
BySeptember 17, 2013


它从来没有足够消除已声明的CW。必须消除所有(或至少99%)的CWS,以确信已消除威胁。获得“信心”是一个非常昂贵且通常很长的过程。就伊拉克而言,这意味着联合国调查人员(UNSCOM)必须花费7500万美元,仅需在伊拉克境内的任务中每年旋转几百名员工(在头5年中)由各个国家提供的支持)。更糟糕的是,在2003年和2004年,美国花费了9亿美元来派遣伊拉克调查小组的1,500名成员进行了15个月的调查,这基本上说,伊拉克曾经曾经有效地拆除了联合国团队和IAEA的WMD计划。在这里有速度与成本比率相比 - 如果您想更快的决心,请准备付出巨大的钱并部署很多人。由于这两项努力,世界上大多数人现在都接受了伊拉克是免费的WMD的想法。

利比亚提供了另一个例子。十年前,利比亚的领导人Muammar Gaddafi希望变得清洁。然而,在他去世后,发现了一大批未划分的化学芥末酱。这是为什么有必要对地面调查进行彻底进行的另一个例子,以确信已经将所有CW舍入围。这两种经历的教训是,它从不便宜。

When performing a WMD investigation in preparation for elimination of weapons, the experienced professionals know that the first job is to understand the system that built the weapons in the first place. In a CW program there is, by definition, a large bureaucratic structure with several layers of personnel performing missions such as raw materials acquisitions, design, equipment procurement, manufacturing, management, financing, safety assurance, storage, transportation and so on. There is not just the CW (rounds) to worry about, but delivery mechanisms (launchers) too. Dissecting the workings of a nation’s WMD infrastructure requires unending document reviews, interviews and re-interviews, and hours of facility inspections (Note: all of this means citizens of some country are going to have boots on the ground).



现在我们知道它多么困难和昂贵的is to find all the CWs, let’s examine the costs of eliminating them. First there is the cost of rounding up the weapons and preparing them for destruction. One would expect the stockpiles to be moved to one or two consolidation sites – hopefully in a secure part of the country or, if the legalities can be worked out, a nearby country. This will be tougher in Syria’s case as there is currently a hot civil war going on. This will only add to the expense. Convoys can also become targets and that adds another dangerous dimension to the process. Once the rounds are consolidated, there is the issue of destruction of the weapons in a way that prevents release of toxins into the environment. If the experiences of Russia and the United States are any guide, finding and then eliminating Syria’s CWs stockpiles could eventually run into the billions. To dispose of these weapons in the correct manner will turn out to be much more expensive than punishing the Assad regime with a few airstrikes. While some of the war-weary Pentagon brass will be relieved by this, the Office of Management and Budget surely will not be.

克里斯·比德威尔is the Senior Fellow for Nonproliferation Law and Policy at the Federation of American Scientists.
