

11.30.22 | 24 min read | Text by Team FAS


When properly harnessed, science, technology, and innovation can greatly benefit society. The challenge, however, is that the U.S. governments often struggle to capitalize on these sources of ideas, evidence, and experience to drive effective policy and governance. FAS exists to change that dynamic.

Founded in 1945, FAS envisions a world where cutting-edge science, technology, ideas and talent are deployed to solve the biggest challenges of our time. We embed science, technology, innovation, and experience into government and public discourse in order to build a healthy, safe, prosperous and equitable society.

Message from the CEO

Friends & Colleagues,

Most of the ideas people write down in Washington fail to inspire action. Yet there is nothing immutable about the status quo. At the Federation of American Scientists, we are obsessed with outcomes, not just the myriad ways that science and technology can make the world a better place, but finding new and better ways to deliver on that vision.

And in 2022, deliver we did. Our team helped inspire a critical compromise that made the generational downpayment in American science of the CHIPS and Science Act happen. Our Talent Hub placed 52 expert fellows in the federal government to deliver on the promises of evidence-based, expert-backed policy. Our policy leaders have published 200+ implementation-ready policy memos, and continue to drive their successful implementation, like the newly funded Advanced Research Projects Agency-Health (ARPA-H). Our renowned Nuclear Information Project broke readership records and kept the public informed on nuclear developments in Eastern Europe and elsewhere at home and abroad.I hope you’ll read more about all of our wins in this year’s FAS Impact Report.

今年是我第一年担任CEO的美联储eration of American Scientists. I spent much of that time building towards a vision that honors nearly 80 years of impact while growing in new domains and new ways. In this work, I am propelled by the sheer force of our team’s seemingly never-ending optimism. There is always someone at FAS obsessing about policy, process, and progress. From project directors, to research associates, to fellows, and to interns, everyone at FAS has a hunger to do good in the world.

我们的团队有doubledsince last year, and that growth has significantly increased FAS’ caliber. Some organizations have extensive expertise on a topic or deep proficiency in an approach. In a growing range of policy topics, we have both. Our new teammates bring proficiency and experience that strengthen our policy portfolio, widen our capacity for change, and allows us to deliver on our theory of policy entrepreneurship. We are lucky that such deeply motivated and talented individuals seek out FAS to hone their eagerness into a disciplined edge to lead future policy leaders and policy efforts.

And as our team has grown, so have our efforts to build an inclusive and diverse workforce. With support from our newly established DEI Committee, we have instituted a set of equitable hiring processes for Team FAS and our Impact Fellowship placements. We are exceeding our commitments to gender equality for featured speakers on panels. And, we are formulating stronger commitments to promote racial equity through our internal hiring processes as well as our policy development and implementation strategy. However, we are at the early stages of this journey, and approach our DEI strategy with humility and an awareness of the critical work that still needs to be done.

It is impossible for me to fit the entire year’s successes into a single letter, but I hope our annual report brings my update to life.

如果您想支持这项工作,可以donate here, or review our website for exciting政策机会,fellowships, or open positions.


丹尼尔·科雷亚(Daniel Correa),




In 2022, FAS has expanded its DEI strategy beyond its最初的承诺to:

就像我们的工作推进的政策变化,FAS美联社proaches the mission of infusing DEI principles into our organizational culture and the importance of broadening our team’s perspectives with urgency. We also recognize that as a science organization with national reach, we can model forward-thinking approaches to these issues that others can emulate. We acknowledge that we still have a long way to go before claiming success, but FAS is committed to this journey for the long run.

Impact Highlights

Social Innovation

TheSocial Innovation teamgrew its reach across every aspect of its work, yielding high-impact legislative wins in education R&D policy, solving some of the most critical science and technology policy issues with talent through quadrupling the size of its Impact Fellowship program, and generating novel STEM education policy ideas positioned for impact.

