



协调多个利益相关者(每个利益相关者)与他们的独特利益和观点 - 符合一个共同的目标是很困难的。在FAS,我们尚未弄清楚如何最好地解决家庭比赛之夜。但是我们发现,对于涉及许多机构的复杂联邦倡议,花时间退后一步,评估迄今为止的进度经常为持续的未来成功铺平道路。我们还认识到,除非专门任务和资源,否则行政部门机构和办公室通常缺乏自己做到这一点的能力。

这就是为什么今天,FAS发布了对政府的代理机构报告进展的独立评估正义40倡议—a landmark whole-of-government effort to ensure that 40% of the overall benefits of certain federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution.


The assessment focuses on the 175 Justice40建议issued by the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) in May 2021. Key takeaways include:

  • 联邦机构报告了WHEJAC的一半的Justice40建议的切实进展,例如减少铅的暴露and投资LIHEAP计划降低家庭能源账单。
    • 尽管这一进展值得称赞,但重要的是要注意,代理商报告的进度并不总是与利益相关者的现实现实相匹配。WHEJAC和联邦机构有机会和需要共同开发策略,以跟踪正义实施40的实施,这些策略包括多种观点(例如,来自政府官员,受影响的社区,地方领导人和独立专家)。

  • Agencies struggled to implement a quarter of the recommendations due to barriers such as lack of statutory authority, lack of resourcing, or lack of clarity on what particular actions would constitute implementation. The WHEJAC should consider revisiting and revising these recommendations to improve actionability.

  • 与CEQ合作的白宫环境司法委员会(IAC)有明确的途径,以促进近期的WHEJAC建议的近期进展,这些建议在迄今为止尚未实现。同时,有许多高利息的主题领域 - 包括清洁运输和运输,城市林业和城市绿化,以及气候缓解和弹性的各个方面,因为Whejac应该考虑建立其他建议。

Additional background and insights from the assessment are provided below.

The WHEJAC and the Justice40 Initiative

President Biden launched the Justice40 Initiative within days of taking office in January 2021.Executive Order (E.O.) 14008, which created the Initiative, also established the first-ever White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC). The WHEJAC comprises two dozen experts in environmental justice, climate change, disaster preparedness, racial inequity, and related fields.




  • Section 1 (Summary of agency-reported progress)描述了我们如何评估agency-reported progress on the WHEJAC’s Justice40 recommendations. We found that agencies detailed tangible progress for about half (50%) and did not illustrate tangible progress for about a quarter (24%) of the recommendations. Implementation status could not be assessed for the remainder. The assessment supplement maps each recommendation to its corresponding agency response(s) and to its corresponding quantitative and qualitative evaluations from FAS.

  • 第2节(改善现有建议)确定正义40由于(i)缺乏法定权限,(ii)对特定机构或机构的建议不当分配,(iii)缺乏资源和/(iv)含糊不清的语言,因此无法完全实施正义40。。本节还提供了有关Whejac希望如何重新访问和/或加强相关建议的建议。

  • 第3节(优先考虑未实现建议的进度)重点介绍了IAC可能希望将其视为未来进步的优先事项的Justice40建议。FAS基于对(i)建议可行性的整体评估选择了这些建议,(ii)表示代理人愿意采取额外的响应措施,以及(iii)IAC在促进实施方面是否有明确的作用。

  • Section 4 (Building out additional recommendations)identifies high-interest topics for which the WHEJAC provided few or no recommendations. As it continues its work, the WHEJAC may wish to consider building out additional recommendations for agency action related to these topics. These topics include:
    • 清洁能源超出太阳能
    • 清洁运输和运输
    • Urban forestry and urban greening
    • 超越铅的饮用水污染物
    • 确保移民和季节性工人的环境正义
    • Varied aspects of climate mitigation and resiliency
    • 语言隔离
  • Section 5 (Implementation highlights)draws attention to Justice40 recommendations where FAS identified particularly notable progress on implementation. These highlights are both independently commendable and indicate areas with momentum that the WHEJAC and IAC can leverage for follow-on work.


  • 白宫环境司法咨询委员会(WHEJAC)的正义40建议评估进度评估
Categories:Climate Change