
Next-Generation Defense Budgeting Project

21.04.23 | 41 min read


美国有可能因迅速发展对手而失去军事优势,这在很大程度上是因为国防部(国防部)和国家安全社区无法做出有效,及时的投资决策。这个问题是国防部在将新兴的科学和技术以及商业技术转变为战斗能力方面面临的众所周知的挑战。At the heart of these challenges are industrial age resource allocation processes, namely the Department’s Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) system, which allocates resources years in advance, establishes categories for use of funds, sets the lens for congressional oversight, and has limited execution-year flexibility. While the PPBE system may be suitable for making long-term capital investments like aircraft carriers, these multi-year budgeting activities represent significant barriers to adopting emerging technology solutions in an era of a digitally-defined battlefield that requires joint operations. Simply said, technologies are evolving quicker than the US government’s decision-making processes will allow the US military to modernize.


A prime example of where alternative resource allocation processes will be required is the Joint All Domain Command and Control effort where the Department will need to experiment with many different technologies in a portfolio approach that selects the best solutions then quickly integrates and scales them into a combat C2 capability. Transforming future concepts of operations into actionable decisions and resources may require a new construct that abandons the legacy lifecycle funding model where a technology slowly moves from research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) to procurement, and concludes with operations and maintenance (O&M). The Department may need resource allocation mechanisms that can timely move funds to capture technology solutions and move them quickly from concept to fielded capability. This approach also forces a reevaluation of how DoD conducts oversight and management.


View the congressional language on a PPBE Reform Commission passed in the FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act

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(Report)现代国防预算系统的五个第一步,,,,MITRE, by Matt MacGregor, Greg Grant, and Peter J. Modigliani, August 1, 2022

这current defense budgeting system requires bold reforms to strengthen U.S. national security going forward. Effectively reforming a sixty-year-old process with many competing interests and priorities will take time, but the U.S. national security environment has demonstrated that the nation does not have the luxury of time. The following five steps are provided for DoD and Congress to consider implementing immediately.

这se actions will enable DoD to focus more of its collective investments on increasing mission impact and meeting high-priority objectives of the national defense strategy. The outcomes of these reforms will be a more responsive and adaptive resource allocation system that promotes better alignment to national goals, faster adoption of innovation, improved optionality for end users, and a more prepared military.

(Report)国防部计划,编程,预算和执行(PPBE):国会概述和选定问题金博宝正规网址,国会研究服务,布伦丹·W·麦加里(Brendan W. McGarry),2022年7月11日

美国国防部(DOD)规划,计划,预算和执行(PPBE)系统是一个战略规划过程,用于在军事部门,国防机构和其他组件之间分配资源。该过程是国防部平民和军事领导人的框架,以决定基于战略目标的哪些计划,并产生该部门的年度预算要求中的一部分。在2022财年,国会成立了一个委员会,以研究美国军方正在商业驱动的软件和其他新兴技术的进步,例如高超音速武器,人工智能和5G移动技术,以研究该过程的有效性。- 与中国和其他战略竞争对手相关。

(Report)Three Reforms to Improve Defense Resource Management,,,,IBM政府业务中心,约翰Whitley, June 2022

美国国防部(国防部)每年预算超过7000亿美元,代表了联邦政府试图分配和协调这些资源以进行运营,维持准备和投资现代化的最大酌处支出机构,这是一项巨大的承诺。。但是,指导资源分配使国防部长能够建立和行使对国防部支出的控制,这是制定战略驱动预算的基本要素。用于分配和管理资源的国防部流程涉及1961年建立的计划,编程,预算和执行(PPBE)系统。当时考虑了一场管理的革命,现有的六十岁的系统已证明是一个强大而持久的tool for unifying resource allocation decisions, cementing the Secretary’s control over department operations, and focusing DoD on the future. The PPBE system has also received frequent criticism for being too bureaucratic, slow, cumbersome, and expensive…The report offers three key PPBE reforms to address these and related challenges: 1) Rebuild strategic analysis capability, 2) improve agility in allocating resources, and 3) make greater use of performance data to inform resource decision-making.

(Report)防御入门:计划,编程,预算和执行(PPBE)流程,Brendan W. McGarry,2022年5月20日

Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) is the Department of Defense (DOD) process for allocating resources among the armed services, defense agencies, and other components. The annual process serves as the framework for DOD civilian and military leaders to decide which programs and force management requirements to fund based on strategic objectives. This product describes a notional PPBE process from the perspective of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). In practice, aspects of the process may differ based on current events or leadership preferences.