Bolstering the Federal Workforce and Catalyzing Action through the Talent Hub

不到两年前,我们创建了人才枢纽,以帮助联邦机构招募世界一流的专家并解决高优先级的科学技术计划。使用既定的招聘机制,人才枢纽fasImpact Fellows由联邦机构选为由代理领导人确定和范围的关键角色。影响奖学金迅速成为有成就的专家进行短期参观公共服务的必不可少的途径。

人才已经爆炸的中心to meet surging agency demand. This year, FAS selected and placed 43 Impact Fellows in 16 different offices across 11 federal agencies. Fellows’ specializations have thus far included wildfire mitigation, cybersecurity in education, and environmental sustainability in federal supply chains. Thanks to the dozens of additional professional development sessions that FAS has provided, the breadth and depth of their work continues to grow. For example, we have recruited policymakers to teach the Fellows how to maximize their tours of service, and created Impact Fellow networking opportunities to establish a cohesive, cross-agency community of policymakers. As a result, these individuals are using their fellowships to implement landmark legislation and advance crucial societal priorities. Even still, the reach and impact of the fellowship far exceeds the work undertaken by its participants.

影响奖学金的核心前提是作为联邦对技术人才投资的概念证明。由于我们在2022年的影响者位置的直接结果,他们直接雇用或启发了50多名其他技术人员和科学专家。一个闪亮的例子是教育科学研究所的决定,决定建立一个整个数据科学部门,以扩展FAS Impact研究员催化的工作。

In 2023, FAS’ commitment to talent will grow and include even more technically diverse Impact Fellows, including the addition of 30 climate science-oriented experts to support implementation of programs funded by the Inflation Reduction Act.

Talent Technical Assistance at the Department of Energy

Our team is constantly searching for new ways to ensure federal agencies have the resources, tools, and expertise needed to implement ambitious science agendas. In 2022, we deepened our work with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to help it staff up to drive a clean energy future. DOE’s clean energy efforts – bolstered by allocations for new staff in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act – will require a massive influx of skilled scientists and technologists, many of whom have never considered public service and must be recruited.

Our team stepped in to assist with major hiring and recruiting efforts, working with the collaboration and support of partners such as Breakthrough Energy and Clean Energy for America. With these partners, FAS developed recruiting tools and hosted informational hiring webinars for potential applicants to the agency’s Clean Energy Corps. To date, this work has helped DOE increase short-term capacity to ramp up agency efforts on investments in clean energy technologies, and improved DOE’s long-term capacity to tackle core climate priorities.

In 2023, FAS plans to continue its federal talent partnership work with the Department of Energy, as well as expand that work to other agencies, to scope, recruit, and build pipelines to attract 21st-century talent to federal service. Building on existing assets like FAS’灵活招聘资源指南, we will continue to develop technical assistance products for federal partners, engage ecosystem stakeholders like workforce development organizations, start-ups, and nonprofits, and communicate with agency leaders to best support their workforce operations.

Advancing Innovation in Education


Additionally, increased federal, state, and local investments in STEM education are urgently needed. In pursuit of this agenda, FAS hosted a “policy accelerator”––an intensive, cohort-based training in policy entrepreneurship. This program––conducted in partnership withBeyond100K——召集了参与者的热情dvancing equity and representation in STEM education and beyond. Over two months, these individuals developed actionable policy memos and learned how to promote their ideas. The wide-rangingrecommendations提倡的方法:将文化能力纳入STEM课程中,包括教室中的数字道德原则,促进少量服务机构的协作,并增加STEM领域中边缘化个人的代表性,仅举几例。

STEM教育政策加速器对STEM,公平和代表性交集的问题的关注是FAS不断增长的DEI任务的一部分金博宝正规网址,它将在2023年继续追求。例如,我们的团队将运行一个Racial Equity in Tech Policy Accelerator与Kapor Center合作。该加速器将识别,开发和发布一系列种族正义和技术政策思想,将由立法和行政部门实施。参与者将包括有兴趣将他们关于技术公平的思想发展成量身定制的,可行动的政策建议的政策制定者,学者和企业家,并为BIDEN-HARRIS政府和第118届大会提出了一套可行的政策建议。

Science Policy

TheScience Policy teamfosters connections between experts with ideas about how to use science to better serve the public good, and policymakers with the capacity to turn those ideas into reality. The team works across a range of priority domains, including environmental justice, wildfire prevention and mitigation, the science of science, evidence-based policy, and more.

