Science Policy

Laying the Groundwork for the Bioeconomy

02.03.23 | 4分钟阅读 | Text bySarah R. Carter

在过去的一年中,与美国生物经济学有关的政策进展取得了重大进展,这是生命科学和生物技术所驱动的经济的一部分,并通过工程,计算和信息科学来实现。1bioeconomy包括范围广泛的产品nd processes, from mRNA vaccines and drought-resistant crops to microbial fertilizers and bioindustrial fermentation. Rapid advances in biotechnology tools and capabilities have expanded the possibilities for bio-based products, and the U.S. government is looking for ways that it can best support this burgeoning sector of the economy. In addition to several reports and recommendations from outside experts and committees,23联邦政府机构内部的行动已在2022年9月之前刺激Executive Orderon Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy (EO 14081) and by theCHIPS and Science Actsigned into law in August 2022.


  1. 测量和语言:美国政府应该如何量化,衡量和跟踪生物经济的规模和形状?作为生物经济的一部分,“计数”是什么?
  2. 财务和经济工具:政府资金如何在生物经济中最有效地播种长期增长?应该使用哪些标准来确定优先级?

To generate ideas and support discussion related to bioeconomy policy, FAS hosted two half-day, multi-stakeholder, discussion-based workshops on December 5 and December 7, 2022, focused on these topics. Each workshop included representatives and experts from academia, industry, non-governmental organizations, and the U.S. government.


Discussion at the December 5, 2022 workshop focused on measurement and language for the bioeconomy. Panels and break-out sessions raised several key themes as well as specific ideas that the U.S. government should pursue. Key themes included:


Key Insights and Ideas about Financial and Economic Tools

2022年12月7日的研讨会着重于基于政府的财务和经济工具,以及它们如何最好地支持生物经济。演讲者通过描述美国政府已经计划通过支持区域生物制造基础设施的方式来提供背景国家科学基金会的区域创新引擎program and through theDepartment of Commerce’s Build Back Better Regional Challenge。研讨会的参与者还产生了一系列特定的想法,包括投资于生物制造基础设施网络,直接政府投资(例如税收优惠,补贴,采购和改善的赠款机会),以及发展资源和教育以支持小公司。多样化的劳动力发展也被确定为关键因素,重点是针对技术课程和社区大学的计划和伙伴关系,而不是博士学位的教育。讨论揭示了两个总体主题:

Looking Ahead

随着美国政府在生物经济上加强其活动,保持对话的进行将很重要。行政命令14081概述了与联邦机构正在努力完成的生物经济有关的具体行动;在许多情况下,这些都需要公开投入。科学技术政策办公室已经发布了两个公开请求的信息请求,一个要求有关总体的结构和活动的反馈国家生物制造和生物技术倡议and the other focusing on美国生物技术调节系统的挑战。尽管提交有关这两个请求的评论的日期已经过去,但在接下来的几个月中,还有其他机会向联邦政府提供意见。FAS将继续跟踪这些发展,召集专家和利益相关者支持政策决策,并为讨论做出贡献。


Dec 5 Summary Workshop Report (2022) Bioeconomy Measurement and Language


Schmidt Futures (2022) The U.S. Bioeconomy: Charting a Course for a Resilient and Competitive Future.https://www.schmidtf​​