Nuclear Weapons

导弹观察 - 2010年2月

02.22.10 | 22分钟阅读 | 马特·施罗德(Matt Schroeder)的文字

A publication of the FAS Arms Sales Monitoring Project
February 2010
编辑:马特·施罗德(Matt Schroeder)
Contributing Author: Matt Buongiorno
图形:Alexis Paige



阿富汗:No recent discoveries of shoulder-fired, surface-to-air missiles in insurgent arms caches
Eritrea:UN slaps arms embargo on major missile proliferator
伊拉克:Fewer public reports of seized shoulder-fired missiles in Iraq, but MANPADS still a threat
爱尔兰:Alleged plot to shoot down a police helicopter may have involved surface-to-air missile
Myanmar:300 shoulder-fired missiles in insurgent arsenal, claims Thai Colonel
美国:Documents from trial of the “Prince of Marbella” reveal little about his access to shoulder-fired missiles





这个问题导弹手表features big news out of Thailand. A North Korean arms shipment seized by Thai officials in December contained “five crates of MANPADS SAM[s]”, according to an official Thai government report. The report, which was obtained by Bloomberg News in late January, appears to confirm North Korea as an illicit source of shoulder-fired, surface-to-air missiles. Depending on the origins and model of the missiles, this case could have profound implications for international efforts to curb missile trafficking. Also notable are reports of a Peruvian trafficking ring that stole at least seven Strela and Igla missiles from government arsenals and sold them to Colombian rebels, and of insurgent arsenals in Myanmar that contain 300 missiles – a stockpile comparable in size to the holdings of many small states. These reports illustrate the continued availability of illicit missiles to armed groups despite a decade-long international campaign to strengthen export controls and secure government stockpiles.

但是,这个消息还不错。Recent reports suggest that most armed groups continue to rely – often clumsily – on older first-generation infra-red seeking missiles, which are difficult to use effectively and often malfunction, as evidenced by the Basque terrorist group ETA’s failed attempts to shoot down the Spanish Prime Minister’s plane in 2001. This is not the first failed terrorist missile attack, and it will not be the last. In 2002, for example, an al-Qaeda affiliated group in Kenya armed with two SA-7b missiles missed an Israeli airliner as it was leaving Mombasa. The more of these spectacular failures that come to light, the less demand there will be amongst armed groups for first and second generation missiles. Or at least that is the hope. In those comparatively rare cases when terrorists are able to acquire and effectively use newer missiles, modern anti-missile technology may provide an effective last line of defense, as illustrated by the recent “multiple IR engagement” thwarted by the missile defense system on a Chinook helicopter reportedly operating in Iraq.[1]该国国会对国土安全部关于其反法术计划期待已久的报告报告的反应将部分确定到商业航空公司的最后一系列国防部,这将部分确定,该报告将于本月交付给主要的国会委员会。

同样令人鼓舞的是最近针对导弹贩运和促进该导弹的政府采取的行动。泰国政府反对在其国家反对导弹贩运的同一个月,联合国安理会对厄立特里亚(Eritrea)施加了武器禁运,厄立特里亚(Eritrea)是数千种武器,包括地面向空中导弹在内的苏格兰索马里集团Al Shebab的供应商。禁运没有太早来了。该组织的发言人最近威胁要在也门的“穆斯林兄弟”的帮助下,[2]显然是对基地组织的分支机构的参考,导致12月对美国联盟的飞机的袭击失败。艾尔·谢巴布(Al Shebab)对也门内战的广泛参与对也门政府及其西方盟友来说将是非常不利的,尤其是在武装分子带来的导弹时。禁运是否会激励厄立特里亚停止武装索马里武装分子,或者至少停止用精致的轻型武器武装他们还有待观察。

Country Reports

阿富汗:No Recent Discoveries of Shoulder-fired Antiaircraft Missiles in Insurgent Arms Caches, Confirms ISAF Spokesperson

据美军称,在2009年底,在被占领的叛乱武器库中没有发现任何manpads。国际安全援助部队联合司令部(IJC)的发言人告诉美国科学家联合会,“ ISAF联合司令部情报部门不知道ISAF单位发现的任何可携带的地表向空中导弹发现,因为IJC’s inception in October 2009.”[3]迄今导弹观察#3:伊拉克仍然常见的黑市导弹)。

