
燃烧问题:与埃里卡·高盛(Erica Goldman)的野火政策

08.02.22 | 5 min read

Americans now get all-too-regular reminders of the dangers posed by wildfires: just this week California’s McKinney Fire provided a tragic例子

所有人都同意,限制野火对生命和财产构成的风险至关重要 - 但是最好的方法是什么呢?埃里卡·戈德曼(Erica Goldman)and her science policy team at FAS are working hard to ensure that science has a key role in shaping a “whole-of-government” framework for wildland fire policy. We spoke to her about where things stand, and why this year could be a turning point for how government agencies and leaders take on this problem…

埃里卡·戈德曼(Erica Goldman)


埃里卡·戈德曼(Erica Goldman):重要的是要专门回顾过去5到6年。我们每年平均燃烧了800万英亩,这是1987年至1991年的平均水平的两倍,如果您查看的数量结构近年来被大火摧毁,甚至更清楚地知道野火政权已经改变。我们看到更多不受控制的野火,更大的野火。他们正在经历人口稠密的地区,我们看到有更多的人处于危险之中,并有更多的财产处于危险之中。气候变化显然对野火制度产生了影响,事情正在发展更危险,更复杂。



What groups and agencies are working on these issues – and what’s different about this particular moment?

EG:涉及野火的国家,地方,非营利组织和联邦机构的星座几乎太大了,无法理解。但是,政府内部有很多势头 - 在这种情况下,在联邦一级 - 以应对与不受控制的野火相关的挑战,同时优化生态系统上的“有益火”。目前,有三个不同的联邦政府间互际组织在此问题上工作:Wildland Fire领导委员会(WFLC),白宫跨机构工作组(IWG)和Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission。It’s that last one, the Commission, that is likely to be a “fast moving train,” because it was created by Congress and has a deadline to do its work – its statute says it has to deliver recommendations to Congress in the next 12 months.

So that commission will be looking closely at many different aspects of wildfire science and land management over the next year, and then delivering some ideas to lawmakers. But Congress has already passed many wildfire related laws, right?

EG:Congress has been pretty active in this space over the past several years. Wildfire is a close-to-home issue for constituents in many of the western states, so I think we’ve seen a lot of legislative attempts to addressaspects野火。有几项针对科学的法案,还有其他旨在支持消防劳动力的法案。因此,国会最终发挥了重要作用。但是,目前缺少的成分之一是如何以立法意义的方式以整体方式对待这一点。我认为在过去一年中,已经提出了35个法案,但我认为,我们尚未看到解决这个问题的全面方法。


EG:我们有很多学习的理解和倾听ing to and observing how Indigenous people who’ve lived on this land for centuries have managed fire. In particular with respect to prescribed burns – there is growing evidence that Indigenous practices have successfully managed to avoid prescribed burns turning into uncontrolled megafires. So it feels like there’s a real opportunity to not just learn from the practices but incorporate Indigenous decision-makers and knowledge holders into the policy development process.

您还强调了技术领域的更多参与 - 这很有意义。

EG:是的 - 我们在轨道上有许多现有的功能,可以使用该技术来早日检测野火。我们还看到,围绕无人机检测能力的无人机能力的发展努力的增长。这是一个新兴的重点:技术创新如何有所帮助,尤其是在早期发现和抑制方面。但是,我们仍在弄清楚技术创新如何与联邦政府在消防管理方面的业务开展业务的方式相结合。


EG:I see a gap in the narrative right now: We know that living with fire is critical, and that if we can’t burn the landscape, we’re going to put ourselves at even greater risk for catastrophic megafires. However, the science community is not adequately communicating how prescribed and managed fires fit within our heating world in a way that policy makers can use. The result of that is for policy lean toward blanket moratoria on prescribed fire. The science community agrees that we must include climate change in the way we think about policy, but they’re not getting granular on how to do that. I’ve seen a few ideas suggesting creative solutions such as geospatial mapping of dynamic burnings – this would help communities and land managers make targeted decisions like, ‘Burn now, it’s going to rain – don’t burn now because it’s getting dry.’ The key is getting the science community to serve that up in a way that’s useful to policymakers. You need to speak in a way that policymakers can understand, and actually think about not just about the phenomenon of climate change, but how to offer some solutions for managing the land in spite of it.

FAS也有Impact Fellow在美国农业部从事野火解决方案:

珍娜·诺布洛克(Jenna Knobloch)自然与环境办公室是野火弹性影响研究员。珍娜(Jenna)是美国农业部(USDA)野火弹性最高的高级专家,提供了有关抑制大型抗议力,缓解和基于社区的解决方案的政策指南。她已经为拜登政府的高级官员提供了有关行政命令加强美国古老森林的实施步骤的建议,并研究了这些森林在维持生态系统中所发挥的关键作用。