

04.20.22 | 6 min read | 梅根·达米科(Me​​gan Damico)的短信



美国人吃的食物中有三分之一来自honeybee-pollinated crops。用于商业授粉操作的蜜蜂通常用抗生素作为针对细菌感染的预防措施处理。预生物和益生菌被销售为养蜂人,以帮助恢复蜜蜂的肠道健康并改善整体免疫功能。但是,这些补充剂几乎没有或没有联邦监督。目前市场上的养殖补充剂很昂贵,但通常无效。这使农民浪费了“蛇油”产品,而蜜蜂殖民地仍然被削弱 - 不仅威胁到美国农业经济,而且威胁到养蜂人和农民的生计。同时,在凋亡中广泛使用抗生素,使蜜蜂具有耐药性的高风险。


Challenge and Opportunity

Honeybee pollination services are pivotal to the U.S. agricultural economy. It is estimated thatabout one-third of the food Americans eat来自由蜜蜂授粉的农作物。在整个上个年代,养蜂人遭受了殖民地损失that make commercial apiculture challenging. These colony losses are caused by complex and interconnected金博宝正规网址包括蜜蜂疾病的兴起,例如细菌感染美国Foulbroodor viral infections linked to pests like theVarroa mite,蜂巢虫害,栖息地破碎和营养损失以及农药和/或农药暴露的使用的总体增加。

细菌和病毒性疾病对蜜蜂菌落构成的重大威胁驱使商业养蜂作战以常规治疗其荨麻疹(主要是oxytetracycline)。Unfortunately, antibiotic treatment can also (i) compromise honeybee health by wiping outbeneficial bacteriain the honeybee microbiome, and (ii)促进抗生素耐药性。Routine use of antibiotics in apiculture hence compounds the challenges mentioned above and further compromises the livelihoods of U.S. farmers and the security of U.S. food systems.

2017年,FDA通过修改1996年《动物药物可用性法》(ADAA)的兽医饲料指令(VFD)部分,对替代性过度使用的抗生素过度使用做出了反应。2017年修正案需要养蜂人获得兽医批准用抗生素针对某些疾病治疗菌落。虽然在纸上有吸引力,但实施这项政策的实施在实践中遇到了挑战。寻找一个理解高度复杂动力的兽医的兽医一直是重大挑战for commercial beekeepers, especially in rural areas.需要改善VFD的实施,以遏制替代性抗生素耐药性在凋亡中的传播。

Relatedly, researchers, beekeepers, and companies alike have all been on the hunt for a solution to restore honeybee health after antibiotic treatment. Pre- and probiotic therapy has recently been proposed as a promising and cost-effective strategy to enhance human and animal health, particularly to恢复有益的肠道细菌抗生素治疗后。几家公司开发了针对商业养殖者的预订和益生菌补充剂。两个受欢迎的补品是HivealiveTM值和SuperDFM®-HoneybeeTM值。热心TM值被以益生元的形式销售,由海藻,百里香和柠檬草提取物组成。虽然有一些证据那个热心的TM值decreases infectious fungal-spore counts and reduces winter honeybee mortality, the value of this supplement as a honeybee prebiotic (i.e., to boost growth or activity of beneficial gut bacteria prior to antibiotic treatment) has not been tested. SuperDMF®-HoneyBeeTM值被销售为可以恢复蜜蜂肠道微生物组的益生菌。但是SuperDMF®-HoneybeeTM值仅由从哺乳动物或环境中分离出来的微生物组成,这些微生物在蜜蜂中从未发现过,因此可能无法在蜜蜂肠道上定居。迄今为止,两者都没有TM值NORSUPERDFM®HONEYBEETM值科学证明,可以保护或恢复蜜蜂肠道微生物组免受抗生素治疗的不良影响。

很大一部分的原因和益生菌pplements for honeybees (as well as for other agricultural uses) have not been externally validated is that such products are not subject to FDA or USDA regulation. This lack of federal oversight means that beekeepers interested in using such products have only the manufacturer’s word that the products will work as promised. Federal intervention is needed to protect commercial farmers and beekeepers from predatory companies selling expensive “snake oil” products.



