Technology & Innovation


05.11.23 | 10 min read | Text by杰里米·诺伊费尔德(Jeremy Neufeld)Amy NiceDivyansh Kaushik




国会授权采访豁免,使国务院能够将其稀缺资源集中在潜在威胁上。国务院最初对谁必须进行“个人出现”,并根据1952年《移民和国籍法》被放弃。1Before the September 11th attacks, personal appearance waivers were relatively common,2但是9/11后的政策指南最初是在2003年在法规中编纂的,将豁免的使用限制在某些情况下。3国会在2004年的《情报改革与恐怖主义预防法案》中编纂了这些限制,该法案为所有14至79名申请人提供了面对面的面试要求,但在特定情况下除外。4Namely, DOS can offer waivers for the in-person interview requirement to applicants renewing visas (who have already had interviews) and for designated low-risk applicants.5



  1. 领事馆和使馆的中断行动:许多领事馆因封锁措施和健康风险而暂时关闭或在大流行时期的服务缩放。这导致延迟在正常功能恢复时螺旋形成巨大积压的应用程序。
  2. 收入减少:作为基于费用的机构,领事服务失去了与正常运营相关的收入。削减员工和资源使该机构的每个官员的案件更高。
  3. 大流行之前的资源有限:甚至在Covid-19之前,美国领事馆和使馆的资源不足以有效地处理重大的处理需求。与大流行有关的破坏加剧了这个问题。
  4. 申请量增加:随着疫苗广泛使用,全球旅行恢复。延长时间后重新团聚的家庭是签证申请量增加的主要贡献者。

The Department of State’s current policies focus on low-risk applicants, namely individuals who: have previously traveled to the United States; have biometrics on file for full screening and vetting; and either are the beneficiary of an approved petition from DHS confirming their eligibility for a visa classification or have already received a Certificate of Eligibility for a visa classification by an institution designated by DOS.


2021年12月,DOS将其当时存在的政策(有一些次要修改)延长到2022年12月。它还通过为H-1,H-3,H-4,L,O,O,O的首次申请人提供了豁免政策。,P和Q签证 - 所有需要DHS请愿裁决的分类 - 如果他们是参加签证豁免计划的国家的国民,并且是通过电子旅行授权(ESTA)的前旅行者。H-1,H-3,H-4,L,O,P和Q签证的申请人也有资格获得豁免,如果以前已发行任何类型的签证(这意味着其生物特征数据已与DOS备份),从未被拒绝签证(除非克服或放弃拒绝),并且只要他们没有明显或潜在的不合格。也可以在不采访的情况下向已获得有效的作为F-1学生或学术J-1计划的交换访问者的申请人或学术J-1计划中的交换访问者的申请人。Moreover, the interview waiver policy that individuals renewing a visa in the same category as a visa that expired in the preceding 48 months may be eligible for issuance without an interview was announced as a standing policy of the State Department, and added to the department’s Foreign Affairs Manual for consular officers. In December 2022, DOS announced another extension of these policies, which are set to expire at the end of 2023.





应该指出的是,豁免不是以国家安全或公共安全为代价的。即使放弃访谈,也可以持续进行稳健的筛查和审查协议。保留豁免机制可以有助于在强大的筛查和审查措施和程序工作流程之间取得平衡,这对于有效管理积压案件至关重要。放弃的申请人通常由低风险的个人资料或以前在全面的背景调查后授予签证的申请人,然后根据已经存档的生物识别机构进行了与申请人相同的筛查和审查检查和评论。国家领事职位在不采访的情况下接收签证申请的能力,但不要求帖子对所有可用类别的帖子都这样做,使领事官员可以考虑到特定于国家 /地区的条件。

As the State Department recently noted: “These interview waiver authorities have reduced visa appointment wait times at many embassies and consulates by freeing up in-person interview appointments for other applicants who require an interview. Nearly half of the almost seven million nonimmigrant visas the Department issued in Fiscal Year 2022 were adjudicated without an in-person interview. We are successfully lowering visa wait times worldwide, following closures during the pandemic, and making every effort to further reduce those wait times as quickly as possible, including for first-time tourist visa applicants. Embassies and consulates may still require an in-person interview on a case-by-case basis and dependent upon local conditions.”8



As the State Department explained in 2015, “interview waiver options do not represent a reduced scrutiny of applicants; rather, they are intended to提高通过允许州将更多资源集中在潜在威胁上,签证过程的安全。”






Current interview waivers should be extended until at least 80% of non-immigrant visa applicants in categories requiring USCIS petition approval or sponsor-issued Certificates of Eligibility can schedule an interview within three weeks。Existing waivers should not be lifted unless this benchmark for visa processing can be maintained. In 2012, the president established this benchmark as a target for DOS with regard to business and tourist visas. By 2015, the Department successfully brought wait times down with the help of numerous policy changes, including the use of interview waivers. This benchmark provides a reasonable criterion to define unusual or emergent circumstances related to visa processing justifying waivers.

领事管理控制措施应包括领事职位向国务院领事馆事务局使用面试豁免的年度报告。领事职务通常进行少量的lidation studies each year for Visa Services leadership in Consular Affairs. Each consular post should be tasked with reporting: whether the post utilized interview waiver authorities, and the reasoning for when the authorities were employed or not, what efficiencies or hurdles were encountered; and how the targeted use of interview waivers at the individual post can mitigate risks by allowing consular officials to focus attention on country-specific conditions.

Congress should authorize expanded interview waivers beyond the emergent circumstances of reduced processing capacity and task DOS with piloting other policies that would institutionalize efficient visa processing。Waivers are justified under current authority by the unusual circumstance of reduced processing capacity but may be helpful even when processing capacity has rebounded. Congress can and should make clear that it intends the national interest authorities left to the Secretary of State be utilized for the purpose of keeping processing times down. Congress can also help DOS pilot remote interviews for those lowest risk applicants that remain ineligible for interview waivers or in countries where interview waivers are not an appropriate response for country conditions. Combining interview waivers with remote interviewing authority would allow the State Department to better choose how to deploy its resources while also maintaining thorough screening and vetting through biometrics. Institutionalizing more certain and predictable timing on visa applications would help ensure the U.S. is attractive to international talent that is key to keeping the country competitive.



Lifting COVID-related restrictions does not automatically imply that all embassies or consulates will be able to immediately manage pre-pandemic levels of visa applications. Adjusting staffing resources and infrastructure could take time, especially when considering additional constraints from dealing with limited operational capacities. In these cases, visa interview waivers can help alleviate undue stress on embassy operations while providing flexibility to consular officers.

ina 222(e)
CRS,“Monitoring Foreign Students in the United States: The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS).”
68 FR 40127
ina 222(h)
See IFP,签证困境。