

The U.S. nuclear war plan that entered into effect in March 2003 included new executable strike options against regional states seeking weapons of mass destruction.

汉斯·克里斯汀森(Hans M. Kristensen)


Rumors about such options have existed for years, but the document is the first authoritative evidence that fear of weapons of mass destruction attacks from outside Russia and China caused the Bush administration to broaden U.S. nuclear targeting policy by ordering the military to prepare a series of new options for nuclear strikes against regional proliferators.

在恐怖袭击2001年9月11日恐怖袭击后不久,白宫发布的核武器计划指南时,美国战略司令部创建了一系列针对地区国家的核罢工选择。该文件中的插图将各州确定为朝鲜和利比亚以及装备有飞翔的国家的国家,这些国家似乎包括伊朗,伊拉克(当时)和叙利亚 - NPR中提到的国家。新的罢工选择已纳入了2003年3月1日生效的战略核战争计划中。

The creation of the new strike options contradict statements by government officials who have insisted that the NPR did not change U.S. nuclear policy but decreased the role of nuclear weapons.



NPR是“不是计划,不是一项计划计划”,然后是参谋长Richard B. Myers联席会议主席坚持使用CNNNPR泄漏的第二天。“这是一个政策文件。And it simply states our deterrence posture, of which nuclear weapons are a part….And it’s been the policy of this country for a long time, as long as I’ve been a senior officer, that the president would always reserve the right up to and including the use of nuclear weapons if that was appropriate. So that continues to be the policy.”

A formalstatement国防部发表的消息补充说,NPR“不提供有关核靶向或计划的运营指南”,但军方只是“继续计划各种意外事件,并对美国及其盟友造成了不可预见的威胁。”

最近,在2007年10月9日,美国裁军会议的永久代表克里斯蒂娜·罗卡(Christina Rocca),告诉联合国大会第一委员会认为,美国一直在“减少国家安全战略中对[核]武器的依赖程度……。这正是NPR中体现的新思想,使我们有历史性的减少是我们的。今天继续。”

然而,一些官员在2002年暗示相同的指导扩大了核计划。当时的国务卿科林·鲍威尔(Colin Powell)在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)上说:“那里有国家发展大规模杀伤性武器。”面对全国。“Prudent planners have to give some consideration as to the range of options the president should have available to him to deal with these kinds of threat,” he said.

The declassified U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) document shows that one of the first results of “the new thinking” of the NPR was the creation of a series of new nuclear strike options against regional states.


The 26-page declassified document, an excerpt from a 123-page STRATCOM briefing on the production of the 2003 strategic nuclear war plan known as OPLAN 8044 Revision 03, includes two slides that describe the planning against “regional states.” The first of these slides lists a “series of [deleted] options” directed against regional countries with weapons of mass destruction programs. The planning is “scenario driven,” according to the document. The majority of the document deals with targeting of Russia and China, but virtually all of those sections were withheld by the declassification officer.

The names of the “regional states” were also withheld, but three images used to illustrate the planning were released, and they leave little doubt who the regional states are: One of the images is the North Korean Taepo Dong 1 missile; another image shows the Libyan underground facility at Tarhuna; and the third image shows a SCUD B short-range ballistic missile. The SCUD B image is not country-specific, but the Air Force National Air and Space Intelligence Center report弹道导弹2003年的威胁列出了12个国家 /地区的Scud B导弹:白俄罗斯,保加利亚,埃及,伊朗,哈萨克斯坦,利比亚,朝鲜,叙利亚,土库曼斯坦,乌克兰,越南和也门。其中有五个被列为NPR中的“直接,潜在或意外的意外事件……设定核罢工能力的要求”的例子:伊朗,伊拉克,利比亚,朝鲜和叙利亚。


The inclusion of再保险gional核反油片罢工选项国家的(战略)战争计划是一个新的发展,因为通常认为这种情况居住在较低的国家战略计划的水平上,该计划传统上专注于针对俄罗斯和中国的目标。在1990年代,Stratcom开发了自适应计划能力,可以在必要时快速生产针对“流氓”状态的罢工,但“没有立即的计划,可以将目标包装送给炸弹袭击者或导弹船员,”告诉华盛顿邮报在2002. OPLAN 8044 Revision 03 changed that by producing executable strike options to the nuclear forces.

