Ecosystems & Entrepreneurship
day one project


03.27.23 | 15分钟阅读 | Text by扬·贾罗(Jan Jaro)&梅利莎·罗伯茨·查普曼(Melissa Roberts Chapman)&Ryan Buscaglia



The elements of a coherent innovation plan have started to appear in policy publications: for example, the2022国家安全战略文件outlines the need for a “modern industrial and innovation strategy,” and thebiotechnology executive order,《筹码与科学法》国家关键技术评估网络all send strong signals that a short list of industries, industrial capabilities, and strategic supply chains are critical to our country’s continued prosperity. However, while these signals might be strong, they are not yet clear and not yet strategically framed. TheOffice of Science and Technology Policy, in consultation with other federal agencies and non-governmental organizations, will bring together a national competitiveness plan from these disparate efforts in the coming months. Today, proponents of innovation would do well to think about the next step of this challenge: once a national competitiveness plan exists, how will it be implemented and who will lead the charge?

在全国各地,一个网络区域发展组织(RDOs) regularly create and maintain economic development plans (called comprehensive economic development strategies, or CEDS) on a regional basis. At the same time, the federal government’s emphasis on building innovation ecosystems and developing regional innovation clusters has释放了数十亿美元用于集群一致的项目的资金。人们可能会认为这些努力是高度调整的,而RDOS创建和维护的CED为集群开发工作提供了分析和基础。实际上,由于一些关键原因,群集开发工作很少以CEDS开头:(1)CED不符合明确的国家竞争策略;(2)创建CEDS的RDO通常具有评估创新生态系统以及更有限的资源以提高其能力或进行分析的资源的能力有限;(3)通常很难找到现有的CED(即使对于RDO地区的社区成员)。

Creating a better planning system will require clear, top-down guidance about competitiveness priorities, which is on its way. It will also require more sophisticated, focused, and better supported local economic planning. The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) manages existing processes that allow for certification of RDOs and the regular production of CEDS. Additional guidelines and incentives should be structured into these programs in order to build our national capacity for strategic planning around shared competitiveness priorities and to ensure that regional planning processes incorporate a cohesive national framework. This will allow local cluster development efforts to best capitalize upon their respective comparative advantages, setting up communities for success as they develop plans to build stronger local economies, create better jobs, and promote sustainable growth.




许多联邦机构为创新生态系统开发活动提供资金。In 2018, the DoE spent$10 billion仅在研发上,以及《降低通货膨胀法》(IRA)的通过(IRA)将增加数千亿赠款和贷款支持,以用于绿色技术的商业化,例如太阳能,风,氢和碳捕获和存储。Beyond the DoE, the DoD’s DARPA, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology Directorate, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and a host of other government agencies distribute billions in innovation funding, which has been recently buttressed by the American Rescue Plan, Inflation Reduction Act, CHIPS and Science Act, and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. These are all supported by smaller, but critically important, matching investments at the state level.

简而言之economic development, and the federal government understands that. It has a clear national interest in prioritizing the development of certain industries in order to generate positive spillovers, correct market failures, and preserve national competitiveness. State governments and regional bodies have an interest in promoting the economic well-being of specific communities. So why is reconciling these interests across the country so difficult? The answer lies more in game theory than in politics.


当一个地区决定评估其发展创新集群的潜力时,其领导者必须首先决定whichcluster to develop, turning to the information that is mostly easily accessible to them. This generally includes lagging metrics describing the region’s present-day economy (such as location quotient, industry-level employment, and skills concentration). In many regions of the country that do not already have a strong cluster, these metrics look very similar. It is also data that answers the wrong question. When seeking to build a cluster, regions should not just ask “What are our strengths today?” or “What industries have gotten the most press lately?” Instead, regions should ask “In which growing or emerging industries might our community have a comparative advantage?” Asking the wrong question also leads regions to end up proposing cluster efforts in a few industries (e.g., biotechnology, advanced manufacturing, and semiconductors), rather than picking a goal for cluster development in an industry that is comparatively underserved yet still vitally important (e.g., green tech, water tech, or aerospace). Even a modest concentration of assets in an underserved industry might position a region as a leading hub, and 40% of American regions cannot build identical hubs at the same time.

For example, too many国家科学基金会引擎建议集中半导体和微电体簇。创建半导体枢纽的资金仅限于少数地方:最近,商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)宣布,商务部将花费500亿美元的筹码法案来开发至少两个半导体轮毂。However, given the scale and cost of developing半导体制造足总cilities以及所需的劳动力,基础设施和其他公共服务投资,可能只会开发两个或三个枢纽。因此,提交引擎申请的23个地区和城市中的绝大多数集中在半导体和微电子上,将浪费时间和金钱,同时又产生了巨大的机会成本,以追捕他们不适合建造的集群。但是,更重要的是,这使城市和地区分散了他们可以坚持的长期计划的注意力,这对于需要的长期投资至关重要促进创新。



很容易想象一个世界,在这个世界中,RDO带头来提高CEDS计划的质量,以及由全国发展组织协会(NADO) Research Foundation are in place to do just that. In addition to managing an EDA-funded community of practice for RDOs, which includes maintaining resources and conducting webinar trainings, the NADO Research Foundation independently maintainsCEDS Central,一个优秀的库的最佳实践。而these resources and their consistent use demonstrate communities’ desires to plan well, they alone have not yet led to the widespread use of CEDS as a means of detailed cluster analysis and planning.

