴。 1000万美元的综合综合支出账单 SBA
Federal and State Technology Partnership program (FAST) 为州和地区计划提供资金,以增加代表性不足的群体的SBIR建议数量。 1000万美元的综合综合支出账单 SBA
国防制造社区支持计划 奖项旨在建立关键技能,设施,劳动力发展,研发以及小型企业支持,以加强国防工业/创新基础(很大程度上在全州范围内)。 3000万美元的综合综合支出账单 国防部
Rural Innovation Stronger Economy Grant Program 向低收入农村地区提供赠款,以创造就业机会,开发行业集群和小型企业,ANC将企业与当地资产和供应连锁店联系起来。 $2 million in the FY23 Omnibus spending bill 农业

正如我们评论的那样CHIPS and Science Act今年早些时候,这些时间和资源在特定社区中的投资支持集群发展,这是对经济发展的主要思考方式。这种观点并非总是如此,有些人认为这些投资是完整的经济政策革命


尽管最近获得了胜利,但为区域集群开发计划的持续资金远非确定。EDA计划的一小部分资金包括在分区bof the recent Omnibus bill, but a majority of it was provided through a supplemental funding provision. That means that if the new Congress passes a continuing resolution (CR) or does not appropriate funding in a spending bill for FY 24, then the programs will go largely underfunded. This would stifle investments we’ve already made, and would deny communities the support they deserve to reinvent and bolster their regional economies over the next decade.

这些具有里程碑意义的计划的好消息是他们享有两党的支持。来自双方的国会议员都希望发展强大的创新经济体并支持小型企业,特别是专注于农村和服务不足的少数民族社区。众议院小组委员会主席海莉·史蒂文斯(Haley Stevens)(D-MI)在12月的听证会上对此表示了opening statement在最近的听证会上。排名成员兰迪·芬斯特拉(R-IA)也在他的声明中反映了这一点,召集了最近的成功2021年的大都会区保护与标准化法。There’s clearly an appetite for novel place-based economic development strategies on both sides of the aisle.

白宫还认为集群是其经济政策的核心。拜登总统lauded9月,Build Ret Boter Boter Regial Challenge的21名获奖者。总统国家经济委员会主席布莱恩·戴斯(Brian Deese)强调了此类计划在实施现代美国工业战略in a speech in Cleveland last October. He said, “我们建立的计划将集中在地点和公平(我们的何处和方式)上,因为这有助于我们释放更多国家的经济潜力。”那么这些计划如何释放这种增长呢?


Place-based economic development is any form of intervention that endeavors to improve the economic potential of a community, taking into account the circumstances and realities of that community. Place-based policies intervene in specific locales to boost employment and productivity. Simply put, they try to make discrete geographical areas globally competitive.

One form of such policy is the promotion ofcluster development:在给定地理区域中的公司共同定位。这些在特定行业中的公司和工人的团体或集群共享设备,空间和人才,以最大化区域效率并提高公司生产率。正如我们之前写的那样,这个想法是由迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)开创的。“集群,”波特说,“”允许每个成员的受益,好像它的规模更大或仿佛与他人加入而不牺牲其灵活性。”Modern cluster development engages universities, government, national labs, corporations, capital providers, and entrepreneurs as stakeholders to create comparative advantages for the local ecosystem.


New programs move beyond the coast

但是,最近立法的核心宗旨是这样agglomeration effectsshould not be limited to the coast or to traditional hubs. Other cities and communities across the United States can and should benefit from the development of technologically advanced clusters.

As the National Sciences Board has written, we need to ‘扩展创新地理’使所有人都有机会从科学技术的进步中受益。扩大这个地理要求我们也需要考虑增加STEM教育和职业发展的方法,但是这样做的政策必须符合他们所在的社区并利用其现有优势。

For communities that have received historically low levels of federal grant funding, it can be hard to know where to start with strategy development. That’s why another key part of the EDA’s approach are实践社区这可以帮助受赠人和导师组织相互学习。

积极的、包容覆盖社区的方法economic development isn’t a nice-to-have feature; it’s critical to putting together proposals that win. As oneBBBRC获奖者来自底特律地区合作伙伴关系作证: “两件事:包容性和透明度是这样做的两个关键……五年前,EDA会收到来自我们地区的5个不同的建议,而它们都不会互相交谈。”其他城市/地区应遵循其领导。虽然没有一个成功的秘诀,但我们已经看到,集群的最佳建议来自社区:

  1. 积极,有意制定多年策略。
  2. 包括各种各样的社区利益相关者。
  3. 依靠证据而不是政治影响来制定其战略。
  4. 避免将联邦赠款作为交易资金机会。
  5. 研究同伴社区正在做出哪些选择,并预测哪些选择可以提高其比较优势,相对于这种“竞争设置”。

Agencies should have regionally-focused missions fit for today’s industries

EDA和NSF在其区域技术中心和发动机计划中可能产生的影响是大量的。Especially given that Congress has explicitly stated they should cooperate. One way to boost the investments we’ve already made is by reauthorizing the EDA with a mission fit for today’s industries and challenges. The EDA has not been reauthorized in 17 years—an action that Assistant Secretary of Commerce for EDA Alejandra Castillo has反复陈述是至关重要的。

秘书卡斯蒂略的remarksin December demonstrate not just a deep commitment to helping communities, but a depth of expertise and responsible stewardship at EDA when it comes to acting on these bold initiatives. We should empower the EDA to expand their capacity to help communities grow into the industries of the future.


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Cluster Development is the New Economic Development

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