
ByOctober 31, 2022

November 2, 2022

9:30 – 11am ET


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Pulse oximeters are widely used, including to diagnose severity of COVID-19. Because of the bias in these critical tools, darker-skinned Americans have experienced potentially life-threatening delays to their medical care during the pandemic. Through this Forum, timed to coincide with the FDA’s advisory committee meeting on the same topic, FAS seeks insights to advance the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of促进政府政策制定公平throughcombating bias in medical innovation

Forum Agenda


Welcome | 9:30 – 9:45am
Welcome and introductions

格蕾丝·威克森(Grace Wickerson), Science Policy Fellow, Federation of American Scientists
Keynote address: Open Oximetry: Designing a Better Pulse Oximeter Gregory Leeb, Fellow, Center for Health Equity in Surgery & Anesthesia, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
Part 1: Understanding the Consequences of Bias | 9:45 – 10:10am
构想谈话:小偏见可以转化为很大的差异:covid-19的示例 Tianshi David Wu, Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
Ideation talk: Racial Disparities in Pulse Oximetry Cannot Be Fixed With Race-Based Correction 尼尔·帕特瓦里(Neal Patwari), Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering, Washington University
Part 2: How to Build an Evidence Base for Bias-Free Pulse Oximetry |10:10 – 10:25am
Ideation talk: Using Big Data Sets to Assess Medical Technologies Jackie Gerhart, Vice President of Clinical Informatics, Epic and Sam Butler, SVP of Clinical Informatics, Epic
Ideation talk: Understanding Skin Tone Bias in Pulse Oximetry: The Roles of Measurement and Regulatory Standards 哈佛大学社会学副教授埃利斯·蒙克(Ellis Monk)
第三部分:构建Mo的方式re Equitable Devices | 10:25 – 11:00am
想法谈话:脉搏血氧饱和度的公平设计 马萨诸塞州理工学院(MIT)人类学副教授Amy Moran-Thomas
构思谈话:公平光学:UCLA脉搏血氧仪和散布量表 Achuta Kadambi, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
幻想谈话:通过复杂的医疗系统跟踪脉搏血氧饱和度的偏见 Harriet Nembhard, Dean of Engineering, University of Iowa
结束语 格蕾丝·威克森(Grace Wickerson), Science Policy Fellow, Federation of American Scientists
Part 4: In-Person Only Focused Conversation | 11:10am – 12:00pm
The Path Forward for Equitable Progress in Pulse Oximetry 格蕾丝·威克森(Grace Wickerson), Science Policy Fellow, Federation of American Scientists

Hannah Safford, Associate Director of Science Policy, Federation of American Scientists


Sam Butleris the SVP of Clinical Informatics at Epic. He is a pulmonary and critical care physician with eight years of senior-level experience in multi-specialty medical group management and fourteen years of clinical practice. In his 21 years at Epic, he has helped guide the direction of Epic’s applications, and is heavily involved in the creation and development of new technology. He works on the Epic Research team where he studies the Cosmos dataset to help advance evidence based medicine. Sam has a B.S. in Interdisciplinary Science, and received his M.D. from the University of Florida.

Jackie Gerhartis the VP of Clinical Informatics at Epic. Her passion is to reduce barriers to medical care through the best use of technology and to improve clinician well-being through innovation. She enjoys advocating to align policy with practice to empower patients and providers. At Epic she focuses on pioneering technology – such as the use of ambient voice for documentation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning for decreasing time in the EHR, and the use of EHR data to advance the knowledge of medicine and patient-centered care. She is the lead clinical researcher for Epic Research and publishes studies onEpicresearch.org。她曾与疾病预防控制中心(CDC)合作进行了多个研究项目,重点介绍了COVID-19的大流行。她还在地方,州和国家一级从事医疗保健政策。杰基(Jackie)是威斯康星大学医学与公共卫生学院的家庭医学副教授,并在威斯康星州麦迪逊市练习医学。

Achuta Kadambireceived the PhD degree from MIT in 2018 and joined UCLA as Assistant Professor in EECS. He has received early career recognitions from the NSF (CAREER), DARPA (Young Faculty Award), and Army (Young Investigator Award). He has also received recognitions from IEEE-HKN (Outstanding Young Professional under 35 years old), as a National Academy of Engineering Frontiers participant, and Forbes (30 under 30, Science). Kadambi holds 19 issued US patents for inventions in computational imaging and has co-authored a textbook inComputational Imaging(MIT Press, available as free PDF).

Gregory Leeb(MBBS,FANZCA)是一位受过澳大利亚培训的麻醉师,对全球健康平等和小儿麻醉有浓厚的兴趣。他最近在南非开普敦的红十字医院完成了小儿麻醉奖学金。他目前正在完成公共卫生硕士学位,以更好地了解影响全球获得公平医疗保健的广泛问题。金博宝正规网址他协助在塞拉利昂开发了社区诊所和正在进行的护士教育,并在澳大利亚的第一民族社区曾在澳大利亚农村和偏远地区担任医疗航空回归主义者。格雷格(Greg)进入了切萨奖学金,因此他可以继续发展自己对全球外科和健康公平的理解,并以有意义的方式进一步为这一领域做出了贡献。

Ellis Monkis an Associate Professor of Sociology at Harvard University and Visiting Faculty Researcher at Google. His award-winning research focuses on the comparative examination of social inequality, especially with respect to race/ethnicity, in a global perspective. This research uses both quantitative and qualitative methods, while drawing heavily upon contemporary theories of social cognition and categories. By deeply engaging with issues of measurement and methodology, it examines the complex relationships between social categories and social inequality; and extends into topics such as social demography, health, aging, race/ethnicity & technology (e.g., artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision), social psychology, sociology of the body, and comparative & historical sociology. As a recent recipient of an NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, he is leading a research project to examine ethnoracial and skin tone biases in pulse oximetry.