While the reasons for the difference in illicit missile activity in Iraq and Afghanistan are not entirely clear, one likely factor is availability. Shortly after the US invasion, hundreds of missiles were looted from unsecured arms depots scattered across Iraq. Much of the looting, notes Government Accountability Office in a 2007 report, “…was conducted by organized elements that were likely aided or spearheaded by Iraqi military personnel,”[4]- 叛乱团体的未来成员。塔利班没有可比的国内导弹来源。然而,缺乏方便的国内源将不会排除国际黑市上肩带导弹的收购,并且有强有力的证据表明,塔利班已经从国外的来源那里获取了导弹,即中国的HN-5,但它们的数量似乎似乎是受到限制。这些导弹在对ISAF飞机上使用的程度尚不清楚。但是,关于叛乱活动的公开信息表明,如果成功使用任何导弹,很少有人能成功使用任何导弹。



在为违反联合国安理会的决议向索马里武装分子提供武器的多年后,联合国对厄立特里亚政府进行了禁运。1907年的决议,该决议于12月在安全理事会上以13-1投票批准,[5]imposes a ban on the international transfer of arms to and from Eritrea. It also authorized UN member states to inspect cargo crossing their territory if a violation is suspected, and to seize and dispose of any illicit weapons that are discovered.

厄立特里亚在Manpads扩散器名单中排名很高。近年来,联合国调查人员记录了装有从厄立特里亚到索马里的数十个Manpads的货物,违反了一个长期的联合国武器禁运。联合国调查人员称[6]索马里武装分子用来击落一架从摩加迪沙出发的白俄罗斯货运飞机。厄立特里亚政府否认了这些指控,但近年来,调查人员收集的其他证据似乎支持了早期的主张。例如,联合国调查人员的“在索马里发现”的SA-18 Igla导弹后来追溯到1995年运送给厄立特里亚的俄罗斯武器。[7]



公开可用的报道在2009年在伊拉克叛乱ReportsReports武器缓存中发现的肩膀向上导弹的报告在2009年急剧下降,但这种下降的原因尚不清楚。一项对英语媒体和美国军事资料的调查得出了有关2009年从武器库中回收的少数非法Manpads的信息,而不是前几年(见导弹观察#3:伊拉克仍然常见的黑市导弹)。鉴于我们和伊拉克为追回非法武器和拆除武器贩运网络的努力,恐怖分子和叛乱分子确实确实可以在2009年使用较少的导弹。经常出于安全原因。当询问明显下降时,跨国军 - 伊拉克的代表拒绝发表评论,只是说“ [F]或运营安全,我们无法提供此类细节……”[8]

Regardless of the reason for the decline in reported seizures, MANPADS remain a threat in Iraq, as evidenced by a recent incident in which a Chinook military helicopter was engaged by “multiple IR MANPADS.” The attack, which was first reported by Aviation Week’s David Fulghum, was reportedly thwarted by the helicopter’s anti-missile system.[9]



在12月,贝尔法斯特电报reported that “[d]issident republicans” had obtained an unspecified surface-to-air missile and were “…planning to use it to shoot down a helicopter full of police officers…” The article provides no additional details on the missile or the alleged plot, although an unidentified “police source” suggests that the “missile” may instead be a rocket-propelled grenade: “They [the dissidents] have access to rocket-propelled grenades or other surface-to-air missile [sic] and one of their priorities is to take out a helicopter.”[10]爱尔兰政府和独立监督委员会拒绝对这个故事发表评论,并发电子邮件给Telegrapharticle went unanswered.

太少的信息无法评估Telegraph’s主张。但是,即使爱尔兰的持不同政见者可以使用导弹,成功的攻击也远远无法保证。像世界各地的许多恐怖分子和叛乱分子一样,爱尔兰的武装团体在涉及肩带导弹的非法活动中有着悠久的非成功活动历史。IRA反复尝试购买美国的Stinger导弹,以许多可能成为导弹贩运者的入狱时间,即[11]and even when the group succeeded in procuring missiles with help of the Libyan government,[12]the IRA never effectively incorporated the missiles into its campaign against the British.[13]In the late 1990s, the group reportedly supplied some of its missiles to the Basque group ETA, who also failed to use them effectively (See below: “Spain:所谓的ETA成员揭示了暗杀西班牙总理的企图失败的细节”)。


Myanmar:300 shoulder-fired missiles in insurgent arsenal, claims Thai Colonel

A Thai military official interviewed by theInternational Herald Tribune11月,缅甸叛乱集团联合国军队拥有300枚“肩火防空导弹”[14]– a stockpile that is comparable in size to those of many small states. No additional details on the missiles were provided.