This past year, the Science Policy team hosted twoDay One Project政策加速器并指导了超过二十一天的项目政策备忘录的开发。此外,该团队启动并试行了新的奖学金计划 -政策创业奖学金(PEF) - 支持四名早期职业研究人员为其政策思想制定和执行实施策略,这一努力产生了巨大的投资回报。


在整个科学政策生态系统中,政策制定者和创新者都在发展new paradigmsto connect institutions to progress. Building on previous work done by Day One contributors to create Focus Research Organizations, FAS partnered with the进度研究所to host aProgress Studies Policy (PSP)Accelerator, exploring concrete ways in which successful institutions and policies help generate useful progress in the future. Over the course of seven weeks, accelerator participants developed and advanced ambitious policy ideas to reshape public institutions and drive global progress.

Following the accelerator, we published10 Day One Project policy memos呼吁在经济竞争力,医疗保健,人工智能等方面进行大胆的决策。我们很高兴看到Chips and Science Act中反映出这套备忘录的多个建议,包括建立备忘录测试床支持可信赖,安全的AI和机器学习的发展,以及投资的备忘录traineeshipfor STEM graduate students.

Supporting Early-Career Researchers in Policy Entrepreneurship

有兴趣利用他们的研究来影响影响并改善生活的早期研究人员遭受了lack of opportunityto develop their policy muscles. To address this gap, and to foster the next generation of scientist-policy entrepreneurs, FAS launched a series of programs to lift up early-career researchers and help them gain exposure to tools and networks of policy entrepreneurship.

In partnership with the National Science Policy Network (NSPN), FAS hosted an早期职业研究员(ECR)加速器where participants published 11 policy memos on topics ranging from the underappreciated importance of the honey bee microbiome to the growing scourge of space junk. Following the accelerator, select participants joined Team FAS as the inaugural cohort of the政策创业奖学金(PEF), and received support in efforts to implement their policy memos.

Though most ECR accelerator participants had no significant prior policy experience, many of the ideas contained in the 12 memos produced have begun to gain traction. As an example, Grace Wickerson’s memo,打击医疗创新中的偏见, led to the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) launching a study to explore how racial bias in current pulse oximeter technology may exacerbate disparities in patient outcomes.

这是一个非常棒的经历,您不会后悔。FAS/Day One团队非常细心,并致力于他们的任务和加速器队列。That means you will get an abundance of support and really feel like the ideas you’ve had percolating in the back of your mind are made better through fantastic editing and feedback, and put into the hands of those who have the power to make them into real policy. For those of you who are serious about your science policy foray, this program is for you!

- 早期职业研究员加速器参与者


通过指定2022年白宫的行动证据年,拜登政府帮助2022年成为联邦一级基于证据的政策的最大一年。FAS通过与Pew Charitable Trusts证据项目合作来支持这项工作Evidence for Action Challenge, which crowdsourced creative, expert ideas for the future of data-driven policy. Ideas that emerged from the challenge includedincorporating evidence on what the public values into policymaking,using unmet desire surveys to facilitate productive collaboration among federal agency staff and external experts, andlaunching an intergovernmental research and evaluation consortium focused on economic mobility.

FAS还与白宫管理和预算办公室合作,主持Evidence Forumthat attracted more than 100 participants from across the evidence community. A central theme of the Evidence Forum was the potential of“living” approaches to scientific synthesisto enhance federal initiatives and programs in multiple policy domains. FAS looks forward to pursuing follow-on opportunities from the Forum in FY23. In particular, we are excited to work with our new resident fellow, Dr. Julian Elliott of Monash University, to explore how living evidence can inform the development of CDC guidelines, characterize the nature and impacts of long COVID, and much more.


拜登总统在2020年的国际电联讲话中重申了他政府致力于促进环境正义(EJ)的承诺。2021Justice40 Initiative是政府的全部努力,以确保至少有40%的联邦计划的投资和利益流向了处境不利的社区,这些社区被边缘化,服务不足和受污染负担过高。fashas been supporting the administration’s EJ priorities through the placement of several EJ-focused Impact Fellows at the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), and through weekly strategic check-ins with CEQ’s EJ team, as well as the placement of FAS Impact Fellows. One of our Policy Entrepreneurship Fellows (PEFs), Alexa White, also focused her fellowship on the Justice40 Initiative and related EJ work. The science policy team worked with Alexa and CEQ to prepare独立评估of the implementation status of the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC)’s Justice40 recommendations. Our analysis, which was completed after the conclusion of the fiscal year, found both progress and setbacks across implementation efforts. We look forward to working with CEQ and agencies in leveraging assessment insights to continue making historic progress on environmental justice issues nationwide in FY23, as well as looking at our own environmental and energy policy work through a justice lens.


