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Taking Out the Space Trash: Creating an Advanced Market Commitment for Recycling and Removing Large-Scale Space Debris

04.26.22 | 11 min read | 文字Lyndsey Gray





地球外的可持续性和安全性rbit and the future success of launch missions depend on the removal of sixty years’ worth of accumulated space debris. The space debris population in the lower-Earth orbit (LEO) region has reached the point where the environment is considered unstable. Over8,000公吨死者,人类沉积的物体绕行了,包括超过13,000颗已解决的卫星。尽管这种累积的垃圾是众多国家航天活动的产物,但不可否认的是美国大贡献者解决问题。大约30%的轨道,功能性卫星属于美国。因此,作为一个国家,我们有责任直接应对太空碎片挑战。


由于美国商业太空领域的快速增长是可能进一步加剧空间碎屑问题。新技术进步意味着它是cheaper than ever制造和推出新卫星。此外,最近的改进火箭工程和设计提供更多经济的选择,以将有效载荷进入太空。这种不断变化的成本环境意味着空间行业不再被选定的大型跨国公司垄断。相反,较小的企业现在面对进入进入的障碍更少for satellite deployment and have an equal opportunity to compete in the market. However, since space debris management is not yet fully regulated, this increased commercial activity means that more industries may be littering LEO in the near future.

America’s mounting demand for satellite-based services will congest LEO’s already crowded environment even further. The U.S. defense sector in particular requires further space resources due to their reliance on sophisticated communication and image-capturing capabilities. As a result, the Department of Defense (DOD) has开始招募太空工业通过增加LEO的卫星部署来提供这些服务。此外,COVID-19大流行具有增强了消费者需求用于基于卫星的互联网。作为回应,space industries are racing为了扩展宽带进入农村地区和远程人口的访问,拜登政府希望通过Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal。Overall, this combined demand for commercial satellite services from the American public and federal government means that more launches will occur in the years ahead and add to the ongoing debris issue.

The worsening congestion in outer space is a严重的滋扰for America’s space industry. Floating trash in LEO creates an immediate physical barrier to commercial space activity. Rocket launches and payload delivery must first chart a safe flight that avoids collision with pre-orbiting objects, which, given the growing congestion in LEO, will only become more difficult in the future.

空间碎片问题也是严重的安全风险,有一天可能在灾难中结束。如果空间流量变得太密集,两个大物体之间的单一碰撞可能会产生数千个小规模碎片的云。这些碎片反过来可以充当致命的导弹,撞击了轨道上的其他物体,从而造成了更多的碰撞碎片。这串联的破坏,称为Kessler Syndrome,最终导致狮子座充满了无法控制的弹丸饱和,这使得不可能进一步发射,探索和开发。这种情况的金融,工业和社会后果将是毁灭性的。


如果要在发展和行业中仍然是可行的环境,则必须解决空间碎屑问题。NASA和其他太空机构已经表明five to ten of the most massive debris objects必须每年删除,以防止空间碎片堆积失控。大气阻力(唯一的自然空间清理过程)的轨道衰减不足以去除大型碎屑。实际上,由于表面侵蚀可能会导致较小的碎屑抛弃,因此轨道衰减可能会加剧大量碎屑物体带来的问题。因此,必须手动进行清理和清除大量碎屑物体。

According to the国家太空政策, the U.S. government can “develop governmental space systems only when it is in the national interest and there is no suitable, cost-effective U.S. commercial or, as appropriate, foreign commercial service or system that is or will be available.” As such, any future U.S. space cleanup program must actively involve the space industry sector to be successful. Such a program must create an environment where space debris removal is a competitive economic opportunity rather than an obligation.

Presently, an industrial sector focused on space debris removal and recycling—including on-site satellite servicing, in-orbit equipment repair and satellite life extensions, satellite end-of-life services, and active debris removal—remains nascent at best. However, the potential and importance of this sector is becoming increasingly evident. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s地球同步卫星的机器人服务计划旨在廉价回收仍在运行的已停产卫星,并将其纳入新的太空系统中。美国跨国公司和国防技术公司Northrop Grumman以及许多其他中小型企业都拥有正在进行的项目建立轨内回收系统以降低新卫星发射的成本和风险。但是,需要联邦干预以迅速刺激该部门的进一步增长并应对以下挑战:







Recommendation 2. NASA’s Orbital Debris Program Office (ODPO), in coordination with the DOD’s Space Surveillance Network, should create a prioritized list of massive space debris items in LEO for expedited cleanup.