查看任何一个单独的RDO时,很容易理解原因。RDO(也称为政府委员会,经济发展区,区域发展区或区域规划组织)具有令人难以置信的广泛计划责任,并且人员配备和资源有限。他们管理的CED反映了这些广泛的汇款,通常包括与宽带访问,运输,人口老龄化,住房,教育以及就业和经济增长有关的要素。结果,制定清晰,详细的创新计划的能力很少。纳多(Nado)的计划列为榜样的组织CEDS中央站点, the average total staff size was 17 with an average of three employees dedicated to economic development. Moreover, no employees were dedicated to innovation ecosystems, entrepreneurship, or cluster development.

In order for RDOs to build their capacity for creating regional cluster development plans, they must train and hire staff with new capabilities. This is nearly impossible for these organizations to do on their own, given their current financial resources and the breadth of demands on their time. Changing that will require dedicated funding for new staff and training, as well as a clear directive to prioritize this work.


The innovation funding picture is further complicated by a long tail of regional, local, and state players. There are over 520 RDOs in the United States. However, only23 RDOhave published digital CEDS, indicating that these critical planning documents are not yet widely produced, or at least not widely shared, by local and regional stakeholders. In addition, there is no publicly accessible central repository of active CEDS. Providing such a resource could facilitate greater community alignment and better understanding of communities’ comparative advantage across the country.




Chart, line chart Description automatically generated
图1:NCSES - 尽管随着时间的推移,总R&D占GDP的百分比有所增加,但公共投资已大大减少。资料来源:国家科学与工程统计中心, 国家研发资源的国家模式 (annual series), 2023 (accessed 21 March 2023).

R&D is at the core of innovation, and the United States has excelled compared to its peers and competitors. Both the European Union and China have努力达到投资于研发的2%国内生产总值(GDP)的基准水平, giving the United States a huge edge in cutting-edge technologies such as biotechnology, clean tech, and software. However, the decline in public R&D spending, which was over 1% of GDP in the 1970s but is now down to ~0.7%, has significant repercussions for competitiveness in emerging technologies that require significant public investment to overcome developmental hurdles. For example, China was first to launcha quantum encryption satellite, and by 2030 China is projected to have25% of semiconductor manufacturing capacity, compared to just 10% in the United States.

Figure 2: OECD – Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD), selected economies, 2000-21.
美元(美元)持续购买电力奇偶校验(PPP)价格。来源: 经合组织的研发统计 ,2023年2月(2023年3月21日访问)。


Increasing the amount of public R&D and ecosystem spending, which includes workforce development and infrastructure, is crucial to accelerating American innovation. The5亿美元在EDA的区域技术和创新中心的《 23财年综合支出法案》中拨款是一个良好的开端,但这只是《筹码法》提出的金额的一小部分。但是,有两党协议支持区域集群大楼,最近由2022年12月的研究和技术听证会上的小组委员会展示建筑区域创新经济

In addition to growing the cumulative effectiveness of national innovation spending, regionally based cluster development plans will distribute economic prosperity more equitably. In 2021, the United States invested nearly3500亿美元在风险资本资金中。但是,几乎$250 billion只进入了三个州:加利福尼亚,纽约和马萨诸塞州。尽管这三个州是美国一些最大,最有生产力,受过教育最高的城市的所在地,但其他地区也具有新兴的集群和令人信服的竞争优势,应获得更多的财务和人力资本。结构良好的创新路线图从国家优先事项开始,纳入当地的优势并鼓励透明度,将帮助区域一级的公共,私人和非营利利益相关者制定长期投资计划。反过来,这将使更多地区和个人能够从创新中获得经济利益,创造好工作并提高生活水平。


Recommendation 1: Direct, align, and coordinate innovation ecosystem development activities more clearly at the federal level.


建议2:Direct RDOs to include detailed innovation and cluster planning in the CEDS process.EDA应更新CEDS内容指南,以要求该计划解决建立创新生态系统并开发本地群集的机会,因为他们必须要求计划包括弹性措施。这些计划应包括:

建议3:Give RDOs the resources needed to include detailed innovation and cluster planning in the CEDS process.Congress should authorize annual funds支持将高级创新和集群领导者安置在RDO中,作为区域竞争力官员(RECO)。该计划应由EDA或其指定人员管理,并以经济回收团奖学金为基础。这将建立员工的能力,以帮助协调跨州和城市界限的区域战略的制定,从而使创新计划成为经济发展政策的常规方面。


建议4:Facilitate local alignment through greater CEDS transparency and require that federally funded cluster development initiatives to ask applicants to demonstrate alignment with their regional CEDS as they apply.



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Ecosystems & Entrepreneurship


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Ecosystems & Entrepreneurship
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Ecosystems & Entrepreneurship

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Ecosystems & Entrepreneurship
day one project


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