Technology & Innovation

An Earthshot for Clean Steel and Aluminum

03.28.22 | 8分钟阅读 | Text byJake HigdonRachel Pierson


避免气候变化的最严重影响所需的动员和技术进步的规模最近导致美国政客援引新的21世纪“月球”的需求。奥巴马政府发起了阳光计划,以大大降低太阳能的成本,最近,能源部(DOE)宣布a series of “Earthshots”降低新兴气候解决方案的成本,例如长期储能。

While DOE’s Earthshots to date have been technology-specific and sector-agnostic, certain heavy industrial processes, such as steel and concrete, are so emissions- intensive and fundamental to modern economies as to demand an Earthshot unto themselves. These products are ubiquitous in modern life, and will be subject to increasing demand as we seek to deploy the clean energy infrastructure necessary to meet climate goals. In other words, there is no reasonable pathway to preserving a livable planet without developing clean steel and concrete production at mass scale. Yet the sociotechnical pathways to green industry – including the mix of technological solutions to replace high-temperature heat and process emissions, approaches to address local air pollutants, and economic development strategies – remain complex and untested. We urgently need to orient our climate innovation programs to the task.

因此,本备忘录提出了DOE发起的Steel Shot to drive zero-emissions iron, steel, and aluminum production to cost-parity with traditional production within a decade。换句话说,十年内零排放钢的零美元差异或十分为零。


作为Biden-Harris政府历史努力的一部分quadruple federal funding为了清洁能源创新,DOE推出了series of “Earthshots”to dramatically slash the cost of emerging technologies and galvanize entrepreneurs and industry to hone in on ambitious but achievable goals. DOE has announced Earthshots for carbon dioxide removal, long-duration storage, and clean hydrogen. New programs authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, such as hydrogen demonstration hubs, provide tools to help DOE to meet the ambitious cost and performance targets set in the Earthshots. The Earthshot technologies have promising applications for achieving net-zero emissions economy-wide, including in sectors that are challenging to decarbonize through clean electricity alone.

这样一个行业是重工业,一个臭名昭著的具有挑战性和排放密集型部门尽管造成了近三分之一的美国排放量,但联邦决策者的重点很少。在工业部门,铁和钢,混凝土和化学物质的生产是biggest sources of CO2 emissions,不仅是由于其繁重的能源需求而产生的气候污染,而且还来自其固有的过程(例如,水泥的熟料生产)。

同时,全球对这些产品更清洁版本的需求 - 现代社会的基本基础 - 正在上升。国际能源局(IEA)估计仅在未来三十年中,仅铁和钢生产中的二氧化碳排放量就需要从2.4 gt下降到0.2 gt,以满足零净排放的目标,即使是整体钢铁消费增加to meet our needs for clean energy buildout. Accordingly, by 2050, global investment in clean energy and sustainable infrastructure materials will grow to $5 trillion per year. The United States is well-positioned to seize these economic opportunities, particularly in the metals industry, given its long history of metals production, skilled workforce, the initiation of talks to reach基于碳排放的钢和铝业贸易协定,以及强大的劳工和政治联盟,支持恢复美国制造业领导。


Department of Energy request for information on a new Clean Energy Manufacturing Institute, 2021

然而,准确的将部署的解决方案to decarbonize heavy industry remain to be seen. According to the aforementioned IEA Net-Zero Energy (NZE) scenario, steel decarbonization could require a mix of carbon capture, hydrogen-based, and other innovative approaches, as well as material efficiency gains. It is likely that electrification – and in the case of steel, increased global use of electric arc furnaces – will also play a significant role. While technology research funding should be increased, traditional “technology-push” efforts alone are unlikely to spur rapid and widespread adoption of a diverse array of solutions, particularly at low-margin, capital-intensive manufacturing facilities. This points to the potential for creative technology-neutral policies, such as清洁采购计划, which create early markets for low-emissions production practices without prescribing a particular technological pathway.


The Steel Shot can bring together applied research and demonstration programs, public-private partnerships, prizes, and government procurement, galvanizing public energy around a target that enables a wide variety of approaches to compete. These efforts will be synergistic with technology-specific Earthshots seeking dramatic cost declines on a similar timeline.

Plan of Action

Develop and launch a metals-focused Earthshot:


Create demand for “green steel” through market pull mechanisms:




These products are ubiquitous and increasingly crucial for deploying the clean energy infrastructure necessary to reach net-zero. The United States of America has a long history of metals production, a skilled workforce, and strong labor and political coalitions in favor of restoring U.S. manufacturing leadership. Additionally, carbon-intensive steel from China has become a growing concern for U.S. manufacturers and policymakers; Chinaproduces56% of global crude steel, followed by India (6%), Japan (5%), and then the U.S. (4%). The U.S. already maintains a strong competitive advantage in clean steel, and the technologies needed to double-down and fully decarbonize steel are close to commercialization, but still require government support to achieve cost parity.

Will this Earthshot reduce U.S. metals manufacturing competitiveness?

U.S. steel production is already less polluting than many foreign sources, but that typically comes with额外费用。减少“绿色高级”将有助于使美国金属生产商的竞争力保持竞争力,同时为越来越多地寻找绿色钢铁产品的买家的需求做好准备。最终用户,例如大众are aiming for zero emissions across their entire value chain by 2050, while Mercedes-Benz and Volvo have already begunsourcing low-emissions steel对于新的汽车。同时,欧盟正在准备实施碳边界调整机制这可能会导致美国的钢铁生产产品的价格更高。钢边界税的后果已经在钢铁协议中看到,例如最近的美国欧盟公告惩罚性关税下降彼此的钢铁和aluminum exports and to begin talks on a carbon-based trade agreement.


突破能量据估计,使用碳捕获的钢的“绿色溢价”比“正常”生产的钢高约16% - 29%。由于可以使用多种流程来减少排放,因此有助于“绿色保费”,因此可能没有一个数字可以估计当前成本。但是,在可能的情况下,我们主张使用“绿色”生产的钢的现实世界数据来估计DOE与“传统”钢相比实现其基准目标有多近。