day one project


11.23.21 | 10min read | 文字艾米丽·瑞安(Emily Ryan)




美国有highest numberof incarcerated individuals worldwide: the U.S. prison population numbers nearly 1.9 million. Recidivism rates are equally astonishing. Of the over 600,000 individuals released from state and federal prisons each year, more than two-thirds are rearrested within three years of release.一半的重架随后被重新审议。

累犯的成本非常高。累犯费用纳税人每年至少至少有3.66亿美元,一次累犯事件估计将施加多达15万美元的纳税人负担。累犯也有massive social costs。Continuous reincarceration harms communities, breaks families, and contributes to generational systemic poverty. To break this cycle, we as a nation need to rethink how we approach incarceration and assign more importance to reintegration efforts.


It is also worth considering the economic benefits our nation is failing to capture from formerly incarcerated individuals.根据美国商会的说法,由于以前被监禁的求职者排除在劳动力之外,估计每年的GDP估计为78-8.87亿美元。在监狱中的工作机会。

我们可以做得更好。研究表明,当被监禁的人获得访问工具,使他们能够与可以帮助他们的人和资源联系起来,这些人就可以更好地重新进入社会。这样的工具包括定期的视频和语音通话以及与朋友和亲人的文本以及电子邮件。它们包括参加身体,精神和精神计划以及社区主导的活动的能力,包括计划和活动offered through digital services。重要的是,它们包括通过硬件管理的在线教育计划和学习平台的访问,旨在使学习更轻松,更健壮,并与现代的数字化高技能方法保持一致。

Indeed, there is a growing market for hardware, software, and other digital innovations designed to work within U.S. carceral systems. Startups focused on the prison-tech space have the knowledge and will to replace archaic, ineffective approaches to rehabilitation with more meaningful products and services. Unfortunately, prison-tech startups also face challenges not encountered by startups in other tech subsectors.


Second, prison-tech startups, like all startups, often struggle to find funding. But while other startups can woo private funders with promises of equity, board seats, and concrete financial returns, success for these startups often includes bettering lives and fostering meaningful experiences, measures that cannot be quantified through revenue alone. Many investment firms have little interest in funding such “tech for social good” enterprises.
Third, prison-tech startups invest substantial time and money into including equality, accessibility and safety in their offerings. As such, access to this type of beneficial technology should not be limited to only carceral institutions with larger budgets to purchase them. At the same time, too many existing goods and services purport to serve incarcerated individuals equally and justly but are actually designed to maximize revenue generation. For example, systems like TRULINCS and JPay are pay-per-use services (for communication, money transfer, and other purposes) provided at extraordinarily high costs to incarcerated individuals and their networks on the outside — often at costs so high that the critical opportunities for connection they provide are根本无法承受for those who need them most. Prison-tech products and services must be designed and used in ways that do not exploit, harm, or otherwise jeopardize the health and safety of incarcerated individuals and their families nor unduly burden individuals and their families with exorbitant costs per use.

Plan of Action

The Biden-Harris Administration should launch a cross-agency initiative to support prison-tech startups. The initiative would offer federal grants to fund private companies and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) providing beneficial prison-tech goods and services: e.g., carceral learning platforms and tools that can prepare incarcerated individuals to reenter society. The initiative should also provide incentives for prison-tech startups to hire formerly incarcerated individuals. Such incentives will create self-sustaining ecosystems that provide meaningful, long-term employment to former inmates, drive bottom-line success for prison-tech startups, and better communities in which startups are based.



Program structure

As explained above, the proposed initiative comprises two pillars. The first pillar focuses on federal grant funding to help prison-tech startups launch. The second pillar focuses on later-stage financial incentives and market support that help prison-tech startups scale and achieve long-term financial sustainability, and that encourage prison-tech startups to provide good jobs to previously incarcerated individuals.



主要工具是Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)program. Under SBIR, companies are generally awarded up to $150,000 for a Phase I (P1) grant that runs for up to six months. Companies who successfully complete P1 and show favorable outcomes and market opportunities can become eligible for Phase II (P2) funding, which has a cap of $1 million for a two-year period of performance. This staggered approach requires companies to measure and demonstrate positive outcomes in order to be eligible for follow-on investments. We propose creating a specific prison-tech topic code for SBIR, which would allow NSF and ED to use this program to allocate prison-tech startup grants. Though SBIR funding generally does not go beyond P2, the federal government could consider adding Phase III (P3) funding opportunities for particularly promising prison-tech startups. In P3, companies would be eligible for awards of $5–10 million to scale up products and services to meet the needs of prisons nationwide. A summary of proposed SBIR award numbers and funding levels for this initiative is proposed below.

阶段 Period of Performance Max. awards disbursed per cycle
1 6 months — 1 year 10
2 2年 5
3 美东时间。3年 2
Based on per annum investment at 100% for PI, 50% for PII and 33% for PIII, with an average of 7.5M award per PIII recipient)
Year Funding per phase 总资金
1 P1: $1,500,000 $ 1,500,000
2 P1: $1,500,000
P2:$ 2,500,000
$ 4,000,000
3 P1: $1,500,000
P2:$ 2,500,000
$ 4,000,000
4 P1: $1,500,000
P2:$ 2,500,000
P3: $5,000,000
5 P1: $1,500,000
P2:$ 2,500,000
P3: $5,000,000

另外,数字公平法— part of the recently passed bipartisan infrastructure bill—includes a total of $2.75 billion over five years to provide digital training and skill-development opportunities to low-income and disadvantaged populations, which includes those formerly incarcerated. Through this act (and specifically through its “Spurring Targeted Action through Competitive Grants”ARM)国家电信和信息管理局(NTIA)将制定一年一度的$ 1.25亿美元竞争赠款计划,以支持各个团体,联盟和/或感兴趣社区进行的数字包含项目。拜登·哈里斯(Biden-Harris)政府应探讨将NTIA赠款包括在监狱技术初创企业倡议中的选择。


该支柱的目的是在业务启动和长期财政可持续性之间的关键时期内支持监狱技术初创公司 - 该时期当许多初创公司失败时。Providing funding, markets and overall business support during this crucial time period ensures continuity of offering for the institution as well as ensuring small business thrives.

SBA和DOL应该合作,为监狱技术初创公司,尤其是雇用以前被监禁个人的初创公司提供持续的财务激励措施,例如,扩展税收抵免和债券计划。作为该支柱的一部分,DOL的WOTC应为每年至少赚取至少65,000美元的员工每年每年每年$ 19,600。1DOL’s Federal Bonding program should also be extended to cover the first 12 months or more of employment. Finally, the Biden-Harris administration should explore opportunities for retention bonuses or additional tax credits that encourage prison-tech startups to retain formerly incarcerated individuals beyond the first 12 months of employment.


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