
经过July 30, 2008

汉斯·克里斯汀森(Hans M. Kristensen)和伊万·奥尔里希(Ivan Oelrich)

巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)提出了一个令人鼓舞的核security policythat promises to reinstate nuclear disarmament as a central goal of U.S. national security and foreign policy. This vision has been shared by all presidents since the Cuban Missile Crisis, except for George W. Bush.

If he is elected the next president, Obama’s policy would be a refreshing break with the gung-ho and divisive policies that have characterized the current administration.


The Role of Nuclear Weapons


其他than a pledge to negotiate with Russia about ending high alert of nuclear weapons, there is nothing in Obama’s policy that suggests the role of nuclear weapons would be any different under him than under Bush or Clinton. Clearly, this is a shortcoming of his proposal. Statements from Senator McCain are even more worrying:he has said他将要求军方进行审查,并报告所需的最低数量,这很清楚地表明,军方而不是总统将就核武器应具有什么作用做出重要决定。

The (first) Bush and Clinton administrations significantly更改美国核武器阻止和摧毁苏联,中国核和大规模的常规力量的作用,阻止了所有具有这种能力的对抗国家的使用和获取各种形式的大规模杀伤性武器。此外,为了回应9/11,布什政府急于向前迈进preemption doctrinethat included nuclear strikes.

To change the role of nuclear weapons requires direct, sustained intervention by the next president. Therefore, both Senators Obama and McCain need to think hard about what his guidance would be on such issues as:

*Should the United States abandon its current policy of deterring all forms of weapons of mass destruction and only use nuclear weapons to deter use ofweapons?


*Should the United States retain counterforce targeting, return to countervalue targeting, or develop another concept for what facilities to target with nuclear weapons?

*美国应该大大降低和change the damage expectancy required for nuclear strikes?

*Should the United States abandon its policy of being capable of holding all potential targets at risk or is a more limited range sufficient today?

*美国是否应该停止在操作上部署核武器的做法 - 包括每天在完全可执行的计划下运行 - 还是可以通过较少的操作姿势来保留足够的威慑?

*美国是否应该完成1991 - 1992年的减少并从欧洲撤回其余的战术核武器,而依靠远程武器来向我们的北约盟友提供核雨伞?


Defense Secretary William Cohen of the Clinton administration rejected a no-first-use policy. Will an Obama administration be any different?

If the next president doesn’t address such fundamental policy issues in his first guidance, the outcome of the next Nuclear Posture Review will almost certainly be little more than status quo at lower levels, leaving in place a posture of excessive nuclear capabilities that the United States doesn’t need but which locks it into a warfighting deterrence posture that works against a vision for deep cuts and disarmament.

The End Goal

The component of Obama’s policy that deals with deep nuclear cuts and disarmament comes with important caveats. One is a pledge to “maintain a strong deterrent as long as nuclear weapons exist,” a position the Bush administration also shares, but which presents a particular conundrum for a policy that seeks nuclear disarmament: if all nuclear weapon states insist on having nuclear weapons as long as nuclear weapons exist, how can we ever get to zero? That would leave U.S. nuclear policy (and nuclear disarmament) hostage to any country that had just one nuclear weapons, even if our conventional capabilities are more than sufficient to deter anyone who can be deterred (Iran and North Korea being obvious examples).

At some point in the process, some of the nuclear weapon states – eventually all – have to be prepared to relinquish the weapons. This is not unheard of; Belarus, Kazakhstan, South Africa and Ukraine have already gone to zero. A “disarmament-president” has to think this conundrum carefully through.

深入削减,肯定是全球消除核武器可能需要批发修改军队在世界上扮演的角色。美国的国家安全 - 以及许多其他大型军事大国 - 根深蒂固地源于旨在威胁其他国家的军事姿势,如果他们做我们不喜欢的事情。




Would Japan agree to the United States eliminating the nuclear umbrella as long as China modernizes and builds up it conventional capabilities? Would Israel agree to disarmament as long as they are surrounded by conventionally armed potential enemies?

Many government and military officials therefore effectively dismiss disarmament by saying: not until there is peace and brotherhood among men. In other words, certainly not in our lifetime or that of our children. Obama’s policy to some extend acknowledges this with a second caveat by talking about the “long road” toward elimination of nuclear weapons.

Ideally, these threats and insecurities must be addressed in a broader context of the relations between states and of the legitimacy of force but, no, all the world’s security problems do not have to be solved before we can consider the elimination of nuclear weapons. Three points are important particularly from a U.S. perspective.

First, there is no need to give some fifth-rate country like North Korea a veto over U.S. nuclear policy. North Korea may very well be developing nuclear weapons to deter the United States but that does not mean the United States, with overwhelming conventional military superiority, needs to have nuclear weapons to deter North Korea, even North Korea’s nuclear use.

Second, the nuclear disarmament of the big nuclear powers will make the nuclear disarmament of troublesome regimes like Iran and North Korea easier, not harder. Some Iranians talk of their nuclear program making them a “world power,” a conceit that would be completely laughable except the established nuclear powers do, in fact, often attach such significance to simply owning nuclear weapons. Delegitimizing nuclear weapons reduces their appeal. North Korea provides a different example: the United States, China, and Russia publicly claim that North Korea’s nuclear weapon program is intolerable, a concern that has only slowly impressed itself on the North Koreans. But imagine that China, the North’s only real patron, had eliminated its own weapons; would the Chinese tolerate their tiny neighbor’s nuclear program then?



背景:Obama’s Plan for a 21st Century Military|Missions for Nuclear Weapons After the Cold War

类别:Nuclear Weapons,美国