艾米Moran-Thomas是麻省理工学院人类学副教授,interested in the human and material entanglements that shape health in practice. She received her PhD in Anthropology from Princeton University in 2012, and held postdoctoral fellowships at Princeton and Brown before coming to MIT. Her writing often focuses on the social lives of medical objects. She also works on the cultural anthropology of intergenerational health, planetary change, and chronic conditions; as well as questions of equitable device design, technology and kinship, and the afterlives of energy (carbohydrates and hydrocarbons) across scales. Professor Moran-Thomas has conducted ethnographic and historical research in Belize, Guatemala, Ghana, Brazil and the U.S, supported by the Mellon-American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, the West African Research Association, and the American Philosophical Society. Her first book,糖旅行:全球流行病的编年史(2019年),研究糖尿病的全球崛起,作为正在进行的甜味和力量遗产的一部分,包括如何不平等地获得胰岛素品种,氧气腔,葡萄糖仪,葡萄糖仪,透析设备,农业机器,珊瑚机器,珊瑚恢复和假肢技术可以塑造的形状历史如何生活,影响几代人的生活和景观。

Harriet B. Nembhardis dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Iowa and holds the Roy J. Carver Professorship in Engineering. As dean, Nembhard is the college’s chief executive officer, providing strategic vision and oversight for its academic programs, research initiatives, and administrative infrastructure. Prior to this appointment, she has held academic leadership positions at Oregon State University and Penn State University. Her scholarship in the areas of manufacturing and healthcare systems engineering has been recognized by election as a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), a Fellow of the American Society for Quality (ASQ), and a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). Throughout her career, she has advanced a community of inclusive excellence where diversity, equity, and opportunity create a welcoming environment that enables everyone to flourish. She has led and participated in efforts in this regard across the academy and professional societies including NSF ADVANCE, NSF LATTICE, NSF TECAID, National Academy of Engineering, and Society of Women Engineers. She earned her Ph.D. and MS in industrial and operations engineering from the University of Michigan, a BSE in industrial engineering from Arizona State University, and a BA in management from Claremont McKenna College.

尼尔·帕特瓦里(Neal Patwari)is a Professor in the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. He is jointly appointed in the Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering and the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering. He was at the University of Utah in Electrical and Computer Engineering from 2006 to 2018. He directs the Sensors, People, and Networks (SPAN) Lab, which performs research in ways in which the radio interface is a sensor that can make wireless networking more robust and secure; and also in how “smart’’ and AI systems interact with systemic inequality in society. His research perspective was shaped by his BS and MS in EE at Virginia Tech, research work at Motorola Labs in Plantation, Florida, and his PhD in EE at the University of Michigan. He received the NSF CAREER Award in 2008, the 2009 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Magazine Paper Award, and the 2011 U. of Utah Early Career Teaching Award. He has co-authored papers with best paper awards at IEEE SenseApp 2012 and at the ACM/IEEE IPSN 2014 conference. Neal has served on technical program committees for IPSN, MobiCom, SECON, IPIN, WiSec, and SenSys.

Hannah Safford是美国科学家联合会科学政策副主任。汉娜(Hannah)在科学政策Nexus的双方都有深厚的经验,包括作为2020年拜登·哈里斯(Biden-Harris)总统运动的政策顾问,这是白宫科学技术政策办公室的研究员;加州大学戴维斯分校能源,环境和经济政策研究所的研究人员;并担任戴维斯市自然资源委员会的主席。汉娜(Hannah)的作品和评论已在MSNBC和AL半岛电视台(Al Jazeera)以及自然界,PNA和其他人出现。汉娜拥有博士学位来自加利福尼亚大学戴维斯大学的环境工程以及公共和国际事务的MPA,环境工程和水资源的M.ENG以及B.S.E.普林斯顿大学的化学和生物工程专业。

格蕾丝·威克森(Grace Wickerson)is a science policy fellow at the Federation of American Scientists where their work focuses on embedding equity in health innovation policy. An engineer by training, they will receive their master’s degree in materials science and engineering from Northwestern University in December 2022. At Northwestern, they designed skin-interfacing wearable monitoring devices that communicate with implanted devices that safely dissolve in the body after use. Their work has been published inPNAS科学。除了芝加哥的卫生公平领导人外,他们还采用了与最接近健康差异的工程设计方法共同创建的工程设计方法。他们在诸如诸如Scientific American.Grace received their B.S. from Rice University in Materials Science and Nanoengineering.

Tianshi David Wuis an assistant professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. He is a physician-scientist with expertise in electronic health record epidemiology and observational clinical research. He treats patients with COVID-19 both as an intensive care physician and outpatient pulmonologist.

Please contact Jacob Robertson, FAS Science Policy Manager, with questions atjrobertson@金博宝网站www.tumejico.com