浅谈美国 - 俄罗斯核动力



Hans M. Kristensen

预计俄罗斯的核动力将在未来五年内下降低于500辆进攻战略送货车,不到1991年开始条约所允许的允许的三分之一。Unless the next U.S. Nuclear Posture Review significantly reduces the number of land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, that single leg of the U.S. Triad of nuclear forces alone could soon include more delivery vehicles than the entire Russian strategic arsenal of land- and sea-based ballistic missiles and long-range bombers. With this in mind, Russia is MIRVing its ballistic missile to keep some level of parity with the United States.

这更多和更多简报我今天早上在武器控制协会会议上给了U.S.俄罗斯核武器减少的后续步骤。I was in good company with Ambassador Linton Brooks, the former U.S. chief negotiator on the START treaty, who spoke about the key issues and challenges the START follow-on negotiators will face, and Greg Thielmann, formerly senior professional staffer of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, who discussed how the a new agreement might be verified through START-style verification tools.

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