(消息)国防部副部长凯瑟琳·希克斯(Kathleen Hicks)博士在规划,节目,预算和执行委员会的第一次会议上的参与(PPBE)改革国防部,2022年5月18日

国防部副部长凯瑟琳·希克斯(Kathleen Hicks)博士今天在五角大楼举行的第一次会议上会见了国会规定的规划,计划,预算和执行(PPBE)改革的成员。在对委员会成员的评论中,副秘书希克斯确定了PPBE流程中的关键领域,这些领域最有可能受益于委员会的指导,以及该部门正在改善的领域。

(评论)数字化转型是维持我们对中国的过度竞争的关键,,,,Breaking Defense, by John Whitley, May 18, 2022

…国防部应该数字化扩展到更多capability and technology areas, including new development efforts and sustainment of current forces. Office of the Secretary of Defense organizations like Research and Engineering, Acquisition and Sustainment, and Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation could provide priorities for expansion while the Military Departments identify specific programs. The PPBE Commission could focus on expanding business practice innovation like digital transformation in its reform recommendations.

(评论)不要担心国防风险投资资金的灭亡,丽贝卡·吉瓦特(Rebecca Gevalt)的《岩石战争》,2022年5月3日

天空落在技术初创企业和风险投资家渴望闯入国防部门吗?“时间到了硅谷的时间,”在去年的里根国防论坛的前一天,安德烈·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)的合伙人凯瑟琳·博伊尔(Katherine Boyle)在推特上说。她接着说:“经过五年的[国防部]说'我们想与最好的初创公司合作,'我们最多已经两年了,在创始人走开和私人资本枯竭之前,我们已经有两年了。”打破国防的回应使博伊尔的情绪回应,并写道,达沃斯风格的辩护领导人,政客和技术领导者的聚会充满了“预先招手的气息”。

(评论)Modernizing the Military May Require Modernized Oversight,伊莱恩·麦考斯克(Elaine McCusker)和丹·帕特(Dan Patt)的真正明确防御

从硅谷之旅到山上的证词,国防部承认其有效利用商业技术并与快速现代化和扩张主义的中国军队竞争的斗争。值得注意的是,国会议员,部门官员和行业协会指出了计划和批准其预算作为罪魁祸首的过程。最常被引用的投诉是,开始新的收购需要提前两年的预算请求中插入,并等待另一年才能获得国会批准的资金。Holding the Department accountable is critical, but for our military to remain competitive, we must adapt oversight to flexible processes.One opportunity for potential improvement is a recently formed Congressional Commission tasked with recommending actionable improvements to the Department’s Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) process. The PPBE system is essential to internal management and decision-making. But it also supports Congressional oversight as it divides spending into required pieces, delivers annual detailed budget requests and reports, and produces reams of justification documentation. As a result, the military departments, the offices of the secretary of defense, and Congress are all stakeholders in the PPBE process and its products.

(消息)Data visibility, granularity, accuracy are keys to better PPBE,联邦新闻网络,汤姆·特林(Tom Temin),2022年4月25日

这种著名的军事格言 - 没有战斗计划可以与敌人首次接触 - 也可以适用于国防部的预算计划。该过程(正式称为规划,编程,预算和执行或PPBE)发生在五年的视野中。任何事情都可能影响计划。尤其是在技术变革巨大的时期以及军队在许多领域中的转变,长期计划和预算变得尤为问题。“现代世界确实使我们进入了一个长期计划,这是一系列不断发展的短期,迭代计划,”决策镜头首席产品官凯文·康纳(Kevin Connor)说。“我们试图做的是建立一个解决方案,该解决方案有助于人们了解长期观点和愿景的和解,而较短的任期决定才能保持正轨并适应不断变化的条件。”

(消息)陆军将如何平衡应急和长期需求,联邦新闻网络,汤姆·特林(Tom Temin),2022年4月19日

新近确认的陆军助理部长道格拉斯·布什(Douglas Bush)被称为ASA(ASA(ALT)),他计划将重点放在这里。
Top among them, is to establish a more rapid and repeatable process “for moving things out of research and development and into production.” It may not be a new idea, but it’s becoming a more urgent one as the world threat situation changes and military leadership works to maintain the armed services strategic advantages.

(评论)中国国防预算中的持续知识差距,联合部队季刊,弗雷德里科·巴特尔斯(Frederico Bartels),202年4月14日2


(评论)An open letter to the PPBE Reform Commission,,,,Definitive Logic, April 4, 2022


(评论)没有国会,预算改革将无法成功,,,,War on the Rocks, by Matt Vallone, April 6, 2022

Department of Defense’s Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution program has been variously called “a relic of the past,” a “root cause of … bloat” and “the primary factor behind the decline in U.S. defense productivity and innovation.” As a result, there are a variety of proposals for reforming this much-maligned process, and a growing consensus that reform is necessary to ensure success in a strategic competition with China. This consensus is best embodied by the creation of a new Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution in the FY2022 National Defense Authorization Act that was signed into law last year.

