浅谈美国 - 俄罗斯核动力


Hans M. Kristensen

俄罗斯的核力量预计将在未来五年内减少到远低于500辆进攻性战略运载工具,不到1991年《削减战略武器条约》所允许数量的三分之一。除非美国下一份《核态势评估报告》(Nuclear Posture Review)大幅削减陆基洲际弹道导弹的数量,否则美国核力量三位一体的单支部队很快就会包括比整个俄罗斯陆基、海基弹道导弹和远程轰炸机战略武器库还多的运载工具。考虑到这一点,俄罗斯正在分导弹道导弹,以保持与美国在一定程度上的平等。

还有更多来自简报我今早在军控协会会议上说的U.S.俄罗斯核武器减少的后续步骤.I was in good company with Ambassador Linton Brooks, the former U.S. chief negotiator on the START treaty, who spoke about the key issues and challenges the START follow-on negotiators will face, and Greg Thielmann, formerly senior professional staffer of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, who discussed how the a new agreement might be verified through START-style verification tools.

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我有一个想法浅谈美国 - 俄罗斯核动力

  1. 俄罗斯人永远不会同意任何让他们看起来劣等的东西(无论他们的真实能力如何)。

    无论国际法所说的目标如何,最小战略威慑的急剧减少将导致瞄准人口中心 - 其他一切都将被浪费。俄罗斯和美国有超过30个拥有超过50万居民的居民,其中200多个;并且一步降低了美国的260,俄罗斯160超过100k。这使得弹头数量(以及也产生) - 生存性要求,发射平台数量,发射车辆和MiRV方面的次数。

    脱德文将从双方产生强烈反对。The U.S.’ best strategic deterrence instrument are the SSBNs, but non-MIRV’d SLBMs dramatically reduce the deterrence value of that leg – at least as long as the Ohios are the platform – and put too much weight on the vulnerable Minutemen (which will need a more survivable, possibly Midgetman stlye, single-warhead replacement in the future). The Ohio replacement will also have to be much smaller (Virginia class based?) and preferably with increased hull numbers to be more survivable, but is still 15 years away, and even then will for sure not be MIRV-less. All that is not do-able for the U.S. without spending serious money.
    俄罗斯人不会脱米,因为他们必须弥补他们的技术自卑,他们的下层平台和发射号码,这是他们对陆地Mirv'd Mobilly的显而易见的脆弱性。But the Russians are in a way better prepared already for minimum strategic deterrence, as their land-based component scales much better than the sub-heavy U.S. There is one angle though that might open at least land-based MIRV’d ICBMs for a horse trade (see below).


    同意在最低威慑设置的情况下,将空军从进攻性战略威慑任务中解放出来是个好主意。大型轰炸机对进攻性战略威慑的贡献是最小的,这样的举动将使它们在战略导弹防御框架内自由地进行24/7/365 *防御性*战略威慑巡逻,这可以作为机载助推阶段拦截导弹(NCADE, PAC-3,(THAAD版本)和对敌人发射设施的动力和电磁打击。总而言之,可能比用它们来攻击事物更有用。

    这提出了关于将导弹防御融入条约的问题。我相信俄罗斯人想要。特别是多kV技术有可能使战略BMD成为估计的一个因素。这里有趣的角度可以是Midgetman风格的单弹性ICBM和多kV BMD导弹具有相同的重量。现在,这里的马准备了交易:可能有一种方法可以让俄罗斯人的一半,并说服他们只能为单一弹头ICBMS进行一次,当然会导致一个弹头=一个导弹,因此会自动限制数量of launch vehicles (which is what they want from the U.S.). It might be that a treaty could include a provision, that a certain percentage of these single-warhead ICBMs can be configured as multi-KV interceptors. The exact balance of offensive and defensive configured missile would be determined by what makes the Russians feel good and is acceptable for the U.S.



