Science Policy

The FAS-OMB Evidence Forum: Thinking Back and Looking Forward

11.07.22 | 5 min read

Until a month ago, I was an event skeptic.

When it’s as easy as a Zoom link to connect with colleagues, I found it hard to believe that getting a bunch of people together around an agenda was ever really worth the time and effort.

Point one for my colleagues at FAS and the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), who thought that co-hosting an“证据论坛”in support of theWhite House Year of Evidence for Action是个好主意。完全正确。


Team FAS @ the FAS-OMB Evidence Forum


The Evidence Forum showcased four novel proposals for enhancing evidence-based policy and practice across federal government. Three of these ideas were developed through the“行动挑战的证据”co-sponsored by FAS and thePew Charitable Trusts Evidence Project。这些想法是:

  1. Incorporating evidence on what the public values into policymaking。例如,在设计气候行动计划时,公众愿意接受各种形式的气候适应策略可以并且应与专家评估一起考虑。
  2. Using unmet desire surveys to facilitate productive collaboration among federal agency staff and external experts。Such surveys could, in particular, identify where federal staff could use help from others in advancing agency learning agendas.
  3. Launching an intergovernmental research and evaluation consortium focused on economic mobility。By linking datasets and creating reusable evaluation templates, such a consortium could enable cheap, fast, and reliable assessments of various economic programs.

论坛上也共享的第四个想法正在纳入Living Evidence进入联邦倡议。尽管传统的知识综合方法通常是静态的,并且可以在快速发展的领域中迅速过时,但活着的证据使用了精心设计的,动态方法产生始终是当前的知识摘要。这对于新的研究证据迅速出现,当前的证据尚不确定,新研究可能会改变政策或实践的主题尤其重要。


该论坛展示了当一个可以赋予这些想法维度和生活的人表达的人时,纸上的想法变得更加强大。在扶手椅讨论中,博士。朱利安·埃利奥特(Monash University)和Arlene Bierman(美国医疗保健研究与质量机构)强调,生命证据不是理论上的结构 - 它已经在为动态提供了信息COVID-19-clinical Practice指南and shedding light on基于植物的治疗作为替代性疼痛管理方法。Similarly, Kathy Stack (Yale University) drew on her extensive past experience at OMB to illustrate why intergovernmental partnerships are crucial for improving evaluation and delivery of programs that serve overlapping populations.

The Forum elevated newer voices as well. Postdoctoral research associate Nich Weller (Arizona State University) argued that while federal evidence efforts acknowledge the importance of social, cultural and Indigenous knowledge, they do not draw adequate attention to the challenges of generating, operationalizing, and integrating such evidence in routine policy and decision making. Nich laid out a vision for a federal evidence enterprise that would incorporate the living and lived experiences, knowledge, and values of the public alongside scientific findings and expert analysis. Associate Professor Adam Levine (Johns Hopkins University) also emphasized that effective evidence-based policy depends on interpersonal connections. As Adam explained,

问题不只是陌生人不知道彼此 - 陌生人并不总是知道如何talkto one another.

Intentionally addressing this reality is essential to cultivating productive working relationships.




Participants also worked together to outline specific components that could be included in Living Evidence research agendas for each of these questions and defined criteria for success.


Looking ahead


And I am confident that, in what remains of the White House Year of Evidence and thereafter, much more exciting work is to come. To echo the words of Sir Jeremy Farrar (Wellcome) during his Evidence Forum keynote address,

This is the moment for us to grasp—not in fear, not in uncertainty, not to be down beaten by the challenges the world faces at the moment. But to say that we actually can make the world a better place.


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See this whitepaper recapping the event in more detail for additional policy recommendations.