(Report)提高国防资源:计划,编程,预算和执行改革委员会的建议,《遗产基金会》,弗雷德里科·巴特尔斯(Frederico Bartels),2022年3月24日

它s core, the Defense Department’s planning, programming, budgeting, and execution (PPBE) process is a technical approach to a political issue. While technical problems need to be addressed by the financial management community of the Defense Department, politics will determine many of the big questions that determine the defense budget. It is impossible to avoid politics when the ultimate arbiter of the defense budget is Congress. The commission on PPBE reform needs to work within the limitations of that reality. The commission has the opportunity to improve how the Defense Department allocates its resources and how it plans for future developments. It needs to seize that opportunity to create lasting change that will enable the department to be more agile and more responsive to the changing demands of national defense.

(消息)海军高管:国防部预算过程必须满足真正的需求,联邦新闻网络,汤姆·泰明(Tom Temin),2022年3月22日

计划未来,确保足够的局部激素y, people and things are there to support the strategy – is neither simple nor linear. Threats change, the Navy must move resources and deploy numbered fleets in different ways. Congressional priorities change, and even then appropriations are almost never available on the first day of a fiscal year.Beyler said her challenge is balancing all this against the multi-year spending system known as the planning, programming, budgeting and execution process. PPBE starts with a document known as the POM, or Program Objective Memorandum. The core of the PPBE, originally known as PPBS, was established under Robert S. McNamara in the 1960s and has undergone alterations from time to time. Congress recently established a commission to study reform, but it won’t have even an interim report until early 2023.

(评论)死亡山谷的计划方面,Miter,Pete Modigliani,2022年3月17日



华盛顿 - 今天,Sens。ChuckGrassley(R-Iowa)和Bernie Sanders(D-Vt。)敦促计划,计划,预算,预算和执行改革委员会,以帮助将急需的财务责任带给国防部(DOD)(DOD)。这,,,,which comes after Grassley passed a new policy directing the commission to analyze and propose improvements to financial management systems, highlights the need for this oversight and explains expectations for the commission as they begin conducting their review.

(消息)Cyber Command Prepares to Gain Significant Budget Control,Mark Pomerleau的Fedscoop,2022年3月14日


五角大楼需要一个六柱基金会,Matt MacGregor,Pete Modigliani和Greg Grant,2022年3月7日


Defense Innovation Bumps Up Against a Cold War Budget System,,,,Federal News Network, Tom Temin, February 22, 2022

五角大楼的规划者知道,如果美国军队希望保持领先,则需要新技术,新的创新。但是,许多创新计划并没有增加规模。杰里·麦金(Jerry McGinn)说,这是因为1960年代时期的计划,编程,预算和执行(PPBE)处理国防部使用的过程。他是乔治·梅森大学(George Mason University)政府签约中心的执行主任,并与汤姆·特林(Tom Temin)一起在工作室加入了联邦大道。

Acquisition Next: A Playbook to Break Industrial Age Shackles,,,,George Mason University’s Center for Government Contracting, By Jerry McGinn and Eric Lofgren, February 8, 2022


现代国防预算系统的支柱,用于计划,编程,预算和执行(PPBE)委员会,Matt MacGregor,Pete Modigliani和Greg Grant,2022年2月2日

This paper frames the challenges inherent in the current system and presents a framework for transformation to a PPBE system that is strategic, collaborative, agile, transparent, and accountable to outcomes. This is the first in a three-part series on modernizing the defense budget, which is designed to contribute to the strategic reforms being considered by the PPBE Commission. The second and third papers will outline targeted reforms to address key challenges and a vision for the 21st Century defense budgeting system.The FY22 National Defense Authorization Act authorized the Department of Defense (DoD) to establish a PPBE Commission to make recommendations on improving the fielding of “operational capabilities necessary to outpace near-peer competitors…and support an integrated budget that is aligned with strategic defense objectives.” The 2018 National Defense Strategy (NDS) openly acknowledged that the United States had allowed its military advantage to erode over the last two decades, when defense priorities focused on counterterrorism to the detriment of peer competition. While the NDS laid out a number of goals to recovery, including prioritizing “speed of delivery, continuous adaptation, and frequent modular upgrades” and recognizing that DoD’s “current processes are not responsive to need,” change at the scale and urgency needed has not occurred. As the Director of the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), Mike Brown, recently said, DoD is losing its technological edge and “losing it at a rapid rate.”

Stepping Back from Acquisition Reform: How Our Resourcing Processes Drive Defense Outcomes,,,,National Defense Industrial Association, by Jon Etherton, Corbin Evans, Nick Jones, Rachel McCaffrey, Robert Van Steenburg, Jacob Winn, January 25, 2022


Three steps to help defense innovation break free from its shackles,,,,国防新闻,杰里·麦金恩(Jerry McGinn)和埃里克·洛夫格伦(Eric Lofgren),2022年1月20日

seems like every year there is another commission, task force or board that studies the defense acquisition system. Fiscal 2022 continues the pattern with the rather bureaucratic-sounding Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution reform. This time, however, there is good reason to sit up and take notice. While defense innovation initiatives over the past three administrations have made progress, the Department of Defense cannot gain ground on strategic competitors until the rigid and linear PPBE process is addressed. This commission presents a golden opportunity for the DoD to break out of its industrial-age shackles.

