Nuclear Weapons

NPT 40年后及以后

07.02.08 | 6分钟阅读 | Text by Alicia Godsberg

On July 1, 1968 the核武器不扩散(NPT)条约开放以进行签名,首次将具有法律约束力的义务编纂为实现核裁军。今年标志着40Th这项历史悠久的军备控制条约的周年纪念日,除三个国家以外的每个州都是一个政党(印度,巴基斯坦和以色列从来都不是签署国 - 朝鲜于2003年退出了该条约)。

关于NPT制度是否失败,需要修订或简单过时的文章已经有很多文章。这NPT regime faces many challenges: nuclear weapons now enjoy a prominent place in the security policies of nuclear weapon states and new plans have been designed for their use including preemptive and preventive actions; materials and technology obtained from the civilian nuclear cooperation promoted by the Treaty could be used to manufacture nuclear bombs; a black market in nuclear technology and materials has been discovered; and the global rise in energy demand has put nuclear energy into the mix of solutions to this emerging crisis, despite the proliferation risks associated with advanced fuel cycle technology.有些声音反驳说,除少数例外,该条约的原则阻止了肯尼迪总统在1960年代所设想的核武器的广泛扩散。一件事很明确:必须从最高水平的政府开始实现NPT的目标,并使与条约相关的过程和规范能够和平浏览其面临的挑战并保持其对未来的相关性。


While the obligations of the NNWS are subject to monitoring to ensure compliance, the obligation to work toward nuclear disarmament has no similar monitoring or implementing mechanism written into the Treaty.这种遗漏已转化为许多问题,包括关于第六条中裁军义务的实施的混杂审查。例如,美国声称它实际上符合第六条,这表明自冷战高峰以来,美国核力量大幅减少。然而,NNW认为,从数万核武器减少到数千核武器并不代表着努力努力进行全核武器的努力。实际上,NWS抵制了所有通过联合国的裁军机制来废除核武器的协议的尝试。What “nuclear disarmament” and working toward “negotiation in good faith” for nuclear disarmament mean then is conspicuously absent from the NPT and needs to be well defined for the future health of the Treaty.

目前对NTP的国际关注的最前沿的问题是讨价还价的另一部分,即NNWS开发,研究和生产核能出于和平目的的“不可剥夺的权利”。本条第四条权利的一部分涉及各州各方的义务,以促进设备,技术和科学信息的交换,以便将核能与NNWS和平使用。这是主要问题所在的地方:用于创建核能的相同技术可用于创建用于核武器的裂变材料。If NNWS indeed have the right to advanced fuel cycle technologies and equipment, then they have the possibility of becoming latent nuclear weapon states while adhering to the Treaty, able to create bomb-grade fissile material if the political decision to do so is made.建立一系列新的潜在核武器国家显然不是《不致者》的意图。弄清楚如何在条约中关闭这种明显的“漏洞”是《不致者未来》制度面临的最重要的挑战之一。

维也纳条约法公约国际条约是国际米兰preted “in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their context and in light of its object and purpose.” For the NPT, the problem is that NWS and NNWS have different opinions on how to interpret Article IV. This has serious implications for international peace and security, as evidenced by the collective anxiety over Iran’s enrichment facility at Natanz. What needs then to be established is a clear understanding of what the “object and purpose” of Article IV is, and how the right to the peaceful uses of the atom should be exercised. Achieving consensus on anything in the international community is a challenge (see ten years of deadlock in the Conference on Disarmament as one example), but a commitment to achieve such agreement from the highest levels of the governments of states parties is necessary to preserve the NPT regime.

在NNWS将接受对和平核技术权利的任何进一步限制之前,NWS必须解决其核裁军义务。这是因为核武器“拥有”和“不可以”之间的条约的不平等应该是暂时的,但是四十年后,世界仍然没有核武器。消除核武器使用核武器的威胁是用于实现该条约几乎普遍采用的讨价还价的重要组成部分,没有这一点,巴西和阿根廷等有能力的地区权力就不太可能同意无限期放弃其国内核武器能力。Now the NWS are asking NNWS to forgo their right to advanced fuel cycle technologies because of the proliferation risks and to rely instead on current supplier states or some yet-to-be-developed international scheme for their nuclear power reactor fuel.NNW没有动力来限制其发展土著燃料周期能力的权利,因为他们观察到NWS持续不遵守的记录,其核裁军法律义务和NPT审查会议上给出的政治承诺。由于民族自豪感,缺乏对供应的信任或通过成为潜在的核武器权力,NNWS希望坚持其第四条权利。这种情况今天在伊朗,该国拒绝放弃土著铀富集,以使所有前面提到的理由的健康混合在一起。

从非扩散的角度来看,要改变核电反应堆燃料供应系统是必不可少的。新系统必须具有通用,非歧视性和国际拥有和运营,以确保不间断的燃油供应。This will be difficult to achieve for many reasons, including the fact that all reactors operate on slightly different levels of enriched uranium and various types of fuel assemblies are required.但是,富集甚至重新加工技术变得更广泛的替代方案具有太多潜在的扩散风险,并会破坏《不致力国内《核查所》的对象和目的,这是为了防止核武器的传播。

一个拥有更多核武器国家的世界是一个不太安全的世界,有更多的机会有意或意外使用核武器以及盗窃或出售裂变材料或炸弹。《核查》的内心既是裁军条约,又是关于科学促进人类发展的国际合作条约。关于《不元论的未来》的辩论所缺乏的是,需要定义所涉及的条约条款:核裁军;“诚信”义务就核武器进行谈判;和平核设备与技术的“最大可能交换”;以及开发,研究和生产核能的“不可剥夺的权利”。一旦将这些条款定义为所有各州的满意度,就会清楚地履行哪些义务,哪些当事方没有履行其义务。这种共识将非常困难,但另一种选择可能是条约制度的崩溃和更多核武器国家的出现。这是不允许的 - 现在最高级别的政府代表需要工作来定义这些条款并执行其法律义务以确保该条约与未来保持相关。

Nuclear Weapons

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Nuclear Weapons


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Nuclear Weapons
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