国会记录:2002年6月26日(参议院)第S6057-S6089国防授权法案财政年度2003年 - 继续[...]号修正案4099 LEVIN先生。主席先生,代表参议员比尔·纳尔逊,麦凯恩,克莱兰,罗伯茨和达施勒的,我提供了一个修正案,将提供对披露的信息退伍军人事务部对海军的舰载危害和防御工程。我问店员报告的修订。主持会议的官员。店员将报告的修正。助理立法店员如下:参议员从密执安[先生莱文],佛罗里达州的尼尔森先生,为他自己,麦凯恩先生,克莱兰先生,罗伯茨先生和达施勒,提出修正案编号4099.该修正案如下:第一条(目的:为披露要对海军的舰载危害和国防项目)的信息在标题X的字幕E的结束退伍军人事务部,增加以下内容:SEC。1065年信息披露舰载危险和退伍军人事务防御计划部门。该法案颁布之日起信息.--不迟于90天披露(一)计划,国防部长应当向国会和退伍军人事务部部长的全面计划的审查,解密和 submittal to the Department of Veterans Affairs of all medical records and information of the Department of Defense on the Shipboard Hazard and Defense (SHAD) project of the Navy that are relevant to the provision of benefits by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to members of the Armed Forces who participated in that project. (b) Plan Requirements.--(1) The records and information covered by the plan under subsection (a) shall be the records and information necessary to permit the identification of members of the Armed Forces who were or may have been exposed to chemical or biological agents as a result of the Shipboard Hazard and Defense project. (2) The plan shall provide for completion of all activities contemplated by the plan not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. (c) Reports on Implementation.--(1) Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 90 days thereafter until completion of all activities contemplated by the plan under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs a report on progress in the implementation of the plan during the 90-day period ending on the date of such report. (2) Each report under paragraph (1) shall include, for the period covered by such report-- (A) the number of records reviewed; (B) each test, if any, under the Shipboard Hazard and Defense project identified during such review; (C) for each test so identified-- (i) the test name; (ii) the test objective; (iii) the chemical or biological agent or agents involved; and (iv) the number of members of the Armed Forces, and civilian personnel, potentially affected by such test; and (D) the extent of submittal of records and information to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs under this section. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there further debate? Without objection, the amendment is agreed to. The amendment (No. 4099) was agreed to. Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote. Mr. ALLARD. I move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. [...]