国会记录:2003年7月31日(参议院)页S10621-S10687关于已提出法案和联合决议的声明[…作者:佛罗里达格雷厄姆先生(为他自己、范斯坦夫人和洛克菲勒先生):S. 1520。修订《1947年国家安全法》的法案,以重组和改善美国情报部门的领导,为加强美国政府的反恐活动及其他目的提供条文;情报特别委员会。洛克菲勒先生。主席先生,我很高兴成为9-11纪念情报改革法案参议员鲍勃·格雷厄姆今天介绍了这一法案,以实施参议院和众议院情报委员会9·11联合调查的建议。我期望这项重要的立法将提交给情报特别委员会,我是该委员会的副主席。我承诺与主席和我们的同事合作,确保法案中涉及的问题得到我们国家安全所需要的充分考虑和采取行动。我期望其他委员会,例如司法委员会,会关注条例草案所涵盖的某些事项,我期待与他们合作。9-11纪念情报改革法案涵盖了从美国情报系统的基本结构到情报信息共享和分析的改进、国内反恐的改革以及联合调查过程中发现的其他问题。金博宝正规网址在一些问题上,尤其是在改革情报机构的领导结构上,该法案提出了具体的改革。对于其他各种问题,该法案要求行政部门出具报告,作为国会随后采取行动的依据。ReportsReports我们今后的工作主要有两个方面。首先是系统地、彻底地检查总统、情报机构和其他部门和机构为纠正美国情报和反恐方面的不足而采取的步骤。联合调查的建议于去年12月首次公布。 In the months ahead, we should call on the agencies of the intelligence community, and other components of the executive branch, to report on their concrete measures, both since September 11 and since our recommendations were made public, to correct deficiencies. We should then assess those reports and Administration testimony in committee hearings. Our second task is to consider reform proposals, including those in Senator Graham's bill. In that regard, I should make clear that the answers proposed in the bill are not the last word on any of those subjects. They are, instead, a beginning point for the Senate's consideration of measures to correct the problems identified by the Joint 9-11 Inquiry. As we address these important tasks, it will be essential that the Congress and the American public have the benefit of the best ideas available. We will welcome proposals by the administration, by other Members of Congress, from the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, and concerned citizens. Important ideas should not be bottled up anywhere. They should be put on the public table. In that regard, I urge the President to release the intelligence reform recommendations that former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft has made to the administration. In public testimony before our Joint Inquiry in September 2002, General Scowcroft testified, in response to a question that I asked him, that in May 2001--before September 11, the President had established a process to review the intelligence community. General Scowcroft testified that he chaired the external panel of that review, but that he could not get into much detail because his report was still classified. It is time, I believe, finally to declassify that report to the extent possible. The Congress and the American public should have the benefit of that distinguished public servant's insights about intelligence community reform. ______