Stratcom文档中概述了区域国家的“目标基础”,但是除了标题以外的所有内容都已被保留。但是,目标基地可能包括大规模杀伤性武器,包含化学或生物武器的深层,硬化的掩体,或各州对美国或其朋友和盟友进行WMD攻击所需的指挥和控制基础设施。美国核武器就业政策(NUWEP)在OPLAN 8044修订后一年生效,部分指定:“美国核力量必须能够并且可以被视为能够破坏那些潜在的敌人领导人最重视的那些批判性战争和支持战争的资产和能力战争世界。”


伊拉克在2003年3月入侵该国之后,伊拉克大概再次从战争计划中消失了 - 在OPLAN 8044修订版03生效后仅三个星期 - 发现伊拉克没有大规模杀伤性武器。利比亚大概在2003年12月之后消失了,当时穆阿玛·卡扎菲(Muammar Gaddafi)总统宣布他正在放弃开发大规模杀伤性武器的努力。

然而,针对伊朗,朝鲜和叙利亚的核罢工计划大概是从2004年10月开始的下一个OPLAN 8044修订版,该计划仍在2007年7月生效。

Nuclear Guidance



Stratcom文件表明,布什总统于2002年6月28日签署的国家安全总统指令(NSPD)-14是众议院的关键guidancethat resulted in the incorporation into the strategic nuclear war plan of strike options against regional proliferators.


从NSPD-14是其他几个重要的流出guidance documents that deepened the commitment to targeting regional proliferators. The first was the JSCP Transitional Guidance in June 2002, which directed changes to the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP). JSCP includes a nuclear annex or supplement, known as JSCP-N, that give detailed nuclear planning guidance to the unified and regional commanders. The new JSCP-N was published on October 1, 2002. Another document was the NUWEP (Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy) Transitional Guidance signed on August 29, 2002, which led to the publication of NUWEP-04 in April 2004.

Three months after NSPD-14, on September 14, 2002, President Bush also signed NSPD-17 (National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction), a directive that articulated a comprehensive strategy to counter nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. NSPD-17 reaffirmed that, if necessary, the United States will use nuclear weapons against anyone using weapons of mass destruction against the United States, its forces abroad, and friends and allies, according to华盛顿时报。但是,NSPD 17的最高秘密附录专门名为伊朗,叙利亚,朝鲜和利比亚,是新战略的主要重点的国家之一,而选择包括核武器。这些选项与OPLAN 8044修订03.华盛顿邮报,,,,was the conclusion that “traditional nonproliferation has failed, and now we’re going into active interdiction.” NSPD-17 is sometimes also called the preemption doctrine.


•To counter迫在眉睫的攻击从只有核武器影响的对手的生物武器可以安全销毁;
•To attack on adversary installations including weapons of mass destruction, deep, hardened bunkers containing chemical or biological weapons, or the command and control infrastructure required for the adversary to execute a WMD attack against the United States or its friends and allies; [this was probably the “target base” in OPLAN 8044 Revision 03] • To counter potentially overwhelming adversary conventional forces;

在我透露了这一发展之后一篇文章今天的武器控制2005年9月和华盛顿邮报followed up有了一个头版的故事,包括众议院武装部队委员会现任主席在内的16名国会议员作出了反应写作总统反对他们认为是“美国核政策的急剧转变”。

Embarrassed by the exposure, the Pentagon取消不仅学说草案(以及其他四个相关的学说文件),还包括在工作人员联合局长网站上公开可用的联合核操作文件的现有学说已有十年了。一位联合职员官员解释说,这些文件不会出版,修订或分类,并解释说,发现它们不是真正的学说文件,而是“伪学说”文件,讨论了核政策问题。金博宝正规网址他说,公众“可见性导致许多人质疑我们为什么拥有它们。”

General Richard Myers and Admiral James Ellis

在埃利斯海军上将(右),Stratcom准备的任职期间,准备了CJCS Richard Myers(左),将SIOP扩展到“适用于更广泛的场景的计划家庭”。

From SIOP to OPLAN 8044: A “Family of Plans”

There is no indication that cancelation of the Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations documents changed nuclear policy. The declassified STRATCOM document describes OPLAN 8044 Revision 03 as “a transitional step toward the new TRIAD and future war plans.” That transition began long before the “New Triad” phrase was coined by the 2001 NPR, and has gradually transformed the top-heavy self-standing Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) to a broader set of strike options applicable in a wider range of scenarios against more adversaries. When preparation of Revision 03 began in March 2002, the combat employment portion of the strategic nuclear war plan was still known as the SIOP, but the name had to be changed to reflect the emerging multitude of strike options.

