
第105届国会第一次会议H. R. 753需要预算支出的总额为情报活动的独立,未分类的语句。代表_______________________________________________________________________在众议院1997年2月13日科尼尔斯先生(为他自己,加利福尼亚州,德勒姆斯先生,Oberstar先生,Bonior先生,美国加州的法尔先生,佩洛西,斯塔克先生,女士米勒先生。里弗斯,古铁雷斯先生,Hinchey先生,Blumenauer先生,Filner先生,吉奥先生,屠宰女士,纳德勒先生,麦金尼女士,北卡罗莱纳州,耶茨先生,Lowey女士的瓦特先生,奥尔弗先生,女士伊苏牧师先生,和委拉斯开兹女士)推出了以下议案;这是该委员会的管辖范围内提到的关于预算委员会,并且除了委员会情报(永久选择),对于一个周期中随后确定由扬声器,在每种情况下考虑的这种规定落入有关_______________________________________________________________________一个法案,要求预算支出的总额为情报活动的独立,未分类的语句。假如是由美利坚合众国国会代表的参议院和众议院颁布组装,第1节简短的标题。该法可引为“情报预算责任1997年的法案”。SEC。2.目的。这是该法的目的,要求总情报预算数字的公布所要求的文章中,我,第9条,宪法第7条,以提供政府开支进行更彻底的会计。 SEC. 3. FINDINGS. The Congress finds that-- (1) article I, section 9, clause 7 of the Constitution states that "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time."; (2) during the Cold War the United States did not provide to the American people a "regular Statement and Account of the . . . Expenditures" for intelligence activities; (3) the failure to provide to the American people a statement of the total amount of expenditures on intelligence activities prevents them from participating in an informed, democratic decision concerning the appropriate level for such expenditures; and (4) the Report of the Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community recommended the disclosure of "the total amount of money appropriated for intelligence activities during the current fiscal year and the total amount being requested for the next fiscal year". SEC. 4. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF INTELLIGENCE EXPENDITURES FOR THE PRECEDING FISCAL YEAR. Section 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraph: "(31) a separate, unclassified statement of the appropriations and proposed appropriations for the current fiscal year, and the amount of appropriations requested for the fiscal year for which the budget is submitted, for national and tactical intelligence activities, including activities carried out under the budget of the Department of Defense to collect, analyze, produce, disseminate, or support the collection of intelligence."
