

由Meggaen Neely,Communication Impe是在美国科学家联合会的


在2012年12月14日在华盛顿特区的Capitol Hill举行的简报史蒂夫·佩德尔是布鲁克斯机构的军备控制倡议主任,以及乔cirincione.贸易资金总裁,加入克里斯滕森,讨论了克里斯滕斯核对核对对话。

While Kristensen noted the significant reductions in U.S. and Russian nuclear arsenals since the end of the Cold War, he emphasized the need for further reductions, and expressed concerns at the growing impression that the U..S and Russia have shifted their focus to modernizing their nuclear forces and are investing in new nuclear weapon systems. Kristensen suggested that, “unless new unilateral reductions take place or significant arms control agreements are reached; large nuclear forces could be retained far into the future.”

While he alluded to the important role the New START Treaty has played in recent years, he also implied that the effect it has had on U.S. and Russian nuclear forces has remained limited, stating that, “the treaty only regulates a limited (but important) portion of the total forces, it has no direct effect on the number of nuclear warheads the two countries possess, and it does not require destruction of a single nuclear warhead.” Kristensen called upon the U.S. and Russia to revitalize the treaty through new treaties and unilateral initiatives by finding a better balance between modernization plans and their stated commitment towards nuclear disarmament.

此类行动将包括在新的开始条约下计划的武力减少实施。Kristensen特别强调减少每个俄亥俄州级弹道导弹潜水艇(SSBN)的导弹装载,并减少Minuteman III洲际弹道导弹(ICBMS)。他建议这是一个必要的行动,以减少美国和俄罗斯核动力之间目前的不对称性。美国核动力在俄罗斯核动力的特征是“每人较少的弹头”的“许多送货车上”的核动力较少,虽然俄罗斯核动力较少。“担心这种不对称可能导致两国之间的不信任和“推动最坏情况的规划和不必要的动态姿势,这将使努力进一步复杂化核武器。”



核武器控制机会:奥巴马第二学期的议程通过Steven Pifer和Michael O'Hanlon可以阅读这里
