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to Director of Central Intelligence

在DCI历史审查小组的成员已经在美国中央情报局总部会见了5,1996 8月,参与了解密和历史文献和唱片发行的工作人员。他们承认感激该中心的情报研究合作,以及作为其他所有相关机构和个人。

迄今为止,解密的过程中已基本由下式定义:(1)1984年的CIA信息法,其免除从信息自由法机构操作的文件,但授权这样豁免的十年一次审查;(2)国际原子能机构自己的“目标”的相关性,以特定主题的基础上,选择材料的解密程序;(3)1995年总统的4月,在“国家安全机密信息”(E.O. 12958)行政命令;以及1992年的外交关系授权法案和总统约翰·肯尼迪遇刺的1992年记录稽征法我们想对前三个方面的意见:

1。中央情报局信息法案。虽然该机构一样,受到法律的授权,进行其操作的文件豁免十年一次的审查and report to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on May 11, 1995, it neglected to provide this panel with a copy of its report, or to brief the panel on this important matter, at its February, 1996 meeting. We regard this as a serious omission, because the decennial review in fact removed certain files of considerable historical interest from the exempted lists administrative files of the Office of Policy Coordination, National Committee for a Free Europe, and Asia Foundation- making them subject to FOIA requests.

2.“有针对性的”解密。Prior to the end of the Cold War, a plausible case could be made for the declassification and publication of selected documents from the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, even though the files from which they were drawn remained classified. It is much more difficult now to make that case.

our March 6, 1996, report to you我们注意到这样的出版物“不要替代品金博宝更改账户for the opening of archives that would allow historians not affiliated with the Agency to work directly with its records." Meanwhile the Department of State's Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documentation passed a resolution on June 7,1996, criticizing this CIA policy.

Not a single whole collection from CIA files- as opposed to selected documents- is as yet available for research at the National Archives. Until such files do become available, CIA will continue to have problems of credibility with the public and with the academic community.


We also note the absence of any clear Agency guidelines on just when materials too sensitive for 25-year release might in fact be made available: 35 years? 50? 75? Even "exempted" material under E.O. 12958 is subject to mandatory review: it is unrealistic, therefore, to assume that the Agency can permanently keep its records secret. As CIA approaches its 50th anniversary, we urge that consideration be given to this matter.





The fact that historians expect greater access to CIA documentation is due in large measure to actions taken by the Agency itself. At the same time, historians are being inundated with documents of great significance from Russia, Eastern Europe, and the Peoples' Republic of China, all of which focus attention on related materials from the United States, nearly all of which remain inaccessible. The danger we see arises from the clash of expectations and practice to date. To continue on the present course will not provide the sort of results the public and the academic community have been led to expect and that we think accord with your own intentions. Some new directives and initiatives appear to be needed if there is to be significant progress.


1。The Agency should develop a master plan for the declassification of its historical materials, including its analytic products, which pose few problems of sensitivity, and those relating to sources and methods. Such a plan should be informed by concerted thought on the general problem of how sources and methods can be best protected while still declassifying large quantities of documents. Above all, it should include a "date certain" interval, after which only a minimal body of exempted documents would be opened. Whatever the timetable of declassification and whatever the exemptions, such a plan must be well understood and carefully followed throughout the Agency. The Agency should appoint a single well-informed and articulate spokesperson to communicate that policy to the public and to the scholarly community.


3。The Historical Review Panel needs a chair, and the chair should be a historian well experienced in both the writing of recent intelligence history and the use of archival materials. Otherwise, as in the matter of clearances, the committee will carry no credibility among those very historians who are the primary consumers of the historical material CIA is seeking to declassify.


5. The Agency should use its Historical Review Panel as an ally in this process. That means providing it with full, accurate, and timely information regarding its declassification policies; it also means providing members of the panel with sufficient security clearances to allow them to be briefed in detail on why solve materials cannot be released, and we are pleased that CSI has suggested this. Comparable historical review panels in the State, Defense, and Energy Departments operate in this manner. CIA's panel cannot really be helpful to you, or carry credibility within the academic community, until this is done.


Respectfully submitted
