

09.16.21 | 7 min read | 文字亚当山



2021年1月,拜登总统在做出明确的承诺以减少核武器在美国国家安全战略中的作用后担任职务。比约瑟夫·拜登(Bjoseph R. Biden)在对竞选外交政策的主要表达中,“为什么美国必须再次领导:在特朗普之后拯救美国外交政策”,外交事务99 (2020): 64.iden declared that “the sole purpose of the US nuclear arsenal should be deterring—and if necessary, retaliating against—a nuclear attack.”1自任职以来,拜登(Biden)并没有重复承诺,尽管他的最初的国家安全指导和他的国务卿重申了减少对核武器依赖的目标。2随着五角大楼开始对核武器政策进行审查,拜登和他的国家安全官员将必须确定是否采用唯一目的,如果是的,则意味着什么。唯一目的的既定语言为政府提供了相当大的纬度,以减少对核武器的依赖。根据唯一目的的定义和实施方式,它可能对核力量结构和战略产生变革性的后果,或者最终可能是几乎没有实际影响的修辞承诺。

尽管该语言可以追溯到几十年来,但从来没有对唯一目的的确切或商定的定义。该词组的首次发表是在阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert EinsteinAtlantic1947年,爱因斯坦(Einstein)辩称,尽管美国必须储存炸弹,但它应该放弃其使用。“威慑应该是炸弹库存的唯一目的。”如果正如杜鲁门总统提出的那样,联合国被授予国际对原子能的控制,那么“应该是为了阻止侵略者或叛逆国家发动原子袭击的唯一目的。3由于这个想法在1960年代得到了普及,因此唯一的目的已成为有关核武器作用的持续辩论的持续主题,但它很少与确切的定义或实施它的计划有关。

Sole purpose is more ambiguous than other declaratory policy proposals (such as no first use) because it purports to define, or constrain, the purpose of nuclear weapons. Depending on how the terms of the statement are defined and how the statement is implemented in practice, its effects could be broad, narrow, restrictive, permissive, or ambiguous. For example, President Biden’s sole purpose language could be construed to proscribe nuclear weapons from performing a wide range of functions or from being used in wide ranges of contingencies. Slight variations in the wording of a sole purpose declaration can produce dramatically different policies and be perceived differently by allies and adversaries, who will examine the policy closely. Depending on how sole purpose is defined and implemented, sole could reduce or eliminate requirements for each piece of the triad or for nuclear use in a variety of different contingency plans.


Because sole purpose could potentially be defined in many different ways, some definitions will be better or worse. Advocates or opponents should be clear about what constitutes a better or worse definition. The administration should not accept the argument that a good definition is one that preserves existing force structure or plans, maintains ambiguity for its own sake, or comports with the preferences of certain allies or services. This piece argues that a good definition of sole purpose is one that assists with the development and implementation of a credible, integrated posture by which the United States and its allies deter aggression and nuclear use; reflects the president’s preferences about how to manage escalation in limited conflicts with nuclear-armed adversaries as well as his assessment of the requirements of deterring a major strategic attack; reduces the risk of misperception and adversary nuclear first use incentives; and can be implemented in force structure and plans so that it is resilient to leadership changes in the United States. Because the president has expressed a preference to reduce the nation’s reliance on nuclear weapons, a good definition of sole purpose should help to do so in ways consistent with his preferences.

本文研究了为定义唯一目的并减少对核武器的依赖的官员可用的选择范围。它探讨了唯一目的定义的不同定义的实际含义,以及确保它们以负责,有效且最有可能持续时间的方式实施所需的步骤。有两个核心论点。首先,唯一目的不应理解为核声明政策,而应是综合威慑战略中的关键组成部分。以这种方式理解,唯一的目的不仅是降低核升级风险和达到美国对减少对核武器依赖的承诺的宝贵手段与核武器对手的有限冲突。其次,有效的唯一目的政策不能简单地成为核声明政策段落中的句子。If the administration is serious about attaining the benefits of sole purpose, the policy should be comprised of the declaratory statement, additional language to clarify and contextualize the policy, and a set of directives that communicate the president’s guidance for how the policy should affect force structure and plans.


约瑟夫·拜登(Joseph R. Biden),“为什么美国必须再次领导:在特朗普之后拯救美国外交政策”,外交事务99(2020):64。
U.S. National Security Council, “Interim National Security Strategic Guidance,” March 2021,https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NSC-1v2.pdf;埃里·苏吉拉(Eri Sugiura),“美国国务卿安东尼·眨眼的采访笔录”,尼克基亚洲,2021年3月17日,https://asia.nikkei.com/editor-s-picks/interview/transcript-of-interview-with-with-us-secretry-of-state-antony-blinken。
阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein),“原子战与和平”,《大西洋》,1947年11月1日,https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1947/11/atomic-warr-or-peace/305443/。

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