
Jayantha Dhanapala大使是一位斯里兰卡国家,康迪三一学院的中学教育。他的高等教育在斯里兰卡佩内亚大学,他毕业于艺术学士(荣誉)学士学位,以法国人主修英国文学;在伦敦大学的东方和非洲研究学院,他在华盛顿州和美国大学学习,D.C。在那里他在国际研究中获得了艺术学位的硕士学位。

After a period of three years as a corporate executive in Sri Lanka’s private sector, Dhanapala entered the Sri Lanka Foreign Service in 1965. Between 1965 and 1983 he held diplomatic appointments in London, Beijing,Washington, D.C. and New Delhi in addition to being Director of the Non-aligned Movement (NAM) Division of the Foreign Ministry during Sri Lanka’s Chairmanship of the NAM. In 1984 he was appointed Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations (UN) in Geneva with concurrent accreditation to the UN agencies in Vienna. In 1987 the UN Secretary-General appointed Dhanapala to head the Geneva-based United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) as Director. Returning to the Foreign Ministry in Colombo in 1992 he was Additional Foreign Secretary at the time of his appointment in January 1995 as Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to the USA with concurrent accreditation to Mexico. He relinquished this appointment in April 1997 opting for early retirement from the Sri Lanka Foreign Service. In August 1997 Dhanapala joined the Centre for Non-proliferation Studies of the Monterey Institute of International Studies in the USA as Diplomat-in-Residence. Dhanapala was appointed Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs in the United Nations and functioned in that capacity from 1 February, 1998 till 31 May, 2003. In addition the Secretary-General appointed Dhanapala as a Commissioner in UNSCOM and the Head of the Special Group visiting the Presidential Sites in Iraq in 1998.From June 2004 Dhanapala functioned as Secretary-General of the Peace Secretariat and Senior Adviser to the President of Sri Lanka until November 2005.

Dhanapala代表了他在联合国大会和许多NAM和英联邦会议的国家。他还担任许多国际会议,包括1995年核不扩散条约审查和延期会议,他被广泛赞誉。He has received awards from Georgetown University, Washington D.C., the Monterey Institute of International Studies, the Ploughshares Fund and the School of International Service of American University, Washington D.C. for his work in diplomacy and disarmament and was the Global Security Institute’s first recipient of the Alan Cranston Peace Award in 2002. On the invitation of the Government of Australia Dhanapala served as a member of the Canberra Commission - a group of 17 eminent international personalities who published an influential report on nuclear disarmament in 1996. The Lanka Monthly Digest nominated Dhanapala as Sri Lankan of the Year 2006.

Jayantha Dhanapala目前是联合国联合国大学委员会主席,并于武装部队民主控制委员会咨询委员会,该部队蒙特雷国际研究所的蒙特雷研究所的爆炸性研究中心,斯坦福大学的CISAC赛克斯·国际中心和红十字国际委员会。他也是国际和平局(IPB)的荣誉总裁,赢得了1910年诺贝尔和平奖.Dhanapala也是瑞典政府在2004年的博士博士主席下由瑞典政府推出的大规模毁灭性委员会武器。6。


布鲁斯·霍夫曼博士一直在研究三十年的恐怖主义和叛乱。他目前是乔治城大学的埃德蒙德A.沃尔什外国服务学院的安全研究计划职业教授,华盛顿特区。霍夫曼教授以前曾在兰德公司举行的反恐和反驳,也是兰德华盛顿的董事,D.C.办公室。从2001年到2004年,他曾担任兰德的外交副总裁,2004年,他也是兰德的中东公共政策中心的代理主任。霍夫曼教授在2004年春季担任国家安全事务,联盟临时权力,巴格达,巴格达,伊拉克·伊拉克顾问顾问,2004 - 2005年,是多国部队战略,计划和分析办公室的反驳-iraq总部,巴格达。他也是伊拉克研究小组的顾问。




修订和更新的1998年恐怖主义的被誉为1998年的书籍于2006年5月在德国美国和S.Fischer Verlag的美国哥伦比亚大学出版社于2006年5月出版。第一版的外语版已在十个国家发布。华盛顿博士学位在恐怖主义中描述为“辉煌”,“2006年7月16日”(2006年7月16日)。霍夫曼教授也是大西洋每月的常规贡献者,是“自杀恐怖主义逻辑”的作者,这是2003年6月的封面故事。在2006年秋季,他是德国美国柏林亚亚柏林亚·德国美国人的研究员和C. V.Starr杰出的访客。


他是《非法:走私者、走私者和模仿者如何劫持全球经济》(Illicit: How Smugglers, Smugglers and Copycats Are Hijacking the Global Economy)等8本书的作者或编辑。《华盛顿邮报》将这本书选为2005年最佳纪实书籍之一。《非法》以14种以上的语言出版,是国家地理电影和电视制作的两小时特别电视节目的主题,向全世界广播。