火箭物体,无功能卫星和其他大碎片是狮子座总轨道碎片质量最高百分比。由于这些物体通过碰撞和腐烂产生额外碎屑的最高风险,因此减少在Leo的住宿是当务之急。但是,鉴于较旧碎片物品的空间碎屑连续产生,有时甚至是不确定或脆弱的所有权,联邦政府需要建立公众并定期更新“大范围的批判性”指数。该指数将根据(i)通过侵蚀或碰撞产生额外碎片的能力,使大量碎片物品具有风险评估评分,(ii)删除的可行性,(iii)其所有权状态以及(iv)其他风险因素。在NASA ODPO发布其发行之前,将其放入轨道的物体standard debris mitigation guidelines需要追溯评估。




建议4.太空部队 - 太空系统命令应与NASA的小型企业创新研究和小型企业技术转移(SBIR/STTR)计划进行协调,以发出旨在促进未来卫星回收工作的基于卫星设计的大挑战。

Grand challenges are popular and often effective tools for stimulating public interest in a given issue and advancing technologies. However, they can fall short of creating a sustainable, long-lasting commercial industry. The Space Force and NASA can overcome this difficulty by designing a grand challenge wherein: (i) research and development costs are shared among private and public participants; (ii) multiple winners are selected at the end of the challenge; (iii) winners are chosen based on whether they meet government capability thresholds in addition to being commercially viable; and (iv) challenge winners are guaranteed a long-term government service contract.

For this grand challenge, Space Force and NASA should encourage the creation and, afterwards, widespread commercial use of satellite design strategies that facilitate satellite recycling, mission extension, or deconstruction. Specifically, the design challenge should focus on:

Recommendation 5. NOAA’s Office of Space Commerce, in conjunction with the Space Force and NASA’s ODPO, should jointly issue an annual research report outlining risk, cost-benefit analyses, and the economics of orbital debris removal and recycling.

For the growing number of debris recycling and satellite maintenance industries, large orbital debris represent a potential source of valuable materials and resources. While it is theorized that repurposing or salvaging these large debris objects may be more cost effective than de-orbiting them, exact costs and benefits are often unspecified. Additionally, the financial repercussions of accumulating space debris and collisions are largely unknown.



美国航天工业的发展,potential, end-of-life satellites and other orbiting dead equipment need to be cleared from Earth’s lower orbit. Without removing these items, the increasing possibility of a severe in-orbit collision poses a major security risk to civilian, military, and commercial infrastructure providers. By creating an advanced market commitment for recycling and de-orbiting large-sized debris items, the federal government does more than just address the growing space debris problem. It also creates a new market for the U.S. space industry and stimulates further economic growth for the country. Additionally, it encourages greater public-private collaboration as well as consistent communication between crucial offices within the U.S. government.



危险的是什么 - 美国航天行业的价值多少?

2018年,美国联邦航空局(FAA)估计了美国太空行业的价值大约1580亿美元。从那以后,太空经济一直在增长,主要是由于a record period of private investmentand新的投资者机会in spaceflight, satellite, and other space-related companies. As a result, the space industry was valued at4240亿美元在2019年。到2030年,人们认为航天行业将成为美国经济中最有价值的部门之一,预计价值在1.5至3万亿美元之间。



从1970 - 2000年开始,将一公斤材料推向太空的成本保持稳定,主要由NASA确定。当NASA的航天飞机舰队运行时,它可能会发动有效载荷27,500公斤,15亿美元(每公斤54,500美元)。如今,SpaceX的Falcon 9 Rocket宣传的成本仅为$62 million to launch 22,800 kilograms($2,720 per kilogram). In other words, commercial launch has reduced the cost of getting a satellite into LEO by a factor of 20. Additional developments in reusable rocket technology may decrease that cost to just500万美元将来。卫星技术和大规模生产的改进将进一步降低成本并使更多发布成为可能。预计卫星质量生产技术可能会从每卫星5亿美元至50万美元



If the satellites in question are active, fully functioning, and capable of maneuvering, then to an extent—yes. Satellites can be remotely programmed to change course and avoid a collision. Even under these circumstances, though, these objects adhere to the laws of physics; it can take a lot of energy to alter their orbit to avoid a crash. As such, most satellite operators require hours or days to plan and execute a collision avoidance maneuver.


Is there air traffic control in outer space?




Why does this memo focus on LEO? Isn’t space debris a problem at other orbits and distances too?


8. Why focus on large space debris, like defunct satellites and rocket cast-offs? What about smaller debris?

较小的碎片在外太空中的数量较大。根据美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的说法,大约有23,000块碎屑大于旋转地球的垒球。有500,000块大理石的碎片(最高0.4英寸或1厘米),约1亿块碎片,约为0.04英寸(或1毫米),更大。千分尺尺寸(直径为0.000039)的碎片更加丰富。这些小型空间碎片可能以17,500英里 /小时的速度行驶,这意味着它们在碰撞过程中可能会造成大量损坏。

显然(请参见下图),小碎片也是一个重大的安全风险,应包括在空间碎片清理方面。但是,无法跟踪小规模的碎屑轨道,“捕捉”这些小速度对象的具体挑战以及严重缺乏可靠的信息on small-sized space debris means that this aspect of space debris mitigation will likely require its own unique policy actions.

We presently have more data on large-sized debris, and these items pose对正在进行的太空努力的最大威胁,他们应该碰撞。因此,该备忘录首先关注针对这些碎片项目的政策行动。