

04.26.20 | 1分钟阅读 | 文字亚历克斯·玛莎斯(Alex Marthews)凯瑟琳·塔克(Catherine Tucker)


在20世纪,监视的昂贵性质使维持宪法保证更容易保护美国人免受大规模监视。在21世纪,我们的日常生活和通讯的数字化大大降低了监视成本,实际上改变了监视本身的性质。任何总统的核心责任是“保护,保护和捍卫宪法”,但最近未密封的联邦法院裁决表明,联邦调查局(FBI)和国家安全局(NSA)等情报机构正常访问digital communications of U.S. persons and otherwise using digital surveillance in ways that violate Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights against “unreasonable searches and seizures.” To fulfill their oath of office, the next president should take concrete steps to reform federal operations with respect to digital surveillance. This is important not only for protecting basic American rights, but also for diplomatic relations with key foreign allies. Instituting meaningful protections against government surveillance in the United States would have the significant diplomatic benefit of helping reestablish the credibility of American calls for other countries to adhere to high human-rights standards.