Alexa White

Policy Entrepreneurship Fellow
International Climate Policy 环境正义 Science Communication

Alexa Whitewas previously a Policy Entrepreneurship Fellow at the Federation of American Scientists, where she works on environmental justice and sustainable development issues across the science and technology policy landscape.

She is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan. Traditionally trained as an agroecologist and herpetologist, her dissertation research focuses on biophysical indicators of sustainable agriculture and international climate governance pertaining to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #2: To End Hunger.

Alexa was awarded the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Conservation Leadership Award in 2020 for her research and profound discoveries in food sovereignty and food justice.

She also leads the University of Michigan Delegation to the United Nations Conference of Parties and has organized forums at COP21 in Paris, COP24 in Poland, and COP25 in Spain. In addition, she is a project lead for the University of Michigan’s Sustainability Without Borders project in Kampala, Uganda where she works to improve the country’s water filtration systems throughout the country.

Alexa earned her undergraduate degree in biology and chemistry from Howard University and hails from New Jersey.


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Journal of Science Policy & Governance, 2022