As the Joint Staff started to review the new war plan, STRATCOM commander Admiral James Ellisto General Myers that the name SIOP did not properly describe the new plan. “STRATCOM is changing the nation’s nuclear war plan from a single, large, integrated plan to a family of plans applicable in a wider range of scenarios,” Ellis explained with a reference to Revision 03. The first STRATCOM commander, General George Lee Butler, had尝试过在1992年更改名称,但没有运气。巴特勒想将名称更改为国家战略响应计划。十一年后,埃利斯海军上将再次尝试。他说,SIOP的名字是冷战的遗产。

这次,JCS董事长更容易接受。在2003年2月8日,修订03生效前一个月,迈尔斯将军授权STRATCOM to formally change the name to reflect the creation the “new family of plans.” Yet Myers was concerned that confusion might arise “between the basic USSTRATCOM OPLAN 8044 and the combat employment portion of that OPLAN, currently known as the SIOP.” The solution, he decided, was to continue to call the basic plan OPLAN 8044, but incorporate the term OPLAN 8044 Revision (FY) to describe that portion of the plan currently known as the SIOP. The Revision number (FY) would correspond to the fiscal year the combat employment plan was put into effect. OPLAN 8044 Revision 03 of March 1, 2003, was the first plan to carry the new name.

显然,新的罢工选择被带入了OPLAN 8044修订版05,这是2004年10月1日生效的下一个战略战争计划。该计划被描述为美国战略战争计划的“重大改造”,根据该计划的“重大改造”迈尔斯将军:“提供了更灵活的选择来确保盟友,并劝阻,威慑,并在必要时击败对手,在更广泛的意外情况下。”截至2007年7月,OPLAN 8044修订05仍在在这里)。


官员们经常认为NPR大大减少了美国核政策中对核武器的依赖。这一说法的基础是,非核能力也应在阻止潜在对手中发挥作用,这是通过将常规罢工选项纳入OPLAN 8044修订版05,战争计划比Oplan 8044修订版03和撤离的目标所举例说明了一个目标。俄罗斯作为“直接偶然性”。

美国大使兼核武器不变的总统杰基·桑德斯(Jackie W. Sanders),杰基·桑德斯(Jackie W. Sanders),杰基·桑德斯(Jackie W.告诉2005年不扩散条约审查会议。“我说,我说的是2001年美国核姿势评论(NPR)的主席先生。2001年NPR建立了一个新的战略能力,这使得核武器依靠核武器以实现美国国防政策目标……。主席先生,让我强调,原则上和实际上,由NPR产生的新三合会概念将减少美国国家安全战略中对核武器的依赖。它反映了对未来的全新愿景,并且与我们无可争议的实施第六条的决心完全一致。”

But while some conventional weapons are being incorporated into the national war plan and planning against Russia is not done以同样的方式正是在冷战期间,NPR(建于1997年的PDD-60建设)和白宫指导也导致了中国的核靶向增加,并且正如解密的Stratcom文件所示,国家核对象的地理位置扩展到国家级核对象的地理位置扩展到区域扩散剂。不管是否谨慎,这不是美国不应该入会议上的美国外交官强调的发展。



The document describes six parts of the new plan preparation: Revision 03 production status, planning guidance, target base, committed forces, options, and conclusions.

该文件没有过时,但似乎是从2002年10月开始的,在国防部长被告知之前不久。针对智力和选择已经完成,弹头分配给了罢工计划,并计划(Sortie)计划洲际弹道导弹(ICBMS),海洋发射的弹道导弹(SLBMS)和远程轰炸机几乎完成了。经过2003年1月的最终修订报告03的共同审查和制作最终修订报告之后,最终的国防部秘书审查和联合参谋长主席的批准定于2003年1月下旬,然后OPLAN 8044修订版03于3月1日生效,2003。

该文件的解密耗时四年。该文件是根据2003年10月提交的有关文件的FOIA请求而发布的,该文件根据当时的参谋长总理理查德·迈尔斯(Richard Myers)主席理查德·迈尔斯(Richard Myers)在2002年7月的参议院外交关系委员会听证会上发表。自1990年代中期以来的SIOP,迈尔斯再保险plied: “Yes, there absolutely has. In fact, the secretary and I spent considerable time revising the SIOP. I think we started that last year and have gotten another major review ongoing.” The declassified document was released on October 10, 2007.

资源:美国核武器指导|The Matrix of Deterrence|The Post Cold War SIOP and Nuclear Warfare Planning: A Glossary, Abbreviations, and Acronyms

致谢:福特基金会,约翰·D·凯瑟琳·麦克阿瑟基金会(Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation)和耕种基金会(Plowshares Fund)的支持使这项研究成为可能。

类别:伊朗,,,,北朝鲜,,,,核扩散,,,,Nuclear Weapons,,,,美国