到2023年7月,立法授权荒地消防和管理委员会will deliver a comprehensive set of new wildfire-related policy recommendations to Congress. Ahead of this “make-or-break” year for federal wildland fire policy, FAS has conducted foundational work that will help the Commission achieve its goals, both through talent placement and targeted policy development. Building on the placement of FAS Impact Fellow Jenna Knobloch in USDA’s Office of the Undersecretary for National Resources and Environment, FAS also created a数据可视化产品to navigate wildfire policy’s complicated federal funding landscape and contextualize the impact of legislative momentum.

In FY23, FAS will continue addressing America’s wildfire crisis. We will place at least two additional Impact Fellows at the White House Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Interior Office of Wildland Fire; we are scoping a third placement at the Environmental Protection Agency which will research wildfire smoke impact. Additionally, FAS has launched aWildland Fire Policy Accelerator专注于将多样化的科学和技术观点带入委员会,尤其是与气候变化,传统生态知识,技术和野火烟雾的广泛影响有关的主题。


在22财年,FAS为部署我们政策企业家工具包的全部范围奠定了基础,以帮助决策者启用强大的美国生物经济性,该公司的价值超过9500亿美元,并有望为新的生物工厂快速增长。在2023财年,FAS可以迅速对许多与生物经济有关的规定做出迅速反应authorizedin the Chips and Science Act and evenappropriatedfor in the Inflation Reduction Act–both of which were signed into law in August 2022–and the Executive Orderactivatinga whole-of-government approach to the bioeconomy released in September 2022. Moving forward, FAS will be crowdsourcing actionable policy ideas and convening biotech and biomanufacturing industry professionals and scholars and working with experts to design a policy agenda that would help support the U.S. bioeconomy.


Over the past year, the技术与创新teamat FAS has grown into a hub for entrepreneurial approaches to federal R&D and budgets, regional innovation clusters, industrial strategy for critical and emerging sectors, high-skilled immigration, strategic global development and competition, and more.

CHIPS and Science

In August 2022, President Biden signed into law the biggest investment and reform package for American science in years. The policies, programs, funding targets, and appropriated funds established in the CHIPS and Science Act will better support young people pursuing STEM careers, foster the next generation of American entrepreneurs, and help rebuild the U.S. foundation of science, technology, and innovation. The CHIPS and Science Act represents years of hard work by the science and policy communities. It also represents an enormous success for so many members of the Day One community, asmore than a dozen Day One memosbecame law with the stroke of the President’s pen. These victories underscore the power of democratizing policy entrepreneurship and allowing more citizens to be agents of policy change. The Day One community secured several legislative windfalls, including:

FAS团队还召集了一个领先的科学组织联盟urging the successful completion of negotiations, and provided theblueprint for a deal on expanding EPSCoR funding, a key sticking point in the final stages. FAS also continues to要求拨款to back up the science vision established in CHIPS.


In September 2022, the Economic Development Administration announced a $1 billion grant competition to:

为了支持这项对国家发展的投资,FAS加入了一个技术援助联盟,以支持Build Back Back Border Regional Challenge(BBBRC)的实施。通过这种伙伴关系,FAS支持60阶段的决赛选手区域with their R&D innovation and cluster-building strategy, securing specific, actionable, and high-impact commitments from their coalition, and laying the groundwork for forthcoming substantive partnerships between EDA applicants and other federal R&D and regional innovation efforts.