如果Peeranate上校的估计是准确的,并且导弹是运营的,那么西澳导弹库存是世界上最大的非国家武器库之一。Little is known about the security of the Wa’s weapons, but the general lack of accountability and formal controls on insurgent arms caches and the size of the stockpile raises concerns about theft, loss and diversion, and the possibility that some of the missiles will end up on the black market.


北朝鲜:North Korean arms shipment included man-portable air defense systems, Thai report confirms

美国科学家联合会that a cargo plane loaded with weapons from North Korea that was grounded in Bangkok in December contained man-portable air defense systems. According to a Thai report to the UN Security Council obtained by彭博一月份,货物中包含“五个曼潘斯板条箱”。尚未确定制造商,型号和年份。[16]需要此信息以充分评估癫痫发作的含义,并制定防止类似货物的策略。

It is possible that the missiles were manufactured in North Korea, which has produced the Chinese HN-5 and the Soviet SA-14 and SA-16 under license,[17]以及1970年代从埃及和1980年代从埃及和阿富汗圣战者那里获得的导弹技术逆转导弹技术的苏联SA-7和美国Stinger导弹。[18]另一种可能性是导弹ign-made and were transiting through, or were re-exported from, North Korea. This scenario could also have profound implications, depending on the origin and age of the missiles. Newly manufactured foreign missiles would suggest a recent government-to-government sale to North Korea – an egregious violation of the spirit if not the letter of international agreements on controlling MANPADS – or diversion from government stockpiles, which would likely be indicative of serious shortcomings in stockpile security policies and practices.

North Korea as a source of illicit MANPADS poses a significant challenge for policymakers since few if any of the diplomatic carrots and sticks used to secure MANPADS elsewhere would be effective vis-a-vis the Hermit Kingdom. Interdiction efforts associated with UN Security Council Resolution 1874 will likely make it more difficult to traffic in weaponry from North Korea, but shoulder-fired missiles are easy to smuggle, and adequately screening the contents of every plane and ship departing from North Korea would be impossible. The best that can reasonably be hoped for is that vigilance by North Korea’s neighbors and robust patrolling of international waters will limit North Korea’s arms smuggling in the near term, and that prioritization of the MANPADS proliferation threat by the six-party nations in negotiations with North Korean officials will yield a longer term solution.

泰国报告将伊朗的Mahrabad机场确定为飞机的目的地,尽管泰国官员随后表示,斯里兰卡和阿拉伯联合酋长国也被列为飞行文件中的停靠点。[19]The Iranians have denied any involvement in the transfer, pointing out that they have no need for the shipment since Iran’s defense industry produces its own “modern weapons”.[20]但是,伊朗人可能下令命令武器供自己使用,而是为了黎巴嫩或其他地方的代理人。外国导弹将使伊朗人能够为志趣相投的武装团体提供急需的防空系统,同时对他们在转会中的作用保持合理的可否认性。美国在秘密运动期间采取了类似的战略,以武装和训练阿富汗圣战者在苏联占领期间。[21]如果朝鲜武器被绑定到伊朗,则可能是出于类似目的的目的。



据报道,据称哥伦比亚叛军的自称为“物流专家”,据《秘鲁军方》获得了七枚Stela和Igla地面向空中的导弹。迈阿密先驱和基于利马的La Republica报纸。据称,厄瓜多尔民族弗雷迪·托雷斯(Ecuadorian National Freddy Torres)从秘鲁空军,陆军和警察的成员组成的贩运圈中收购了这些导弹以及其他武器。[22]根据The Juan Tamayo的说法迈阿密先驱。据报道,每枚导弹的金额为45,000美元。”[23]

Assuming man-portable Strela and Igla missiles were indeed stolen from Peruvian arsenals and sold to Colombian rebels, this case could have significant implications. The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) has tried unsuccessfully for years to acquire missiles capable of countering the Colombian armed forces growing fleet of fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, which are critical to its counter-insurgency operations. While a handful of Strela and Iglas will not turn the tide of the war in the FARC’s favor, the missiles could be very disruptive to Colombian air operations, at least in the short term.