Stepping Back from Acquisition Reform: How Our Resourcing Processes Drive Defense Outcomes,,,,National Defense Industrial Association, by Jon Etherton, Corbin Evans, Nick Jones, Rachel McCaffrey, Robert Van Steenburg, Jacob Winn, January 25, 2022

美国追求变革的技术logies to maintain its competitive advantage, we recognize that resourcing processes will significantly impact our success at delivering these capabilities quickly and efficiently.

We need to take a fresh look at the budget and resourcing process in Congress and DoD, including the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) as it exists today, by describing the resourcing processes, identifying stakeholders, and defining incentives and disincentives in the system. NDIA hopes this report will help stakeholders interested in national security understand current friction points, which can potentially lead to more effective material and ideological support for innovation.

帮助防御创新摆脱束缚的三个步骤,,,,国防新闻,杰里·麦金恩(Jerry McGinn)和埃里克·洛夫格伦(Eric Lofgren),2022年1月20日


改革国防部的计划,编程,预算和执行过程,《岩石战争》,托马斯·斯波尔(Thomas Spoehr)和弗雷德里科·巴特尔(Frederico Bartels),2022年1月13日

Last year, the U.S. defense budget exceeded $700 billion. Most metrics would put it among the largest enterprises in the world. Nevertheless, the Defense Department’s planning, programming, budgeting, and execution (PPBE) process that governs how the department decides to allocate its resources is a relic of the past. It is a very slow process that relies on predictability when no such predictability exists. Further, to its critics among Washington policy wonks, the system represents the root cause of many ills: The slowness of the defense acquisition system, the lack of military agility in adopting new technologies compared to our own civil society, waste and bloat, and infighting leading to suboptimal decision-making.

Desperately Needed: 21st Century DOD Budget Process,山,罗纳德·马克斯,2022年1月10日


2022 Defense Authorization Bill (Once Again) Looks to Reform How DOD Buys Tech,Nextgov,布兰迪·文森特(Brandi Vincent),2021年12月29日


Pentagon’s Ponderous Budget Process Is Next Target for Congressional Reform,,,,Federal News Network, Jared Serbu, December 29, 2021


In the crosshairs is what’s known as the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process, an early Cold War-era construct that, translated to the modern era, means Defense officials usually wait at least two years after they realize they need a new technology before money arrives to start solving the problem.




Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight. The quickest way to lose a war with a near-peer adversary in the 21st Century is to fight with 20th Century systems. The average Department of Defense (DoD) aircraft is 30 years old. Further, DoD launched most of its ships, submarines, and satellites in the last century. The best way to sabotage DoD’s ability to modernize is to impose industrial age structures, processes, and culture on this massive bureaucracy. DoD executives, Combatant Commanders, and Congress have stressed the need for DoD to rapidly exploit leading technologies to retain its military advantage. Yet DoD still operates with enterprise processes and management practices designed around programs from 60 years ago. These program-centric constraints drive longer timelines, fewer quantities, and higher costs that erode DoD’s military advantage and increase operational risks.

为什么国防部如此擅长购买软件,,,,FCW, Lauren C. Williams, November 8, 2021

这Defense Department is one of the world’s largest technology organizations, but it has trouble buying IT, particularly software. It can take years for DOD to make it through the process for buying technology — whether it’s software to operate a fighter jet, tactical radios or the latest version of Microsoft Office — and by that time, the technology can be out of date. “Software advances every 12 to 18 months, so you’re at least one iteration if not two iterations behind in the decisions that you made to get the program going in the first place,” Dean Hullings, global defense solutions strategist at Forescout Technologies, told FCW. It also “opens up doors for other people to say, ‘Well, wait a minute. We weren’t part of this. We have capabilities, too.’ And that prolongs the actual acquisition process.”

为战斗提供资金:国防部预算执行流程的历史和评估,,,,CSIS, Robert Hale, November 2, 2021


(Report)繁琐的国防重编程过程妨碍了国防,应简化,遗产,弗雷德里科·巴特尔斯(Frederico Bartels),2020年10月13日


利用闪电:中国军方如何dopting Artificial Intelligence,,,,Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Ryan Fedasiuk, Jennifer Melot, and Ben Murphy, October 2021


Senate Commission to Fix Defense Budgeting Is Right on The Mark,《岩石战争》,约翰·惠特利和格雷戈里·佩吉克,2021年9月24日

它is one of history’s great ironies that a major factor in defeating Soviet communism was one of the largest centrally planned economies in the world — the U.S. Department of Defense. The Senate’s defense authorization bill puts the Defense Department’s central planning process — called the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) system — back in the spotlight with its call for a reform commission. At over $700 billion per year, the Defense Department is by far the largest discretionary spending account in the federal government. It is no surprise, then, that its half-century-old PPBE process has been a regular target of criticism and calls for reform.