Reaching Global Development Moonshots

To meet the ambitious benchmarks set by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to provide an opportunity for visionaries across the world to develop and publish policy memos, FAS launched the全球发展月球加速器与Unlockaid合作。选定的申请人的提交涵盖了一系列开发解决方案,以改善人类发展并克服对灭绝的威胁,并被邀请参加墨西哥城的面对面研讨会。


第一天项目主任约书亚·舒普(Joshua Schoop)在墨西哥城举行的研讨会


The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed into law in November 2021, authorized the creation of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Infrastructure (ARPA-I). The ARPA-I authorization presents a generational opportunity for the Department of Transportation to tackle monumental challenges across transportation and infrastructure–including in the domains of safety, digital infrastructure, resilient and climate-prepared infrastructure, and many more–that are ready for breakthrough innovation. To meet the moment, FAS is supporting the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R) in scoping advanced research priorities across a range of infrastructure topics where targeted research can yield innovative new infrastructure technologies, materials, systems, capabilities, or processes. FAS’ approach relies on a proven methodology for research program design—drawn from practitioners at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) —that begins with defining a bold goal and a rigorous plan to achieve it.


Although many state and federal programs intend to provide Americans with vital support and resources, they often fall short of their goals. These initiatives neither treat beneficiaries as customers, nor place them at the center of the design of the program and experience. As a result, they frequently suffer from low take-up, poor retention, and inadequate outcomes. ThePresident’s Management Agenda, as well as a December 2021Executive Orderon “Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government,” have created a mandate for government agencies to adopt more human-centered approaches to policy, products, and service design.

To meet this moment, FAS is expanding the Day One Institute in 2023. This initiative will scale successful human-centered design and innovation programming, which has been delivered by our team to over 450 civil servants since 2017. In the year ahead, the Day One Institute will pilot workshops in novel professional settings, train new instructors, and create a blended learning model to familiarize 500 public servants with human-centered design and innovation methods, tools, and practices. Over the next two years, our goal is to improve social service delivery across state and federal agencies and to enhance civil servants’ ability to foster and deliver social service programs that meet the needs of diverse customers.


Over the past year, the国家安全team at FAS has worked at the forefront of addressing the emerging threats and risks of an ever-changing security environment, both domestically and internationally:

Together, these projects contributed smart and innovative solutions to complex challenges facing our world today–––with the goal of making it a safer and more secure place.

Nuclear Information Project

经过数十年的核武库和合作关系下降之后,核武器景观正在迅速发展。此外,俄罗斯对乌克兰的持续入侵和普京总统的明显核威胁使世界更接近战时核电,比冷战结束以来的任何时候。这个核紧张局势的新时代强调了核信息项目(NIP)的重要性。FAS’history and well-established reputation as the go-to source for factual information and analysis on nuclear weapons issues makes it uniquely positioned to inform and advise U.S. policymakers, the news media, other organizations, as well as the general public about the status and future of nuclear weapons. In this context, this year, the project had unprecedented reach into key constituencies involved in the policy debate:


Next-Generation Defense Budgeting Project

美国可能会失去其军事效果显著age over rapidly advancing adversaries, in no small part because the Department of Defense (DoD) and the national security community are unable to make effective and timely investment decisions. At the heart of these challenges are industrial-age resource allocation processes, namely the Department’s Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) system, which allocates resources years in advance, establishes categories for the use of funds, sets the lens for congressional oversight, and has limited execution-year flexibility.

The Next-Generation Defense Budgeting Project at FAS worked to broker Congressional consensus to establish a commission focused on generating actionable, bipartisan recommendations that will result in the most comprehensive reform of the PPBE system since the President’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management and the resulting Goldwaters-Nichols Act of 1986. The benefit to the nation will be a modern military capable of fielding new combat capabilities at pace with the speed of commercial innovation and within the decision cycles of our most determined advisories. This independent commission was authorized as part of the FY22 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).


The FAS Fiscal Sponsorship Program seeks to support burgeoning entrepreneurs in science and technology policy. Through this program, FAS provides sponsorship and support for philanthropic endeavors in an effort to forge partnerships and expand our impact in the science community. This year, we sought to grow our fiscal sponsorships not only in number but in the structure and offerings we provide to partners.


