

华盛顿特区。 -美国科学家联合会(FAS)与国会议员比尔福斯特(D,IL-11)和他的办公室合作,已经推出了一个新的科学理事会:

  • 扩大了大会成员及其对压制科学和技术(S&T)问题的政策工作团队的能力;金博宝正规网址
  • 促进非竞争,证据信息的贡献给美国政策制定过程;和
  • Forge Trusted,政策制定者与科技社区之间的关系。




“The U.S. response to the COVID-19 pandemic would likely have been more effective if every Member of Congress had had a team of STEM experts on standby, with the ability to rapidly connect with them and their networks to get a true sense of potential scenarios the country could be facing, and learning what it would have taken to minimize deaths, infections, and economic impacts,” said Science Council member Nahid Bhadelia, M.D., M.A.L.D, infectious diseases physician, founding director of Boston University’s Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Policy and Research, and associate director of the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories.

FAS建模的国会议员福斯特的科学理事会部分,部分pcast.(总统的科学技术顾问委员会),很乐意与额外的国会办事处合作,以建立根据代表大会及其工作人员的需求和优先事项量身定制的理事会。根据办公室的偏好,理事会成员可以包括各种学科的专家,跨越科技景观,或者由一支专注于一个或两个核心问题的专家组成,例如传染病,能源或农业实践。金博宝正规网址FAS是有意的,致力于包括大会成员的组织的专家,自理事会可以直接影响成员区或州内的问题,从而造成强大的联系。金博宝正规网址如哈佛肯尼迪学校束缚中心所指出的分析of the Legislative Branch’s capability to address advancements in S&T, Members of Congress and their staff generally demonstrate a reliance on “regular ‘trusted’ sources in lieu of interrogating the credibility of individual pieces of information produced by that source,” and so establishing a greater number of trusted, lasting relationships between Members of Congress, their teams, and the S&T community can increase the use of science in the policymaking process, bolstering the effectiveness of U.S. public policies.

“Members of Congress have an opportunity to more fully incorporate science-derived information into policy decision-making, helping not only their own constituents, but people all across the U.S., and around the world,” said Michael A. Fisher, Ph.D., FAS senior fellow and director of the国会科学政策倡议。“想象一大国会,通过与科学委员会的强有力的联系,每个参议员和代表都将每个参议员和代表都硬连续到美国科学委员会,随时获得基于证据的研究和分析,以及如何改善公共政策结果。”

关于国会议员福斯特科学委员会的专家是Danielle Tullman-Ercek,Ph.D.安德鲁·v·帕帕克里斯托博士Kiarri N.Kershaw,Ph.D.,M.P.H.。, 和Mohanbir Sawhney,Ph.D.,M.A.西北大学;Michael V. Volin,Ph.D.中西部大学;Fei-Fei Li,Ph.D.,M.S.斯坦福大学;和Nahid Bhadelia,M.D.,M.A.L.D.波士顿大学。

