

09.02.22 | 5 min read | Text byMelissa Roberts Chapman

今天,美国经济发展局和拜登总统announcedBuild Back Bord Boter Regional Challenge(BBBRC)的获奖者是对投资不足的社区的10亿美元投资,这是整个联邦政府令人兴奋的趋势的最前沿。

Currently, there are only ahandful具有“行业和人力资本的坚实基地的城市,要一直吸引好雇主并提供高工资”。BBBRC的目标是从根本上改变这一点 - 它是在完美的时代到达的。如2021年4月的第一天项目备忘录中所述”共同繁荣的区域中心”斯科特·雷斯尼克(Scott Resnick)撰写,“互联网功能,通信工具和信息技术方面的进步使更多的人比以往任何时候都可以使用企业家精神。”

The 21 award-winning regions will receive between $25 million and $65 million to fund a total of 123 projects that will begin fundamentally reshaping the economic prowess of 24 U.S. states. These investments will focus on cultivating 21st-century industries like biotechnology, health care, clean energy, advanced mobility, next-gen manufacturing, defense, and more. You can learn all about the list of selected projects and the funding they’ll receivehere

This is notable not just for the investment in scientific research, but also for the transparency and communication for the process. In sharing the list of 60 finalists and their proposals (a tactic developed even further by the NSF Engines program), we now have transparent information about the themes in where these communities see their future, and basis on which to make competitive decisions. This was laid out as a core tenet of how to move forward in Jonathan Gruber and Simon Johnson’sJump-Starting America


We bore witness to many of these novel collaborations as core members of thetechnical assistance coalitionsupporting the implementation of the BBBRC, along with our colleagues at America Achieves, Drexel University’s Nowak Metro Finance Lab, and the National League of Cities. What we found was remarkable.

This experience was not just rewarding, but inspiring. The federal government was intentionally investing in building ecosystems — orclustersof universities, companies, philanthropies, unions, nonprofits, and even governor’s offices — to spur local and national economic competitiveness. These clusters varied tremendously, asdescribed由我们的同事布鲁斯·卡茨(Bruce Katzfull advantageof the given region’s cultural assets, natural resources, research institutions, demographic strengths, or transportation infrastructure.

Research has described anunparalleled multipliereffect of investing in innovation sectors, with each new high-tech industry job spawning five additional jobs outside of the sector in occupations like lawyers, teachers, nurses, waiters, and hairdressers. Toborrow从亚历杭德拉·Y. Castillo(Alejandra Y. Castillo)的经济发展助理部长开始,“ BBBRC是EDA方法的发展。”

The announcement of the BBBRC communities is the first step toward distributing themore than $10 billion in cluster development funds已由联邦政府占有。NSF发动机计划是另一个集群开发工作,正在等待其提案期的截止日期,而筹码和科学法案资助的新计划不会落后。简而言之,这不仅代表了EDA的方法的变化,还代表了联邦政府认为其在经济发展中的作用的方式,它是其认为的工作的方式作为economic development.

To be clear, top-down economic development is a复杂过程。It depends on the interregional spillovers of private and university knowledge, frequent face-to-face contact and knowledge-sharing between capable workforces, and sufficient resources for startups to commercialize research from labs to the marketplace.



同样,正如Ishan在最近一天的一个项目备忘录中所要求的那样。Creating the Make it in America Regional Challenge,“应对紧急通货膨胀和供应链挑战的一种方法是,通过发起100亿美元的两阶段竞争来提高非巨星地区拥有综合供应链解决方案的能力,以对研究,制造和分销进行研究,制造和分销。这将授予30-50个区域计划补助金,然后授予10-15个最高赢家,最高10亿美元,以增强与关键的美国供应链优先事项(例如,半导体,锂电池等)相吻合的经济群集的区域能力。”

As BBBRC communities get to work, they represent our best hope for greater opportunity across the country. They will need to work hard to maintain the coalitions that have made them successful. They will need to broaden them to ensure that their work has equitable impacts, and they’ll need to continue to reach out for leveraged funding and support from local and national funders. In short, this announcement doesn’t represent an end, but the beginning of the work and a new opportunity for growth in these 21 regions.

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