Led by Jennifer Erickson

在22财年,Organs Initiative继续执行其使命,以将数据驱动的解决方案推向器官短缺,这是由于缺乏可用的器官移植而导致33名美国人死亡。成功的关键是与合作伙伴合作,包括第一天的项目合着者,来自Organize,全球肝脏研究所,美国肾脏病学会以及两党问题的领导,来自奥巴马和特朗普政府以及麻省理工学院和校友的数据/技术合作伙伴美国数字服务(USD)在过去的一年中,FAS合作提供了备受瞩目的出版物,这些出版物推动了国会监督以及媒体报道,以加快对联邦政府自己的器官承包商进行金博宝更改账户改革的需求。两党之后,双萨尔国会呼吁加速器官捐赠改革作为一种“紧急健康公平问题”in July 2021, the Biden administration issued two Requests for Information (RFI) related to accountability for organ contractors.

In response, a wide range of stakeholders echoed FAS calls for open data for evidence of effectiveness and equitable service by organ procurement organizations (OPOs) across the country. Supporters of organ donation open data include leaders of theSenate Finance Committee, 这House Oversight Committee, 这ACLU,public health physicians,leading data scientists,alumni of the previous four administrations (Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump),all five past Chief Technology Officers of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 这National Kidney Foundation, 这美国肾脏科学会,Organize全球肝脏研究所.

Following a high-profile两党参议院财务听证会成器官承包商失败2022年8月,ongoing national media coverage (e.g., two front pages in the Washington Post – one on技术失败第二次deadly patient safety lapses), the Organs Initiative will continue to work with partners to deliver onbipartisan recommendationsfor accountability.

Improving America’s Foster Care System

由Marina Nitze领导

One of our major projects is increasing the percentage of children in foster care who live with kin (adults they already know and trust) from 34% to 80% nationwide. Our approach is to understand more about how to find kin through our Resource Family Working Group (which has grown to 20 states representing 137,700 foster youth), where state child welfare leaders come together once a month to surface and scale promising practices and shared challenges. We have collected over 150 promising practices through the group, which are published in the儿童福利剧本so other states can easily copy successful strategies from one another. We published aKin-Finding Progress Dashboardto highlight the progress each state is making toward our identified seven-point kin-finding plan.

如今,每个州都遭受了他们孩子最需要的寄养家庭的匮乏 - 讲语言,生活在学区并分享社区的家庭。传统的招聘策略围绕广告牌广告和农民的市场摊位,并且没有潜在的数据。与芝加哥大学的激进社会变革创新(RISC)中心合作,我们正在七个州进行差距分析,以创建一个实时,数据驱动的招聘“待办事项”列表。我们已经签署了密歇根州,印第安纳州,俄克拉荷马州,罗德岛,新墨西哥州,阿肯色州,印第安纳州和俄勒冈州。新墨西哥州最远 - 我们已经完成了那里的差距分析,并且正在全州范围内推出数据驱动的招聘仪表板,而其他六个州紧随其后。我们与儿童福利领域的3个主要IT供应商达成了合作协议,将这些仪表板纳入其IT系统,并将其扩展到40多个州。

Next year, we hope to start increasing the number of kinship placements nationally by scaling our plays and dashboards through multiple national partners. For example, we will help the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network (which runs the federal government’s technical assistance center on kin) run a learning collaborative where every state will adopt at least one practice from our dashboard. We will also help Washington State completely redesign its kin-finding office, as a reference implementation for the rest of the country. In January 2023, we will launch a statewide data-driven foster parent recruitment campaign with Arkansas to surface and scale successful methods for closing its identified gaps in foster family homes. We expect to roll out in Indiana in June 2023. These will be our first two of seven states to demonstrate the potential impact of a data-driven foster home recruitment methodology.

Fundraising and Development

The Federation of American Scientists achieved unprecedented fundraising success in FY22, bringing in $35 million to support a growing portfolio of cutting-edge work across its science, technology, innovation, and national security programs. This is a product of the critical strategic thinking implemented daily by the FAS team to solidify the organization’s presence as an indispensable voice for evidence-based, scientifically-driven policy analysis and research.


in revenue in FY22, an increase of more than 10x over FY21


sources of diversified financial support (a more than 2x increase over FY21), with no single source representing more than 30% of our revenue

$ 45,085

raised from individual donors



The majority of the funding FAS receives (99.83%) is restricted for the use of specific projects and initiatives, while unrestricted funding (which only accounts for 0.17% of funding) bolsters the organization’s operational capacity.

The critical work being done at FAS would not be possible without the generous support of its philanthropic partners who continue to invest in the organization’s vision for the future.