国会记录:2001年9月21日(参议院)S9623-S9631页格雷厄姆先生(为他本人、范斯坦夫人、贝赫先生、佛罗里达的纳尔逊先生和洛克菲勒先生)提出的法案和联合决议声明:美国1448年。加强美国政府在防止恐怖主义和其他目的方面的情报和情报相关活动的法案;情报特别委员会______格雷厄姆先生(本人、范斯坦夫人、贝赫先生、米库尔斯基女士、德宾先生、佛罗里达的纳尔逊先生和洛克菲勒先生):美国1449年。设立国家反恐办公室的法案;向政府事务委员会。格雷厄姆先生。主席女士,自我们的国家被一系列恐怖袭击一系列令人协调的一系列袭击事件,现在已经10天了。它已经有10天,因为我们都目睹了劫持的客机汹涌澎湃的恐怖,撞到了世界贸易中心和五角大楼。由于我们发誓要追踪并伸展那些协助,融资和覆盖这些恐怖分子并将其视为恐怖分子的人以来已经10天。今天,正如调查所得款项所在,我相信是时候开始超越9月11日的危机。现在是我们开始为持续恐怖主义威胁发展长期回应。恐怖主义最终不是危机。这是一种癌症状况,所有美国人必须在我们努力恢复正常的时候握住的条件。今天,有了几位同事,我正在介绍一对提供处方为恐怖主义的处方。 The first bill will make changes to a number of laws, including the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, to enhance our ability to infiltrate terrorist cells, to collect information necessary to guarantee America's security, and to coordinate more effectively our domestic efforts against terrorism. There are four primary goals of this legislation. The first relates to data collection to assure that our foreign intelligence should be brought into line with the laws that control domestic law enforcement actions. In a number of areas, we have different standards if we are collecting information for domestic law enforcement than when we are collecting analogous information for purposes of foreign intelligence. Second, many regulations have not kept pace with the rapid changes we have seen, particularly in communication technology, and need to be updated. Third, as we saw on September 11, most terrorist acts have both a criminal and an intelligence component. Our foreign intelligence and domestic law enforcement agencies need to be able to share information in order to protect our citizens. Fourth, there are some strategic changes we need to make in the laws, such as better training of our local law enforcement so that they can play their appropriate role in responding to terrorism before the act to prevent terrorist actions, as opposed to just, as we are doing now at the Pentagon and in New York City, picking up the pieces of the consequences of a terrorist act that has been executed. I emphasize that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has been working on these proposals for several months. We have worked closely with the appropriate Federal agencies, as well as within the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Governmental Affairs Committee, and the Armed Services Committee. It is my hope that we will develop a consensus around the proposals other Members of Congress may have that the Attorney General has recently submitted. We do not purport that our list is exclusive. We think it represents a well-researched, solid beginning against a very serious challenge to our Nation, and we look forward to fully reviewing those recommendations that have been made within the last 72 hours by the Attorney General. I also want to make it clear that I am mindful of the concerns we are beginning to hear from various organizations that we might overreact and impinge upon the civil liberties of our people. We would hand the ultimate victory to terrorists if we were to allow them to coerce our great Nation into compromising our highest values, personal freedom, and civil rights. Madam President, in many ways we are here today much as the country was in the 1920s. It was at that time that America launched a national crusade against organized crime. The Nation committed itself to rooting out the corrupt captains of crime who had infiltrated labor unions, run gambling operations, trafficked in illegal drugs and, in the course of their activities, accumulated great wealth and, in many communities, great political influence. We can take pride that over several decades an earlier generation of American leaders managed to put many of these domestic enemies behind bars and diminish their influence and their corrosive effect on our society. I take this experience of the 20th century, our ability to begin to roll back the influence of organized crime in the United States, as a hopeful sign, a sign that we can pass on to our children and our grandchildren a world that has greatly diminished the threat we now face from terrorists. It is our hope that these two legislative proposals will be a step in that direction. Under our proposal, the President will appoint the Director of the National Office for Combating Terrorism [[Page S9626]] subject to Senate confirmation. This individual will be accountable to the President, to the Congress, and to the Nation. One of the key responsibilities of this new office would be budget coordination to assure that all of the agencies--and there are now as many as 40 agencies that have some piece of antiterrorism activity--are operating from a coordinated plan and that resources to carry out their portions of the plan are properly coordinated. To do that will require the statutory authority from Congress. Madam President, the second bill has as its objective to assure that the dozens of Federal agencies that have counterterrorism as one of their missions are working together in a coordinated way to detect and disarm terrorists. There have been over the past several years several independent commissions which have reviewed the issue of terrorism. Two of our former colleagues, Senators Rudman and Hart, have headed one of those commissions. All of those commissions have endorsed the principle of a stronger central coordination of the Federal Government's efforts against terrorism. Just this past week, the General Accounting Office issued yet another study of this issue. I quote a portion of that General Accounting Office study: Key interagency functions are resident in several different organizations, resulting in fragmented leadership and coordination. These circumstances hinder unity of effort and limit accountability. However, the current attention being focused on this issue provides an opportunity to improve the overall leadership and coordination of programs to combat terrorism. In other words, we need to assign responsibility to someone who will be the leader of our national effort to make certain that all of the agencies are on the field, from the Central Intelligence Agency to the FBI, and are following a common set of objectives. I am pleased that President Bush endorsed this approach in his address to the Nation. The President called, by Executive order, for the creation of a position of homeland defense within the White House. He has assigned that responsibility to the current Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Ridge. I believe we should build on what the President has recommended by going a step further and making this position a statutory position. Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Madam President, in the wake of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, it is not with pride exactly, but with a firm resolve that I join with my good friend and colleague Senator Bob Graham, the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, in cosponsoring two important pieces of legislation: Bills to establish the National Office for Combating Terrorism and the Intelligence to Prevent Terrorism Act of 2001. While we strive to go on and do the work that the people sent us here to do, we cannot help but feel heartsick as a Congress, and I am quite sure as individuals, when we consider the unimaginable loss of human life and the magnitude of the destruction wrought by these malicious and misguided men. But grieve though we must, it is our solemn responsibility as representatives of the American people to look into this abyss and find the lessons that may be there for us. When a relatively large group of foreign terrorists who had lived and even trained in this country carried out a despicable and unfortunately well-choreographed wave of terror attacks months or years in the planning, it cast a harsh light on a range of deficiencies in our Nation's efforts to combat terrorism. We are made to feel vulnerable by the sheer enormity of the evil and by the realization that any of us could become targets of the next fanatical assault. Our dread might even turn to despondency if we consider the agonizing possibility that our law enforcement and intelligence establishments might have been able to prevent the horror of last Tuesday if they had had adequate mechanisms with which to collaborate on strategy, share information, and assist in investigation and apprehension of men capable of these heinous crimes. Rather than feeling despondent, however, it is our duty as a Congress to act. This Nation and this Congress can no longer tolerate a situation in which competing missions of agencies--or competing personalities of public officials--put our citizens and our property at risk. We must create an environment of coordination between the intelligence community, our Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies, the military, public health authorities, and all the other parties who can play a role in combating terrorism. I believe these two pieces of legislation, which establish a centralized authority to coordinate the activities and responsibilities of a multifaceted group of agencies, and provide both the intelligence community and law enforcement with valuable tools to combat terrorism-related crimes, do just this. Briefly, the bills introduced today in the Senate would do the following: Establish a "National Office for Combating Terrorism" to provide a greater level of coordination among the Nation's law enforcement establishment, the intelligence community, the military, public health authorities, and State and local governments to create a coherent, functional strategy for combating terrorism out of a current system a blue-ribbon Presidential Commission has called fragmented, uncoordinated, and politically unaccountable. Ensure that terrorism-related intelligence gathered under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act--FISA--is used to further the overall antiterrorism strategy. The legislation clarifies that the Director of Central Intelligence--DCI--is the primary government official responsible for coordination and dissemination of intelligence gathered under, while retaining the FBI as the agency with operational authority for intelligence gathering from foreign nationals. Require law enforcement agencies to share with the DCI any terrorism- related intelligence information gathered in criminal investigations. Mandate cooperation between the DCI and the Treasury Department to root out and cut off the international money trail terrorists use to finance their activities. Develop training programs for State and local law enforcement agencies and public officials to help them detect terrorist activity, and to improve their understanding and use of intelligence shared with them. Establish a National Virtual Translation Center to enable intelligence information collected anywhere in the world to be transmitted over secure electronic lines, translated and analyzed by experts elsewhere, and shared with relevant law enforcement and government personnel throughout this country, as well as by policymakers in Washington and intelligence agents overseas. Make explicit that U.S. Government officers, acting in their official capacity, may recruit any person who has information about terrorist, terrorist groups, or those who assist or harbor them--including foreign governments. The reactions to last week's attacks have ranged from shock, to horror, to sadness, to rage, and now, as I said at the beginning of my remarks, to resolve. Just over a week after the worst act of terrorism, indeed, the worst crime, in the history of the country, we are united as a people behind our President, our armed forces, and our law enforcement agencies, resolved to root out and defeat terrorism wherever this particular breed of hatred is fostered. Part of that resolve may be seen in the package of legislation introduced here today, although it would be incorrect to characterize this legislation as a reaction to the nightmare of September 11. These bills are the product of a longstanding concern about a lack of coordination between our law enforcement and intelligence resources and are the result of several months of hard work on the part of Chairman Graham, several other members of our committee, and Intelligence Committee staff. I believe these bills represent good first steps. I have not had the privilege of being a member of the Intelligence Committee for very long, but from the very first day I have been enormously impressed with the careful balance the committee strikes between the intelligence gathering needs of this nation, and the civil liberties enjoyed by its citizens. However, in this time of heightened tension and increased security, I must admit that I share some of the concerns of many Americans, from across the political spectrum, who fear that well-meaning reforms may unduly infringe on the liberties we cherish. [[Page S9627]] While I am confident that in crafting this legislation Senator Graham has taken those concerns very much to heart and has protected the rights of law-abiding Americans, I will closely monitor the progress of this legislation. I cannot overestimate the importance of ensuring that in our zeal to prevent another terrorist assault on this Nation we do not contribute to an atmosphere of fear and mistrust of our fellow citizens. I will also be looking for an understanding of these concerns from our colleagues on the various committees of referral, and in the Senate as a whole. We must commit ourselves and our Nation that, despite the grave seriousness of combating terrorism, we will always safeguard civil liberties as we consider this or any other piece of legislation introduced to combat terrorism. What is needed--and what this package of legislation provides--is greater coordination, efficiency, and effectiveness among our existing antiterrorism resources, without a surrender of the rights and liberties that make this the greatest nation in the history of the world. ______