演示文稿是关键:为什么五角大楼的预算数据需要改头换面,Defense News, Jennie Matuschak, September 23, 2021

在2022财年的国防预算请求中,国防部投资了下一代领先的新兴技术和能力。具有讽刺意味的是,与此同时,这些新功能的资金的组织方式完全过时。然而,令人惊讶的是,本月早些时候举行了众议院武装委员会对众议院武装委员会的标记听证会的《 22财年国防授权法》要求国防部提供有关如何改善国防预算相关材料的报告。ReportsReports

Is It Time for OTAs to Go Mainstream?,,,,Breaking Defense, Stan Soloway and Jason Knudson, September 1, 2021

在它们存在的头五十年中,通过其他交易机构(OTA)的总支出远低于每年10亿美元。然后,五年前,国会将OT权威扩展到其最初的研发参数之外,以包括跟进量表的生产 - 一切都改变了。从那时起,OT使用已增长近22倍,到本财政年度结束时可能接近或超过120亿美元。尽管最近有很大一部分增长是因为使用OT来帮助开发了Covid疫苗,但该增长仍然很大。

Defense Budgeting System Hinders Rapid Acquisition of Commercial Technology, Says Procurement Researcher,政府事务,2021年8月18日


太空部队希望管理投资组合的收购,C4isrnet,Nathan Strout,2021年8月4日

美国太空部队认为,它可以通过思考投资组合而不是独立开发每个记录程序来改善其开发空间能力的方式。当被问及需要进行采购改革时,空军副助理秘书肖恩·巴恩斯(Shawn Barnes)表示,太空部队在发行合同方面有足够的灵活性来完成需要做的事情。但是,他说,这项服务可以通过在投资组合而不是单个平台方面思考来做得更好。

Other Transactions Authorities: After 60 Years, Hitting Their Stride or Hitting the Wall,,,,IBM Center for the Business of the Government, Stan Soloway, Jason Knudson and Vincent Wroble, August 2021

这term “Other Transaction Authority” (OTA) stems from statutory provisions that allow certain federal agencies to enter into transactions with commercial entities using nontraditional procurement methods and contract terms. In this report, the authors address how OTAs have evolved over the last several decades; how different Defense agencies have used OTAs; what that experience teaches other agencies about using OTAs effectively; and the impact of OTAs on the COVID-19 vaccine initiative.

Lawmaker Proposes Restructuring Funding Through Mission-Based Pilot,防御,贾斯普里特·吉尔(Jaspreet Gill),2021年7月28日

A lawmaker on the House Armed Services Committee is proposing a mission-based pilot program that would restructure funding so that it’s tied to specific missions, instead of specific hardware. Speaking at a virtual Hudson Institute event last week, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) said he wants to include this pilot in this year’s defense policy bill. “We can’t just change what we buy, we also have to change how we buy it,” Moulton said. “Software is going to win wars, so we need to change our buying habits. . . . And that means we have to have more flexible, quick funding that directly addresses the operational challenges our troops are facing . . . so that’s why I’m working to establish what we’re calling a mission-based pilot which would experiment with a new way of budgeting to fix these issues.”

这Modernization Quandary,,,,National Defense Industrial Association’s Emerging Technology Institute, Mark Lewis and Alan Shaffer, July 26, 2021


COVID-19 Contracting: Actions Needed to Enhance Transparency and Oversight of Selected Awards,,,,GAO, July 26, 2021

In response to COVID-19, as of March 2021, the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security obligated at least $12.5 billion using a contracting mechanism that gave them the flexibility to quickly respond to urgent pandemic needs. This mechanism—known as an other transaction agreement—is not subject to certain federal contract laws and requirements but allowed the agencies to customize the agreements. Agencies cited the timeliness of awards as a major factor for using these agreements, including awards that accelerated COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing.

参议院NDAA推动更多国内生产,网络当局增加,FWC,Lauren C. Williams,2021年7月23日


Can JADC2 Fly Without Budget Reform,FWC,Lauren C. Williams,2021年7月22日

国防部计划通过联合所有领域指挥和控制(JADC2)无缝连接其通信,平台,系统和传感器的计划,而无需进行实际预算改革。国防高级研究局战略技术办公室主任蒂姆·格雷森(Tim Grayson)表示,为未来的战斗做准备意味着“将”单片平台“分类”到分布式功能中,这些平台可以适应并结合在一起,以实现任务所需的任何效果。

前现代化官员说,国防部对公平性进行了优化,'不是速度,内部防御,贾斯普里特·吉尔(Jaspreet Gill),2021年7月21日

一位前五角大楼现代化官员说,国防部需要大修其收购系统,如果它想超过中国在尖端武器开发方面。马克·刘易斯(Mark Lewis)以前是研究与工程国防部的代理副手,现在在国防工业协会(National Defance Industrial Association)经营着新的新兴技术研究所。



更快的武器购买:尝试进化创新,防守,伊莱恩·麦考斯克(Elaine McCusker)和丹·帕特(Dan Patt),2021年7月2日

At a time when political consensus on anything can be hard to reach, there is general agreement that the United States military must modernize to fend off a rising China and meet other national security needs. Bringing defense capability into the future usually generates thoughts of new weapons. However, much of the needed modernization must come from changes in how the Department of Defense operates: from process to concepts of operation to digital connectivity.

