
美国 - 俄罗斯123山协议

06.18.08 | 9 min read | 艾丽西亚·戈德斯伯格(Alicia Godsberg)的文字

6月12日,星期四,众议院外交关系委员会开会了三个多小时,并听取了委员会成员的证词,布什政府的代表以及有关支持美国与俄罗斯之间协议的利弊的专家证人布什总统提交国会的核能(协议)和平用途(协议)的合作。As discussed in an较早的博客,该协议将不得不坐在国会连续90天,除非国会颁布共同决议,否则该协议将通过。这样的立法,H.J.Res 85,国会议员爱德华·马基(Edward J.The mood of those legislators at the hearing was generally one of skepticism, as members of Congress searched for reasons to support the Agreement.

委员会主席Berman(D - CA)通过确定争论点和关注点开始了诉讼:双边合作建立核燃料银行和多边燃料保证的协议是减少其他国家获取敏感核技术的激励措施所必需的;根据协议的重新处理合作有助于或阻碍非扩散目标;在美国迫使俄罗斯阻止伊朗发展核武器能力的努力中,通过该协议会更有效吗?

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R – CA)指出,美国已经以可疑的政策和实践来拥护其他国家,将俄罗斯后战争抛在了全球经济社区之外。This has marginalized Russia and has not served US interests, whereas engaging Russia with the Agreement could allow for more US influence to bear upon Russia’s actions and decisions in the future.这很重要,因为美国希望在俄罗斯向俄罗斯向伊朗出售传统武器和导弹技术的同时,向伊朗施加帮助,这肯定不符合美国的利益。此外,尽管俄罗斯在“最高级别”的美国对美国的“最高水平”保证了这种合作已经停止了俄罗斯,但俄罗斯已经与伊朗在保护的丛林反应堆项目中与伊朗进行了核合作。 [我] 在尚不清楚布什尔以外的核合作是否确实停止并从事这样的武器转移时,俄罗斯是否应该“奖励”这一协议?Does the Agreement help or hurt our chances to influence Russian behavior?这些是委员会试图解决的问题;听证会结束时,这些问题的答案仍然不清楚。金博宝正规网址


Expert witness Robert Einhorn (Center for Strategic and International Studies) pointed out to the Committee that the Agreement creates the legal framework for nuclear cooperation that would be necessary to create a nuclear fuel bank or the basis for some multilateral fuel assurance mechanism.但是,在协议的双边参数之外,国际社会和国际原子能机构都考虑了许多这样的建议。因此,仅应仅根据该论点来判断对协议的支持。

Acting Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security约翰·罗德(John C. Rood)作证that the Agreement would help US commercial firms, allowing them to sell civil nuclear commodities to Russia – such as reactor fuel and components – and enabling the establishment of new joint commercial nuclear power ventures.但是该协议作证说,该协议将无法实现联合核Ventures的承诺,因为俄罗斯尚未批准核损害补充赔偿公约(CSC),该公约将在发生核事故的情况下为美国公司提供责任保险。在俄罗斯批准了CSC之前,没有美国公司会从事他辩称的这一冒险的冒险,因此不应以该协议为基础,因为它将为我们的核工业带来收入。他还提醒委员会,根据SEC,可以批准某些敏感核技术(SNT)的转移。1954年《原子能法》第57条。 [ii]

Einhorn先生认为,该协议的非自我执行性质允许委员会支持该协议,因为核合作的每个新方面都需要伴随出口许可。Congress, he argued, could deny such licenses if Russia was engaged in behavior the US found unacceptable, as for example if they were found to still be cooperating on nuclear matters with Iran outside of the Bushehr reactor project.伯曼董事长回应说,国会无权出口许可。实际上,这些是由国家和商业部门发行的,国会只有权提出对申请的问题,关注和 /或异议。因此,国会不应支持该协议,除非他们还支持向俄罗斯颁发出口许可,这使我们立即回到了我们的原始困境。

Will the reprocessing cooperation under the Agreement help or hinder nonproliferation goals?

专家和官员之间就该协议促进了布什总统的辩论Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP),以及有关GNEP本身优点的激烈辩论。According to Secretary Rood, the Agreement would enable the US to pursue one of GNEP’s goals: cooperating with other countries to “develop new technologies like advanced reactors that would consume plutonium and new forms of recycling spent fuel that would reduce the risk of proliferation by not separating plutonium that could be diverted for use by rogue states or terrorists for nuclear weapons.” [iii]

俄罗斯设有先进的燃烧器反应堆,和强g these reactors for experiments to develop recycling processes that do not separate out pure plutonium is more desirable than spending the time and money to build reactors for such experiments in the US.However, there are many arguments against GNEP and the “recycling” of spent fuel, among them the fact that such processes are not financially attractive when compared to using fresh uranium fuel and the actual increase in nuclear waste such “recycling” would create without long-term storage options.Because reprocessing is not now a cost effective way to fuel reactors, countries that seek to acquire such technology (such as Iran) do so for other reasons, presumably for political influence, national prestige, or to achieve a latent nuclear weapons capability.If the existence of a fuel bank or reactor fuel supply assurances would convince states to forgo such technology, then promoting this cooperation through the Agreement would enhance nonproliferation goals; as stated, however, this connection is not clear-cut.

