

06.15.23 | 6 min read | 文字黛安·桑切斯(Diane Sanchez)



Challenge and Opportunity

从历史上看,美国运输投资的重点是扩大和开发个人车辆旅行的高速公路。因此,45%的美国人无法获得可靠且安全的公共交通工具,可以使几乎一半的一半的一次性车辆永久存在。EPA报告说,运ReportsReports输占29% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions,这些排放中有58%来自轻型汽车。个人车辆的全国性排放量很大,具有短期和长期的气候影响。

在绿色公共和活动中的投资应该是DOT从个人车主主导的社会过渡并与Biden Adminissmation符合“goals到2035年,到2050年,到2035年的100%干净电网和净零碳排放量。”公共和主动运输基础设施包括公共汽车系统,轻轨,巴士快速运输,自行车道和安全的人行道。在公共和积极运输中的投资应用于使现有公共交通工具(例如公共汽车)振兴的结合;改善和扩大公共交通,以更可靠,可以使用更多用户;建造自行车道;开发社区拥有的自行车共享计划;并创建安全的步行走廊。

In addition to reducing carbon emissions, improved public transportation that disincentivizes personal vehicle use has a variety of co-benefits. Prioritizingpublic and active transportationcould limit congestion on roads and lower pollution. Fewer vehicles on the road result in less tailpipe emissions, which “can trigger health problems such as aggravated asthma, reduced lung capacity, and increased susceptibility to respiratory illnesses, including pneumonia and bronchitis。”对于数百万居住在高速公路附近和拥挤的道路附近的人来说,这一点尤其重要。

交通拥堵也可以为Amer财务成本ican households; theInriz全球交通计分卡报告称,交通拥堵在2022年花费了81ReportsReports0亿美元。这些费用包括车辆维护,燃油成本和“损失时间”,所有这些都可以通过可靠且可访问的公共和主动运输来减少。此外,美国公共交通协会报告说每个ReportsReports投资1美元在公共交通中,产生了5美元的经济回报,以储蓄的时间来衡量,交通拥堵的减少和业务生产力。因此,通过投资公共交通,社区可以看到空气质量,经济和健康的改善。

公共交通主要在地方和州一级进行管理;目前,结束6000local and state transportation agencies provide and oversee public transportation in their regions. Public transportation is funded through federal, state, and local sources, and transit agencies receive funding from “乘客票价和其他运营收据。”联邦公交管理局(FTA)通过赠款贷款和帐户15% of total income for transit agencies, including 31% of capital investments in transit infrastructure.Local and state entities often lack sufficient resources to improve public transportation systems because of the uncertainty of ridership and funding streams.

Public-private partnerships can help减轻其中一些资源限制是因为合同可以使私人合作伙伴能够运营公共交通系统。从联邦到市政一级的多个机构之间的地区和国家合作也可以帮助减轻公共交通发展的资源障碍。地方和州机构不必独自工作以改善公共和积极的运输系统。



Recommendation 1. The FTA should require grant applicants for programs such as the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) to define how they will work collaboratively with multiple federal agencies and conduct community engagement.


  1. Develop a rubric for evaluating partnerships’ efficiency and alignment with national transit decarbonization goals.
  2. Create a tiered metrics system within the rubric that prioritizes grants for projects based on collaboration and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the transit sector.
  3. 向他们的类别添加类别指导中心on federal-state-local partnerships to provide insight on how they view successful collaboration.

建议2. DOT和HUD应合作进行奖项竞赛,以设计活跃和/或公共交通项目以减少交通拥堵。

住房和运输成本相关并相互影响,这就是HUD是天然伴侣的原因。资金可以来自高速公路信托基金,该DOT有权将其分配给“1%用于携带研究和发展的资金出去 。。。奖杯计划[S]。”

This challenge should call on local agency partners to provide a design challenge or opportunity that impedes their ability to adopt transit-oriented infrastructure that could reduce traffic congestion. Three design challenges should be selected and publicly posted on the Challenge.gov website so that any individual or organization can participate.


Recommendation 3. Federal, state, and local government should increase opportunities for public-private partnerships (P3s).



这road to decarbonizing the transportation sector requires public and active transportation. Federal agencies can allocate funding for public and active transit more effectively through the recommendations above. It’s time for the government to recognize public and active transportation as the key to equitable decarbonization of the transportation sector throughout the United States.

Frequently Asked Questions

美国的大多数P3都用于公路,桥梁和道路,但有一些成功的公共交通P3。2018年,洛杉矶市以49亿美元的P3加入了Lax和Lax Integrated Express Solutionsa train system within the airport。This project aims to launch in 2024 to “enhance the traveler experience” and will “result in 117,000 fewer vehicle miles traveled per day” to the airport. This project is a prime example of how P3s can help reduce traffic congestion and enable and encourage the use of public transportation.


In 2021, the Congressional Research Service released a report about public-private partnerships (3Ps) that强调联邦政府可以扮演的角色by making it easier for agencies to participate in P3s.