Of greater consequence is the potential terrorist threat from the missiles. In the hands of a trained operator, a well-maintained missile poses a significant threat to civilian planes, including airliners; at least 45 civilian aircraft have been shot down by man-portable air defense systems worldwide since 1975.[24]这些导弹对哥伦比亚革命武装力量对哥伦比亚政府的战争具有重要价值,因此叛军不太可能将导弹对付商业客机。但是,它们可以与高价值平民目标对抗等高级政府或军事官员。这些导弹也可能在黑市上被盗或出售,在那里他们可以用恐怖分子在客机上设计。

导弹盗窃也是对该地区打击肩膀火威胁的承诺的重要考验。2005年,美国国家组织(OAS)的35名成员通过了AG/Res.2145,这是一套敦促成员国的指南,尤其是“……采用并维持严格的国家控制和安全措施防空系统及其基本设备。”这些指南包括特定的,严格的库存安全措施,例如单独的导弹和发射器存储,24小时监视以及严格控制导弹的控制。[25]根据简的信息组,多个导弹在几个月内的转移引起了关于秘鲁政府实施这些准则以及其余导弹库存的安全性的严重疑问。[26]A robust response to this incident would show the region and the world that the OAS and its member states take the illicit trade in terrorist technology seriously and are willing to match rhetoric with action.



从巴斯克恐怖组织ETA的一名涉嫌成员获得的情报显示,1999年从爱尔兰共和党军队获得的肩膀燃烧的,地表到空中的导弹击落西班牙总理的飞机的三次失败。Telegraph据称ETA成员被捕后,这些地块揭露了,据报道,据报道,该组织在2001年4月和2001年5月曾尝试过三次射击飞机,但该导弹每次都出现了失败。据报道,在嫌疑人家中发现的IRA的一封信抱怨有缺陷的导弹据称由德国的IRA成员出售给ETA。[27]The missiles were seized from an ETA arms cache by French authorities in 2004.[28]

媒体报告并未ReportsReports表明当局是否认为爆炸攻击中使用的导弹确实是错误的或被错误使用。与普遍的看法相反,肩膀的导弹不仅仅是载武器。他们需要培训才能有效使用,并且尚不清楚ETA成员在导弹运行中接受了哪些培训。不管发生攻击失败的原因是什么,此案强调了依靠黑市导弹的恐怖分子的风险,尤其是当导弹是快要结束(或过去)其估计的保质期的第一代技术时使用或存储不当。It is hoped that ETA’s bumbling – along with other spectacular failures like the unsuccessful missile attack on an Israeli airliner in Kenya in 2002 – will reduce black market demand for the most widely available (i.e. first generation) shoulder-fired missiles as terrorists recognize the folly of planning high-profile attacks around weapon systems that they do not fully understand and that may not function properly.



美国科学家联合会了解到,期待已久的一份关于在商业客机上安装反导系统的可行性的报告即将完成,并将在2月份交付给国会。“该报告快要结束了;DHS发言人在与美国科学家联合会的往来书中证实,我们仍然期望2月向Hill员工交付。该报告将发送给众议院和参议院拨款委员会,总结了2003年启动的计划的结果,以评估“……适应从军事航空使用到商业航空使用的现有技术的可行性,经济成本和有效性”。如在last issueof导弹手表,,,,the response from Congress to the report will be a critical indicator of whether its early enthusiasm for outfitting commercial airliners with anti-missile systems – a multi-billion dollar undertaking – has survived DHS’ lengthy evaluation process and a constant barrage of competing agenda items.


美国:Documents from trial of the “Prince of Marbella” contain additional information on shoulder-fired missiles

美国科学家联合会最近获得的法院文件对著名的武器贩运者蒙泽·卡萨尔(Monzer Al Kassar)的历史性案件提供了更多的见解,但许多重要的问题仍然没有解决。2007年,卡萨尔(Kassar)因涉嫌同意将数千种武器(包括肩膀火,地表向空中的导弹)出售给卧底的线人,以犯有哥伦比亚革命武装部队(FARC)的成员而被捕。一年后,卡萨(Kassar)被引渡到美国,并在纽约进行了审判,在那里他被判犯有其他人的罪名成立,他们串谋“收购和出口防空导弹”。[29]The surprising arrest and conviction of Kassar brought an abrupt end to the career of one of the most prolific traffickers in recent history. According to the US government, clients of Kassar’s have included armed groups in Bosnia, Brazil, Croatia, Cyprus, Iraq, Iran, and Somalia, among others.[30]

美国科学家联合会获得的数百份法院文件提供了对此案的更多见解,包括卡萨尔将曼帕德斯出售给哥伦比亚叛军的提议。Summaries of phone conversations between Kassar and the DEA informants indicate that Kassar “…spoke about various types of surface-to-air missile systems– including SAM-7s, SAM-16s, and SAM-18s – and the systems’ respective abilities to destroy U.S. helicopters.” Previously released documents only reference the SA-7, a first generation Soviet-era missile that is easier to acquire and less capable than the SA-16 and SA-18. However, none of the documents reveal whether Kassar actually had access to the missiles, or – if he did – how many he had or where he acquired them. The Federation of American Scientists will continue to research these questions and report any additional findings in future issues of Missile Watch.