国会必须如何改革其预算过程以在AI中与中国竞争,The Hill,William“ Mac” Thornberry(R-Texas),意见撰稿人,2021年6月26日


遗产基金会更改当前的“使用或失去它”政策将导致更有效地利用国防美元,,,,Frederico Bartels, June 23, 2021

国防部根据执行前至少两年制定的计划每年管理约7000亿美元。一旦分配,任何计划资源的移动通常都需要国会默认。在这种环境下,即使估计的0.01%也可以等于7,000万美元,即使是联邦政府也是如此。应注意“使用或丢失它”的现象 - 到期预算授权对部门资源的管理有何不利影响。国会应更改管理这些国防资金义务税率的财务规则,从而使其中一些资金可以延长到下一个财政年度,并加速重新编程和转让。

希克斯试图将服务实验与新的“ Raider”基金统一,防御,小悉尼·弗里德伯格(Sydney Freedberg Jr.),2021年6月21日

五角大楼副部长凯瑟琳·希克斯(Kathleen Hicks)今天说,五角大楼需要从服务实验中创建一个统一的“创新生态系统”。因此,它将创建一个快速的防御实验储备 - rder,发音为“ Raider”。国防部的组织可以提出实验并竞争RDER资金,并取决于他们带来多个服务和实体从事联合概念的方式确定的胜利者。希克斯今天下午告诉《国防》一号技术峰会:“我们正在建立一些可以立即使用的实验资金和激励措施。”

五角大楼希望使用其最大的IT程序来测试“无色”软件拨款,联邦新闻网络,贾里德·塞伯(Jared Serbu),2021年5月31日

这Defense Department is still in the early stages of an experiment to change how it funds software development, but it’s already planning to put that test on rocket fuel, owing mostly to the addition of a huge Navy program. As part of its 2022 budget proposal, the Pentagon is asking Congress to dramatically expand the number of dollars it’s allowed to expend through a pilot effort to test a new “color of money” for software, including by using it for the single biggest IT program in the federal government.

是时候重新研究资源防御,国防,霍克·卡莱尔(Hawk Carlisle),2021年5月27日


摆脱五角大楼的工业时代官僚机构,,,,Defense One, Dan Ward, Matt MacGregor and Pete Modigliani, May 12, 2021


Reform The Pentagon’s Budget Process, Or Lose Our Military and Tech Advantages,山丘,杜夫·扎克海姆,2021年4月2日

人工智能,量子计算,国防创新单元和重编程要求彼此有什么关系?答案是“一切。”除非国会和国防部(国防部)认真改革他们将资金从一个拨款帐户转移到另一个拨款账户,否则国防部迅速引入新技术的能力将受到严重妥协 - 随之而来的是国家的防御能力。



A Bridge Fund Can’t Solve the Pentagon’s Emerging Tech Problem,,,,Defense News, Eric Lofgren and Matt MacGregor, March 15, 2021

Over the last five years, the Pentagon organized a charm offensive to attract new entrants into its technology base. With the lure of quick contracts and follow-on potential, thousands of entrepreneurs have been enticed into seeking defense work. This enthusiasm risks being short-lived without more examples of small contracts leading to larger procurements. The oft-cited problem is the multiyear process for lining up funds, first for a more substantial prototype and then for a program of record. The Pentagon’s prototyping guide clearly diagnosed the problem: “When the initiation of a prototyping project is stymied or the developed prototype never makes it past the ‘valley of death’ due to inappropriate or unavailable funds, the transformative effect of prototyping can be lost.”

PPBE改革活动:赢得大国竞赛的必要,收购谈话,埃里克·洛夫格伦(Eric Lofgren),2021年3月11日

“… in my mind, I equate planning and budgeting and consider the terms almost synonymous, the budget being simply a quantitative expression of operating plans.” That was Robert McNamara in August 1961 testifying to Congress. The weapons program is the analytical framework that connects plans and budgets in the Pentagon’s Planning-Programming-Budgeting-Execution (PPBE) process. Programming the budget makes perfect sense where information is relatively complete about relevant alternatives. It’s simply an engineering problem with known constraints.


如果新的国防部针对中国的工作组认真考虑我们的技术竞争状况,它就需要了解技术力量的平衡已经发生了变化 - 它主要是自我伤口。最好的想法不再是由60年的斯大林主义中央规划和安全控制的美国国防工业产生的,而是从曾经主要在美国且现已全球化的商业来源。


这keystone of the Department of Defense’s institutional architecture is not acquisition, but rather the budgeting process. This governs its ability to allocate funding to achieve national security objectives, links together requirements and purchasing, sets the calendar of the department, controls changes to investment priority, and serves as the mechanism for Congress to exercise its constitutionally granted appropriations powers. While there have been dozens of acquisition reform efforts, the budgeting process has been nearly untouched since 1961.

