Nuclear Weapons


10.04.11 | 5分钟阅读 | 文字Hans Kristensen

没有很多公共图片显示美国弹道导弹潜艇访问韩国。这显然显示了1979年在Chinhae举行的John Marshall(SSBN-611)号,海底携带了16枚Polaris A3导弹,总计为48个200-KT弹头。



After North Korea’s nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009, shelling of South Korean territory and the sinking of one of its warships, there have been reports recently that an increasing number of South Koreans want the United States to deploy nuclear weapons in South Korea again, after the last such weapons were withdrawn in 1991. They think it is necessary to deter North Korea.

Some analysts have evensuggested美国应该开发改进的核地球穿透器,以更好地威胁朝鲜被深深掩埋的目标,这一想法以前提出了布什政府,但被国会拒绝。

Boomers in Chinhae

SSBN访问韩国是独一无二的。美国通常不会将SSBN送入外国港口。但是有例外。1963年,萨姆·休斯顿号(Sam Houston)(SSBN-609)号航空公司驶向土耳其的伊兹米尔导弹危机。izmir访问是一次一次性活动,在接下来的12年中,没有SSBN访问外国港口。

Between December 1976 and March 1981, nine U.S. ballistic missile submarines conducted 35 port visits to South Korea

Then, on December 19, 1976, the USS Sam Houston suddenly arrived in Chinhae, South Korea. The ship was under order to “surface in Korea for 3 days to ‘rattle the saber,”according to a former crew member。这是美国SSBN在太平洋的第一次外国港口访问。

Two visits followed in 1978 but in 1979 the operations expanded with 14 visits conducted by eight SSBNs. In October that year, three SSBNs made three visits for a combined presence of 15 days.

次年,1980年,访问次数扩大到15,6月,港口共有17天的三次访问。1981年,与Polaris SLBM的逐步淘汰同时,访问仅下降到两个。



The visits took place in a complex political situation. South Korea had started a program to develop nuclear weapons technology, President Carter wanted to withdraw U.S. nuclear weapons from South Korea, and North Korea was building up its military forces backed by China and the Soviet Union.

Ironically, South Korea had started a nuclear weapons technology program in 1974 not because of doubts about the U.S. nuclear umbrella per ce, but because,according to the CIA,对美国整体安全承诺的可靠性有疑问。据报道,该计划于1976年在美国和法国压力后终止。[看这里进行有见地的分析]

同时,新当选总统吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)wantedto withdraw U.S. nuclear weapons from bases in South Korea. At the time the SSBN visits began, the U.S. had approximately 500 ground-launched nuclear weapons at bases in South Korea – roughly the same number of warheads as onboard the missiles of the nine visiting SSBNs. [For a brief history of U.S. deployment of nuclear weapons in South Korea, go这里]. In the end, Carter’s withdrawal didn’t happen but the land-based weapons were significantly reduced (see below).


SSBN访问也可能设计到remind China about the U.S. military presence in the region, despite its defeat in Vietnam. The end of the SSBN visits to South Korea in 1981 and the phase-out of the Polaris SSBNs fleet in the Pacific coincided with China’s removal from the U.S. strategic war plan as part of the Reagan administration’s efforts to recruit China as a partner against the Soviet Union. (China was later reinstated in the war plan in 1997 by the Clinton administration.)

1982年9月,第一个新的俄亥俄级SSBN部署在太平洋的第一次巡逻中,在接下来的五年中,随后是其他七艘船,每艘船都装有24艘长距离,更准确的Trident I C-4导弹。(从那以后,所有这些都已升级到更强大的Trident II D-5导弹)。即使在1991年最后一次从该国撤离该国,Trident SSBN也没有访问过韩国。


The SSBN visits to South Korea are a curious but little noticed footnote in the Cold War history. More research is needed to better describe exactly why they happened, but the visits seemed intended to signal assurance to South Korea and deterrence to its adversaries.


但是访问已经提醒了considerable nuclear capabilities in the region that could be used to signal. Nuclear-capable bombers routinely forward deploy to Guam, and the eight SSBNs patrolling in the Pacific could surface again and visit South Korea if necessary.


The question is whether it is necessary. The nuclear capabilities the United States operates in the Pacific region today are far more capable than in the 1970s, and the combined conventional forces of South Korea and the United States enjoy a significant advantage over North Korea’s aging conventional forces. To the extent that anything can, these forces should be sufficient to deter large-scale North Korean attacks against the south.

的确,平壤对美国核能的痴迷 - 即使是对华盛顿仍在韩国部署核武器的误解,也强烈表明,目前的核雨伞不需要平壤的核伞,并且不需要核重新部署或核掩体棒球。毕竟,目的是向朝鲜半岛无核化,而不是回到过去。

This publication was made possible by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York and Ploughshares Fund. The statements made and views expressed are solely the responsibility of the author.

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