Mr. Sokolski testified that supporting the Agreement could give the Department of Energy the green light to request and acquire funding for domestic advanced burner reactors and spent fuel reprocessing facilities in the US.This would reverse over 30 years of domestic civilian nuclear policy and contribute to the global stockpile of civilian separated plutonium, already at over 250 metric tons according to the International Panel on Fissile Material.最后,目前尚不清楚该协议是为了对俄罗斯高级燃烧器反应堆进行实验,或在俄罗斯建立国际燃料库或铀富集中心的目的进行实验。 [iv] 因此,重新加工和GENP的立场不是支持或击败协议的合理基础。


这是百万美元的问题,就协议而言,实际上是最重要的。尽管美国在欧洲寻求导弹防御,但已经认识到科索沃的独立性,并正在努力扩大北约,但与俄罗斯的双边关系可以说是在冷战后的低点。The Agreement could help to usher in more friendly relations with Russia’s new President, which then could provide leverage to pressure Russia to help promote US interests, especially in Iran.关于这个问题的证词混合在一起。

鲁德(Rood)秘书认为,与俄罗斯进行该协议的谈判已经对俄罗斯“如何看待某些不扩散问题”产生了“明确和积极的影响”,这可能意味着它已经迫使俄罗斯迫使俄罗斯接受更友好的US友好友好型金博宝正规网址相对于他们的核计划,伊朗的立场。罗德继续说,他无法介绍这种积极影响如何表现出来的细节,但他指出,提交给国会的协议的分类附件“彻底涵盖了这些问题”。有趣的是,国会议员布拉德·谢尔曼(Brad Sherman)(D - CA)回答说,在权衡是否支持该协议的决定时,他和他在委员会中认识的任何人都没有收到任何要使用的信息。


听证会休会,委员会成员被允许使用他们听到的证词来就如何向国会就该协议提供建议。但是,这一切都可能一无所有,因为立法日历将于9月26日结束,剩下的时间不到国会考虑该协议所需的90次会议。似乎甚至在这个程序问题上都没有达成共识,罗德秘书说Pro Formasessions could take place after September 26 that would count toward the 90 day period, although these days are not automatically scheduled.In the end, this issue may be left for the next administration to submit to Congress or let die for the time being.

委员会要解决的问题是是否支持该协议是否会对俄罗斯的行为产生积极影响,尤其是在伊朗的核野心方面。不幸的是,没有办法事先知道该协议将来将对俄罗斯的行动产生什么影响,因此很难建议支持该协议,希望俄罗斯将成为一个更积极,更愿意的合作伙伴,以实现美国不扩散目标。但是,重要的是要考虑不是支持该协议将对俄罗斯的未来行为产生负面影响;这是一个独立的问题,很可能是正确的,因为俄罗斯可能会认为自己再次被纳入国际经济社区的主流。Does the probable negative effect of not supporting the Agreement outweigh the possible positive effect of supporting the Agreement?如果您将俄罗斯继续向伊朗出售导弹技术和先进的常规武器的已知事实(可能仍在国际保障措施之外进行核合作),这似乎并没有在此时支持该协议,这似乎并没有当前表格是建议的。更好地实现我们不扩散目标的是在以下条件下支持该协议:俄罗斯必须承诺结束与伊朗在导弹技术和先进的常规武器方面的贸易;俄罗斯必须重申承诺不要与布什尔反应堆项目以外的伊朗进行核合作;如果发现俄罗斯不符合这些承诺,国会必须能够终止该协议。在这种情况下,国会可以希望与俄罗斯更好的双边关系的好处,同时确保不利的行为威胁我们的非扩散目标。

[我] 美国国务院。Nuclear Proliferation Assessment Statement. Pursuant to Section 123 a. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Amended, With Respect to the Proposed Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation For Cooperation in the Field of Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy.May 13, 2008

[ii] 我们。1954年通过P.L.修订的原子能法。105-394。秒57(d)

[iii] 约翰·C·罗德(John C.华盛顿特区众议院外交事务委员会的声明2008年6月12日。

[iv] 我们。原子能法,op cit秒57(d)


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