Bureaucratic resource allocation processes—especially planning, budgeting, and appropriations—are a critical engine for maintaining an edge in a long-term military competition. In the 1950s, this realization was mechanized by the US, when fast-paced military developments with shifting directions were used to drive cost into ponderous Soviet planning processes. Ultimately, Soviet strategists also recognized that agility in resource allocation would ultimately determine the outcome of competition given a sufficiently long horizon.


五乘五:五角大楼的五个学科和五项战略计划,,,,MITRE, Pete Modigliani, Dan Ward, and Matt MacGregor, February 25, 2021


Pentagon’s Dated Budget Process Too Slow to Beat China, New Report Says,国防新闻,乔·古尔德,2021年2月25日

A new report argues for a sweeping overhaul of the Pentagon’s 60-year-old defense budgeting and appropriations process, so it can match the fast-moving commercial sector and outpace China’s technological development.

Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on National Security,,,,Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing, February 23, 2021

To receive testimony on emerging technologies and their impact on national security.



Pentagon Advisory Boards Need to Offer 10x Ideas, not 10% Ones,防守一号,史蒂夫·布兰克,拉吉·沙阿和乔·费尔特,2021年1月30日

国防部处于十字路口。渐进的改进不再足够与中国保持同步;五角大楼需要对其规模,结构,政策,过程,实践,技术和文化的实质性和持续变化。这last administration asked most of the Pentagon’s 40-plus boards for advice on small improvements — with a few notable exceptions, such as the Innovation Board’s Software Study and the work of the National Security Commission for AI — the latter an independent effort chartered by Congress.

前五角大楼审计员:美国国防预算的观察和机会,AEI,Elaine McCusker,2021年1月11日


Bad Idea: The “Use-It-Or-Lose-It” Law for DoD Spending,,,,CNAS, Robert F. Hale, December 15, 2020


Department of Defense Other Transaction Authority Trends: A New R&D Funding Paradigm?,CSIS,Rhys McCormick,2020年12月8日


Future of Defense Task Force Report 2020,,,,House Armed Services Committee, September 23, 2020



预算过程是v的“主控制器”irtually everything that is done in the Department of Defense, yet it hasn’t seen real reform since 1961. The current waterfall process from the industrial era requires prediction and control of programs from two years out, and then locks them in for five or more years into the future. Defense acquisition studies have repeatedly asserted the need to move away from program-centric stovepipes and toward portfolio-centric management. Yet half of all Research, Development, Test & Evaluation programs proposed for FY2021 are less than $29 million, with limited flexibility to take advantage of new opportunities. This paper explores the wisdom of the traditional budget process based on organization rather than program. It proposes a 21st century agenda for budget reform, including specific examples of how pro- gram elements can be consolidated and appropriations reclassified. The goal is to empower mission-driven organizations, allowing them to accelerate innovation by embracing an uncertain learning process through portfolio management.

Sharpening The U.S. Military’s Edge: Critical Steps for The Next Administration,CNAS,MichèleFournoy和Gabrielle Chefitz,2020年7月13日



FY18国防授权法案》(民族),,,,§872 directed the Secretary of Defense to task the Defense Innovation Board “to undertake a study on streamlining software development and acquisition regulations.” The Defense Innovation Board submitted their final SWAP report to Congress on 3 May 2019, which included 10 primary recommendations and 16 additional recommendations to address the most critical statutory, regulatory, and cultural hurdles facing the Department of Defense when modernizing software acquisitions. Shortly thereafter, the Department transitioned into the implementation phase of the top ten recommendations highlighted by the DIB.


U.S. national security increasingly relies on software to execute missions, integrate and collabo- rate with allies, and manage the defense enterprise. The ability to develop, procure, assure, de- ploy, and continuously improve software is thus central to national defense. At the same time, the threats that the United States faces are changing at an ever increasing pace, and the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) ability to adapt and respond is now determined by its ability to develop and deploy software to the field rapidly. The current approach to software development is broken and is a leading source of risk to DoD: it takes too long, is too expensive, and exposes warfighters to unacceptable risk by delaying their access to tools they need to ensure mission success. In- stead, software should enable a more effective joint force, strengthen our ability to work with allies, and improve the business processes of the DoD enterprise.

(Report)总结报告,,,,Section 809 Panel, January 2019

这Advisory Panel on Streamlining and Codifying Acquisition Regulations (Section 809 Panel) was created in Section 809 of the FY 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (Public Law 114-92). The panel consisted of 16 members required to be recognized experts in acquisition and procurement policy with diverse experiences from the public and private sectors. The panel was charged to deliver recommendations that could transform the defense acquisition system to meet the threats and demands of the 21st century.

