Nuclear Weapons

Pentagon Sees “Increased Potential” for Nuclear Conflict

07.06.21 | 4分钟阅读 | Text bySteven Aftergood

The possibility that nuclear weapons could be used in regional or global conflicts is growing, said a newly disclosed五角大楼教义出版物关于去年更新的核战争。


“As a result, there is an increased potential for regional conflicts involving nuclear-armed adversaries in several parts of the world and the potential for adversary nuclear escalation in crisis or conflict.”

The publication presents an overview of U.S. nuclear strategy, force structure, targeting and operations. See联合核操作, JP 3-72, April 2020.

The document replaces a 2019 edition titled核行动that was briefly disclosed and then withdrawn from a DoD website. (See“国防部关于核操作的学说出版了,离线,”保密新闻,2019年6月19日。)

当前的文件不再包括一些关于通过核罢工获得“决定性结果”和“冲突中的胜利”的更加不过滤和热情的语言the 2019 version。“总统授权使用核武器”的声明被更改为更加约束的声明:“只有总统才能授权使用核武器”。


“虽然美国继续减少the number and salience of nuclear weapons, others, including Russia and China, have moved in the opposite direction. They have added new types of nuclear capabilities to their arsenal, increased the salience of nuclear forces in their strategies and plans, and engaged in increasingly aggressive behavior.”

“Russia’s strategic nuclear modernization has increased, and will continue to increase, its warhead delivery capability, which provides Russia with the ability to rapidly expand its deployed warhead numbers.”





The updated document不断扩大人们对情报在潜在核冲突中的作用的关注,包括“对敌对决策者对福利,成本和约束后果的看法的了解”和“有关对手资产,能力,能力和脆弱性的信息”。施加后伤害评估也需要智能。



“Possibly the greatest challenge confronting the joint force in a nuclear conflict is how to operate in a post-NUDET [nuclear detonation] radiological environment,” DoD said. “By design, nuclear weapons are highly destructive and have harmful effects that conventional weapons do not have. Commanders must plan for and implement protective measures to mitigate these effects and continue operations.”

联合核操作国防部不可用online public library of Joint Publications。但是,根据《信息自由法》,上周向美国科学家联合会发布了一份2020年4月文件的副本。

* * *

The Biden Administration adopted a somewhat conciliatory tone concerning nuclear weapons policy in its March 2021Interim National Security Strategic Guidance

“As we re-engage the international system, we will address the existential threat posed by nuclear weapons. We will head off costly arms races and re-establish our credibility as a leader in arms control. That is why we moved quickly to extend the New START Treaty with Russia. Where possible, we will also pursue new arms control arrangements. We will take steps to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in our national security strategy, while ensuring our strategic deterrent remains safe, secure, and effective and that our extended deterrence commitments to our allies remain strong and credible.”

But even some simple changes from past practice remain to be accomplished.For now, at least,拜登管理人员仍在遵守特朗普政策of classifying the size of the US nuclear stockpile rather than followingthe Obama policyof disclosing it.

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Nuclear Weapons

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