
The Digital Corps

12.16.20 | 6 min read | 文字Nick Sinai&克里斯·孔(Chris Kuang)


下一个政府应创建一个“Digital Corps”- 一项为期两年的早期研究金,旨在为该国最高的年轻技术人才,在联邦政府服务。这样的计划可以竞争技术领域的大学毕业生和其他早期职业技术专业人员,可能每年招募数千人。在数字时代越来越多的数字时代,由于共同大流行而加速的过渡,数字兵团将改善在关键领域的政府服务,重建对政府的信任,并为联邦政府建立多样化,包容和数字化的人才渠道它在21世纪需要的本地劳动力。

Challenge and Opportunity

The Federal Government faces a massive talent problem, especially in technology. Approximately one-fifth of the federal IT workforce is under 40 years old, and in the Department of Veterans Affairs, in particular, less than 1% of the 8,000 IT workers are under 30 years old, while almost 17% are over 60 years old.1与其他行业一样,如果我们可以跟上,软件和技术正在改善政府。如果为新一代的IT专业人员提供有意义的角色的机会,他们可以帮助我们重塑更简单,更好的政府。

技术人才是确保估核心ent can better meet the needs of its constituents. Whether it has involved modernizing Medicare, improving access to VA services, or responding to the pandemic, the U.S. Digital Service, the General Services Administration’s 18F, and the Presidential Innovation Fellows have already demonstrated that design and technology are key to delivering better services to the American people.


Z一代想要服务。成功的服务计划 - 美国,AmeriCorps和其他人的教程表明,大学毕业生渴望为公共服务做出贡献。具有多种职业选择的技术技能大学毕业生对公共服务也同样感兴趣。非营利性编码它向前运行了公民数字奖学金,这是一个基于联邦代理机构的大学时期技术人员实习;在不到五年的时间里,他们将来自美国各地的200多名年轻技术人员设置为11个联邦机构,从3,000多名申请人中选出(接受率低于10%)。即使招募一小部分计算机科学和STEM毕业生,数字兵团对于联邦政府的长期IT劳动力而言也极为重要。在编码IT Forward的2020年夏季队列时,超过34%的学生在奖学金结束时与他们的代理商保持联系,无论是全职还是兼职能力,都表明了早期职业机会的价值。联邦机构在公民数字奖学金方面的经验表明,初级技术人才与导师配对并在高潜力项目中配备人员时,能够对政府产生重大,直接的影响。


数字兵团将产生多样化的人才注入高技能的大学毕业生和联邦政府的其他早期职业技术人员,与他们的高赌注与影响政府服务交付的高赌注相匹配 - 包括信息技术,网络安全,产品管理,设计,设计,设计,设计,设计,设计,设计,设计,设计,设计,设计,设计,设计计划管理和收购。该奖学金的目的是为数字军团提供跨机构队列的经验,高级联邦指导,现代技能发展以及至少在奖学金中旋转一次的能力。数字军研究员还将有资格获得大量的联邦贷款宽恕。研究员将在几个机构之间放置,在安置和机构之间旋转,以获得经验并扩大其技能。经过两年的高强度服务,研究员将能够竞争加速进入常规联邦服务,并为专业工作或研究生院做好准备。无论是在政府中还是寻求其他机会,数字兵团校友都将在早期职业技术人员中建立联邦服务的品牌,并将作为联邦政府工作的关键盟友和倡导者。

A small group of White House senior staff members—for example, Office of Management and Budget’s Deputy Director of Management, U.S. Chief Information Officer, U.S. Digital Service Administrator, and U.S. Chief Technology Officer—would serve as executive sponsors and champions.

The next administration should begin exploring the formation of a program office with dedicated staff, at the General Services Administration (GSA), where the Presidential Innovation Fellows program is housed, or the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), where the Presidential Management Fellows program is housed. Over the next 12 months, the goals of the program office would be three-fold:

1. Develop the core components of the fellowship。这包括:

2. Launch a recruiting funnel for the first cohort of Fellows to start in Fall 2021。Focus on building a pipeline of exceptional candidates by:

3.为该程序增长的道路。If the first set of placements (e.g., 20-50 fellows) show strong reviews, design a scaling strategy that includes:

Top students have many options, but many want to serve. Important criteria to attract the next generation of technology talent to government include:



A Digital Corps will also help taxpayers. Digital Corps Fellows would be less expensive, comparatively, than retiring federal IT employees. Moreover, as other federal digital programs like U.S. Digital Service and Presidential Innovation Fellows have shown, high-impact technologists help the government to be more effective and efficient, ultimately generating a strong return on investment.

Dorothy Aronson, Annette Maldonado, Alycia Yozzi, Doc McConnell, Trey Bradley, 2020. “Future of the Federal IT Workforce”, May 2020, CIO Councilhttps://www.cio.gov/assets/resources/future_of_federal_it_tworkforce_update_public_version.pdf
John Timmer. 2019. “US computer science grads outperforming those in other key nations.” Ars Technica, March 23, 2019.https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/03/us-computer-science-Grads-outperforming-those-those-those-in-in-other-key-nations/;National Center for Education Statistics. 2020. Indicator 26: STEM Degrees, U.S. Department of Education.https://nces.ed.gov/programs/raceindicators/indicator_reg.asp.