国防收购的思想历史,,,,International Cost Estimating and Analysis Association, Eric Lofgren, June 2017

This paper explores the origins of the consensus view that arose in the years between World War II and the early 1970s by surveying and interpreting some of the most important thinkers in defense acquisition. It will explain how the modern acquisition process descends from antiquated nineteenth century concepts of scientific management founded on a deterministic, closed-system, view of the natural sciences and a rejection of liberal principles for social organization. The paper will first discuss military unification and its organizational consequences. Then, a pair of chapters on program budgeting and systems analysis, two processes that laid the foundation for a fourth chapter on the Planning-Programming-Budgeting System. Finally, the challenges of defense contracting and the role of the cost estimator will be discussed.

(Report)迷宫内:改革五角大楼的预算过程,CNAS,米歇尔·谢文·科茨(Michelle Shevin-Coetzee),2016年2月

当前的严峻财政环境使对国防预算的辩论成为决策者议程的最前沿。技术术语曾经认为与政策讨论无关 - 持续的决议,除了人员,休假,政府关闭和隔离 - 都渗入了五角大楼的日常词典,并熟悉了公众的讨论。不断发展的数字和预算场景已经开始掩盖了关于部队规模和形状的急需的讨论。面对越来越不可预测的预算以及持续的国际挑战,五角大楼需要一个更敏捷,更有效的系统才能使战略与资源保持一致。在冷战的早期阶段创建,现代计划,编程,预算和执行(PPBE)过程旨在做到这一点。然而,随着当今的这一过程的发展,它存在着深深的缺陷,从而阻止了五角大楼的预算准备,以预期的全面和协调的方式进行。In particular, there are three discrepancies between PPBE’s “theory” codified in Pentagon directives and the more disjointed “practice” by which senior officials undertake this process: an unrealistic timeline, a stove-piped analytic system to model scenarios, and a reliance on Overseas Contingency Operations funding. Until these constraints are addressed, DoD cannot budget properly for the future security environment and is forced, therefore, to endure additional and unnecessary risk.


这Department of Defense (DOD) is not effectively using portfolio management to optimize its weapon system investments, as evidenced by affordability challenges in areas such as shipbuilding and potential duplication among some of its programs. Best practices recommend assessing investments collectively from an enterprise-wide perspective and integrating requirements, acquisition, and budget information, but several factors inhibit DOD’s ability to do so.

这Fast Follower, Coming Up Behind Development Leaders,David&L Magazine,David Pearson,2015年5月至6月,第35页

Let’s face it: In many technical domains, the Department of Defense (DoD) no longer is the world’s leader. DoD often finds itself on the outside looking in at many of the latest technical advances after losing its place as the dominant tech customer. DoD faces a shrinking defense industrial base and a more global tech marketplace and competes with the rise of consumer electronics that have short product life cycles.




在接下来的几年中,国防部(国防部)计划在主要武器计划上投资1.4万亿美元。尽管国防部生产出了高级武器,但GAO发现该部门未能按时及时提供武器系统,并且具有所需的功能。尽管最近对国防部收购政策的变化具有改善结果的潜力,但计划继续经历巨大的成本和安排超支。GAO被要求研究国防部如何确定需求和分配资源的过程如何更好地支持武器系统程序稳定性。具体而言,GAO将国防部投资武器系统投资的流程与成功的商业公司用来实现新产品平衡组合的最佳实践,并确定了DOD可以做得更好的领域。在开展工作时,GAO确定了:Caterpillar,Eli Lilly,IBM,Motorola和Procter and Gamble的最佳实践。

(Report)超越金水管 - 尼科尔斯:新战略时代的国防改革(第二阶段),CSIS,克拉克·A·默多克(Clark A. Murdock),2005年7月

除了戈德沃特·尼科尔(Goldwater-Nichols)之外:新战略时代的美国政府和国防改革 - 第二阶段报告是许多敬业,才华横溢且知识渊博的专业人员付出巨大努力的结果,他们的贡献不可估量导致了该项目的成功。所有这些报告的承诺,咨询,资金和生产本报告的承诺受到了重大赞誉和赞赏。

(Report)超越金水管 - 尼科尔斯:新战略时代的国防改革(第一阶段),,,,CSIS, by Clark A. Murdock, March, 2004

超越金水 - 尼古尔(BG-N)研究团队得出结论,美国国家安全机构需要进行重大改革,以应对新的战略时代的挑战。作为其变革努力的一部分,国防部(DOD)不仅必须适应冷战后的战争,9/11后的安全环境,而且还必须应对许多“隐藏的失败”,尽管不防止运营成功,但扼杀必要的创新,并继续在时间和金钱上浪费关键的资源。在工业时代,最初构建的许多组织结构和流程最初构建为冷战超级大国,对于信息时代的21世纪任务不合适。