自1999年以来,美国国防部雷神公司雷神公司最近告诉美国科学家联合会,美国政府从未与外国客户签订新的交易。Ince 1999年,美国政府否认了非北约国家要求Stinger Manpads的要求。在过去的十年中,我们没有从北约国家提出任何要求。”[31]




美国科学家联合会了解到,美国官员已从俄罗斯政府获得有关SA-24 Manpads出售给委内瑞拉的最终用途控制的“保证”,但有关这些控制的性质和实施的详细信息仍然很少。这些信息对于确定SA-24和其他导弹的“数千”至关重要[33]that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claims to be importing are in danger of being diverted to armed groups in the region or elsewhere.

为了回答有关此次出售的疑问,国务院发言人告诉美国科学家联合会,美国官员“……已经对俄罗斯政府对转移到委内瑞拉的武器的控制和安全表示了担忧”,他们已经收到了……俄罗斯政府的保证,该协议符合符合国际标准的最终用途控制。”[34]The official did not indicate whether Russia has provided the US government with a list of specific controls, or the extent to which these controls have been implemented. The Russian and Venezuelan governments have yet to respond to requests from the Federation of American Scientists for additional information.

关于Manpads控件的最突出的“国际标准”是曼帕德出口控制的元素。Under theElements,,,,Russia has agreed to “…satisfy itself of the recipient government’s willingness and ability to implement effective measures for secure storage, handling, transportation, use of MANPADS material, and disposal or destruction of excess stocks to prevent unauthorised access and use.”[35]在OSCE的附件中规定了一组更详细的程序Best Practice Guide on National Procedures for Stockpile Management and Security of MANPADS,俄罗斯政府帮助起草。最少,俄罗斯政府应确保委内瑞拉的股票安全和最终用途的政策和实践符合Wassenaar Arrangement’s Elements欧安组织的最佳实践指南,,,,和Organization of American States’控制和安全指南。Given the history of diversion from Venezuela’s arsenals,[36]regular on-site inventories and inspections by Russian officials are also merited. Failure to take these steps would raise serious questions about the Russian government’s commitment to implementing key international agreements and guidelines, including guidelines it helped to draft.


其他新闻和资源(11/ 2009- 1/2010)


马特·施罗德(Matt Schroeder)是美国科学家联合会的武器销售监测项目的经理。自2002年2月加入FAS以来,他就撰写了80多本书,文章和其他出版物,内容涉及美国武器传输,武器出口政策和非法武器贸易。金博宝更改账户他是《小型武器贸易》一书的合着者(牛津:OneWorld Publications,2007年),也是基于日内瓦的小型武器调查的顾问。金博宝更改账户

Matt Buongiornois currently serving as a Scoville Fellow at the Federation of American Scientists where he is working on small arms issues, U.S. nuclear policy issues, and Iranian nuclear issues. In addition to his work with FAS, Matt is staffing the 2010 National Model United Nations, a conference in New York that draws over 4,000 students and aspiring diplomats. He earned a B.A. in economics and political science from Texas Christian University in 2009.


导弹手表is a quarterly publication by the Arms Sales Monitoring Project at the Federation of American Scientists that tracks the illicit proliferation and use of man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), and international efforts to combat the terrorist threat from shoulder-fired missiles.

注册导弹手表,,,,go to /press/subscribe.html.

[1]David Fulghum,“ Laser在多SAM伏击中拯救Helo,”,2010年1月7日。

[2]“Yemen slams Shebab pledge to send fighters,”法新社,,,,2 January 2010.


[4]国防部应应用有关传统弹药存储站点安全需求的经验教训,,,,Government Accountability Office, March 2007, p. 7.

[5]科勒姆·林奇(Colum Lynch),“联合国安全理事会在厄立特里亚下令进行武器禁运,”华盛顿邮报,2009年12月24日。

[6]报告of the Monitoring Group on Somalia,S/2007/436,2007年7月18日,第1页。15。

[7]报告of the Monitoring Group on Somalia,S/2008/274,2008年4月24日,第1页。24-25。


[9]David Fulghum,“ Laser在多SAM伏击中拯救Helo,”,2010年1月7日。While US Army officials did not identify the location of the attack, “…other military sources indicate it was in Iraq,” according to Fulghum.