Part 1. Educate veterinarians in beekeeping to limit misuse and overuse of antibiotics.

For instance, the USDA’s Office of Pest Management Policy (OPMP) and National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) could collaborate with the U.S.Honeybee Veterinary Consortium在一项年度培训计划中,主持美国农业部的蜜蜂研究实验室,教育在农业区工作的兽医,讨论蜜蜂疾病,预防,治疗和治疗后选择的基础知识。该培训还可以讨论有关预订和益生菌补充剂功效的最新证据,以确保兽医可以帮助养蜂人浏览这个新兴的产品市场。此外,对于无法参加面对面培训的兽医,可以在在线门户网站中提供这些资源。


目前,针对养蜂人的预生物和益生菌市场是一个名副其实的“野生西部”:只要允许任何产品的营销和销售,只要所包含的食材被认为是安全的官方出版物美国饲料控制官员协会并且要么(i)被批准增加动物饲料(每个动物饲料《联邦法规守则》第21章中的第573部分(21 CFR 573))和/或(ii)通常被认为是安全用途的安全(gras)(包括在21 CFR 582 and 584)。值得注意的是功效of marketed pre- and probiotics does not have to be demonstrated. Therefore, in alignment with anFDA guidance document建议对针对养蜂人的预先和益生菌的更强大的监督,FDAOffice of New Animal Drug Evaluation (ONADE)应该扩展正常animal drug approval包括向养蜂人销售的预订和益生菌补充剂的过程。




Widespread use of antibiotics in commercial beekeeping is a problem for bees, beekeepers, and the larger ecosystem due to the spread of antibiotic resistance and the negative effects of antibiotic treatment on honeybee health. The federal government can mitigate these adverse effects by improving the knowledge and reach of vets trained in best practices for antibiotic treatment in apiculture, as well as by improving regulation of pre- and probiotic supplements purported to restore honeybee gut microbiomes following antibiotic treatment. These actions will collectively secure the health of honeybees — and the livelihoods of farmers who depend on them — for the long term.

Frequently Asked Questions



The FDA’s 2017 amendments to the VFD mean that if a beekeeper needs to administer antibiotics to their honeybees, they must obtain a prescription or feed directive from a licensed veterinarian. Therefore, vets have a new professional incentive to better understand the dynamics of beekeeping husbandry.


在理想的世界中,商业养蜂只能作为最后的手段依靠抗生素。但是现实是,今天的商业蜂箱是由于诸如养蜂业中强化抗生素使用史以及运输殖民地的实践等因素en masse从地点到地点 - 非常容易受到致命细菌的影响,以至于对养殖中的抗生素使用施加重大限制将严重损害美国农业生产力和美国农民的生计。从长远来看,农民,研究人员和政策制定者应继续制定逐步淘汰凋亡抗生素使用的策略。但是在短期内,仍应采取行动来促进凋亡抗生素治疗的最佳实践,并更好地调节补充剂,以帮助最大程度地减少抗生素治疗对蜜蜂健康的不利影响。

How retroactive would new FDA regulations on honeybee pre- and probiotic supplements be? I.e., would these regulations apply to products already on the market?


Where will the money come from to support the HBVSGP and new research ventures in pre- and probiotic development for honeybees?

The AVMA’s Veterinary Services Grant Program (VSGP) receives funding annually through Congressional appropriations. This funding was $3.5 million for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22). The HBVSGP could be launched with a similar amount. HBVSGP funding could come from new Congressional appropriations, and/or from existing USDA programs. For instance, the 2008e Farm Bill designated pollinators and their habitat a priority for the USDA and authorized money for projects that promoted pollinator habitat and health under theEnvironmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)。Money could also be earmarked from the美国农业部国家食品和农业研究所(NIFA),农业和食品研究计划 - 教育与劳动力发展赠款计划,以鼓励在Honeybee兽医护理中进行更好的预先和益生菌补充剂以及继续教育计划的研究和开发。