
118th Congress: Bioeconomy & Health Security

01.12.23 | 9分钟阅读 | Text bySruthi KatakamMaeve Skelly

对于美国而言,生命科学的经济,社会和国家安全益处是巨大的。美国生物经济 - 经济的一部分驱动通过生命科学和生物技术,并通过工程,计算和信息科学启用 - 重视950亿美元。生命科学研究导致清洁作物通过无污染的肥料,并获得挽救生命的疫苗,例如那些有助于应对Covid-19的破坏性影响的mRNA疫苗。建立在生命科学的行业中,在全国各地创造了高薪工作。


推进美国生物经济以创造就业机会并增强竞争力。《两党筹码和科学法》中的许多规定旨在使生物经济能够实现。实施应关注三个领域:尖端的研发,基本和公开的工具以及生物制造。为了进一步支持基础研究,国会可以指导美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的目标最大化回报on its massive R&D budget by piloting novel funding mechanisms with evaluation through randomized control trials, funding more high-risk high-reward research, and dedicating more funding to early-career researchers. Congress could alsoestablish植物基因组研究所(PGRI)将推动植物基因组学研究并集中联邦政府的活动,帮助促进作物创新并实现多样化,局部和弹性的食品系统。为了确保所有美国人充分利益,应采取行动地址偏见in medical technology at the development, testing and regulation, and market-deployment and evaluation phases.

To promote U.S. bioindustrial manufacturing scale-up and commercialization, Congress could authorize a美国简历计划办公室在国家标准技术研究所。通过拨款,该办公室将安置一套倡议:

Importantly, Congress can help准备并邀请more Americans into skilled jobs that support the bioeconomy, building a better future for Americans in all 50 states – including people of color, people with disabilities, and people from economically disadvantaged backgrounds – by funding modernized biology education, establishing world-class entrepreneurial hubs for biotechnology in non-traditional regions of the country, and supporting equitable access to industry-recognized certificates and work-based training.

也可以利用生物技术来快速追踪我们国家实现保护目标,补救受污染的栖息地并检测危险的环境毒素和病原体的能力。为此,国会可以建立国家中心to achieve several important goals:

Safeguarding Americans Against Biological Threats.The human and economic toll of COVID-19 has shown the need to be better prepared for future pandemics and epidemics. And yet, there is currently little to no economic incentive for pharmaceutical companies to engage in vaccine research for infectious diseases that have not, and yet could, cause a pandemic. To address this market failure, the U.S. should incentivize vaccine development for priority emerging infectious diseases through federal financing. Specifically, Congress should authorize and appropriate $10 billion to the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) over 10 years to create an投资基金那会:

Masks, especially high quality respirators, are disease-agnostic tools that can help reduce infections from respiratory diseases like the flu virus and RSV. In turn, this can reduce the burden on doctors and hospitals, and avoid additional healthcare. To that end, the mail delivery system used to distribute COVID-19 diagnostic tests should be augmented by the addition of a通过邮件面具程序。COVID-19测试邮件程序应该be restarted and expanded to include an option for ordering one box of 10 free N95 masks every quarter, for those Americans who wish to participate. Additionally, rotating face-mask inventory from the Strategic National Stockpile in a “first in, first out” method will prevent masks from being stored past their recommended shelf life, and promote continual replenishment of the U.S.’s stockpile. The recent国家弹性公共卫生供应链的国家战略, as well as the bipartisan PPE in America Act (H.R.1436) and the bipartisan PREVENT Pandemics Act (S.3799),所有人都倡导旋转库存系统;但是,必须采取步骤以更好操作它的实施并设定时间表。国会应授权政府制定战略准备和响应,以授予HHS协调操作以及响应要素密钥管理和分配责任,以实现关键诊断和预防措施(例如测试和口罩)。

由于存在在特定区域内相对稳定的病例数,因此,由于存在持续存在的疾病,因此COVID-19大流行的影响显着恶化。与Covid-19的其他感染相结合的其他感染会导致较低的存活率和更长的医院住院,从而浪费了资源以及更高的发病率和死亡率影响。因此,国会应授权倡议within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that enhances the reporting and tracking of regional diseases and helps reduce the data gap that prevents actions and responses to countering circulating diseases. The initiative could be incorporated intoS. 3814,两党制现代化的生物监视能力和流行预测法。

Finally, the bipartisan Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019 (Pahpaia)将于2023年到期。该法律包含有关国家卫生安全,公共卫生准备,生物监视和紧急医疗对策的几个不可或缺的规定,以及Barda的授权以及准备和响应助理秘书(ASPR)。国会应重新授权帕帕亚(Pahpaia),因为它构成了美国大流行准备建筑的基石,并考虑扩大其范围,以应对美国其他挑战的各个方面,例如野火和抗菌素的耐药性。


筹码和科学中的生物经济性。对于美国生物经济至关重要的规定筹码和科学法, which Congress should ensure receive robust appropriations. These include:



总计最高500万美元是可用的for the program for each of FY 2022 and FY 2023. The availability of funds for the program should be extended through FY 2028, with yearly increases to a level above $5 million per year according to the requests of NIFA/the计划团队

扩展和区域化网络生物工业制造。The 2023 NDAA (Division A, Section 215)指示国防部长建立和扩展了制造创新机构和中级规模设施的网络,用于研发,试点和扩展创新的生物工业制造工艺和产品。对这些活动的支持对于确保工业基础可以利用生物工业制造工艺来生产化学物质,材料和其他产品,以支持国家安全并确保脆弱的供应链。国会应符合NDAA,在国家安全生物经济活动中提供5亿美元的拨款,包括3亿美元的生物制造创新机构。

抵消全球营养不良以增强美国的安全。由于19日的大流行,环境影响和诸如乌克兰战争之类的冲突,全球营养不良率为8%,预计会变得更糟。在世界各地提供挽救生命的待遇是美国国家安全的核心价值,是美国国家安全的优先事项 - 新发布的国家安全战略将整个部分致力于粮食不安全。

In 2021 legislation,国会指示美国国际开发署(USAID)推进计划,以预防和治疗世界各地的营养不良并制定全球营养协调计划。该立法还指示美国国际开发署建立营养领导委员会,该委员会可以帮助提升美国全球卫生干预措施的营养计划,并促进与其他部门,发展机构,合作伙伴政府和地方参与者的合作。这些是通过统一的资金制定集中粮食安全计划的重要步骤,这是一种部署更有效响应以消除全球营养不良并改善美国国家安全的系统。

Congress should work with the Administration to begin scaling up global malnutrition assistance in FY 2024, in accord with the 2021 legislation.