[10]Deborah McAleese,“新的持不同政见的目标……警察直升机;计划将轻度武装的PSNI斩波器从天上吹出,”贝尔法斯特电报,,,,2 December 2009.

[11]See Schroeder, Stohl and Smith,小型武器贸易(Oneworld Publications, 2007), p. 98-103.

[12]Smuggling efforts involving Libya were more fruitful. In the 1970s and 80s, the group acquired several MANPADS as part of a series of weapons shipments allegedly arranged by the Libyan government. But even these shipments were vulnerable to interdiction. TheEskund,,,,for example, which reportedly contained 150 tons of weaponry, including 20 SA-7 missiles, was seized by French authorities in 1987.

[13]See Ian Bruce, “Why They’re Never Short of a Gun,”先驱(Glasgow), 26 January 1998.

[14]“A Rebel Stronghold in Myanmar on Alert,”International Herald Tribune,2009年11月6日。

[15]“United Wa State Army (UWSA),”简的世界叛乱和恐怖主义,,,,updated 11 November 2009 and Anthony Davis, “Myanmar heat turned up with SAMS from China,”简每周的防守,28 March 2001.



[18]O’Halloran和Foss,p. 22 and Schroeder, Stohl, Smith,小型武器贸易,p。88。

[19]丹尼尔·十凯特(Daniel Ten Kate),“泰国敦促随着成本上升而对N.韩国武器缓存行动”,”彭博,2010年2月3日。

[20]“Seized Weapons Plane in Thailand not Heading for Iran: Official,”德黑兰时报,2010年2月3日。


[22]胡安·塔玛约(Juan Tamayo),“哥伦比亚革命武装力量的导弹购买引起了人们的关注”,迈阿密先驱,2010年2月16日,“被盗的秘鲁武器卖给了哥伦比亚叛军”,EFE,2010年1月13日。

[23]Tamayo, “FARC Rebels’ Missile Purchase Raises Concerns”


[25]Denying MANPADS to Terrorists: Control and Security of MAN-Portable Air Defense Systems,2005年6月7日通过,可在/asmp/campaigns/manpads/2005/oasmanpads.pdf上获得。

[26]见“秘鲁”,Jane’s World Armies,,,,posted 8 January 2010.

[27]菲奥娜·戈万(Fiona Govan),“西班牙总理免于有缺陷的IRA导弹被暗杀,”Telegraph,2010年1月18日。

[28]“法国警察在ETA CACHE中找到了防空导弹,”美联社世界之际,2004年10月5日。

[29]2009年2月24日,美国检察官办公室,纽约南部地区的美国检察官办公室:“国际武器贩运者蒙泽·卡萨尔(Monzer Al Kassar)和副裁定犯有恐怖主义指控。”

[30]United States of America –v. – Mozer Al Kassar, a/k/a “Abu Munawar,” a/k/a “El Taous,” Tareq Mousa al Gahzi, and Luis Felipe Moreno Godoy, June 2007, p. 1.

[31]与雷神公司陆军高级计划的业务发展经理Ty Blanchard的通信,2010年2月2日。

[32]See, for example, Andrei Chang, “China ships more advanced weapons to Sudan,” UPI Asia, 28 March 2008.

[33]“Chavez: Venezuela acquires thousands of missiles,”美联社,,,,7 December 2009. According to the Associated Press, Chavez claimed in early December 2009 that “[t]housands of missiles…”and rocket launchers, reportedly Russian-made, “…are arriving” in Venezuela, although he did not identify the type of missiles and rockets.

[34]Correspondence with State Department officials, 12 January 2010. The full response from the State Department reads as follows: “Russia is a major supplier of arms to Venezuela. We have expressed our concerns to the Russian government on the control and security of arms transferred to Venezuela. We have received assurances from the Government of Russia that the deal conforms with end-use controls that meet international standards. Particularly given reports of Venezuelan-origin [weapons] surfacing in neighboring countries, we urge the Government of Venezuela to implement strict controls to prevent the diversion of arms and ammunition.”

[35]These measures include monthly physical inventories of all imported missiles and launchers, storage of missiles and launchers in separate locations, continuous (24-hour) surveillance, and limiting storage site access to two people with proper security clearances, among others.


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