from the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
Volume 2012, Issue No. 128



Yesterday former Navy contract linguist James Hitselberger, who has been charged under the Espionage Act with mishandling classified records, was ordered released under supervision while awaiting trial.

Mr. Hitselberger is a multi-lingual translator and collector of rare documents, including records that are now housed in a dedicated collection at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Unfortunately for him, the government says that his collection activity extends to some documents that are currently classified. (根据间谍法规收取的文件收集器,保密新闻,2012年11月7日)。

Prosecutors had opposed his pre-trial release, arguing that he had fled from law enforcement by traveling for months through Europe, and that he posed a flight risk. But Mr. Hitselberger's public defender argued effectively that could not have "fled" since he had not been charged with anything until recently, that he had traveled openly under his own name, that he remained in contact with his former employer, and that he voluntarily returned to a U.S. Army facility in Kuwait to recover his possessions.

鲁道夫·孔特雷拉斯(Rudolph Contreras)法官在今天发表的备忘录中总结说:“据他所知,希瑟伯格先生可以自由旅行。”“当他旅行时,他通过多种方式与许多人进行定期接触,公开使用他的美国护照,并愿意去军事基地,这是没有合理的逃犯。”

Therefore Judge Contreras ruled for the defense and granted his release, albeit under "high intensity supervision" and with "Global Positioning System monitoring" of his whereabouts.

Moreover, "he is expressly prohibited... from entering or being in the immediate vicinity of Union Station, any other bus or train station that provides service outside of the Washington metropolitan area, or any airport...."

Mr. Hitselberger has no record of criminal activity, no predisposition to violent behavior, and even prosecutors admit that he was not engaged in espionage on behalf of a foreign power. There is also no indication that even the mildest adverse consequence arose from his alleged conduct. And yet the government has opted to charge him with two felony counts under the Espionage Act, which seems like an extraordinary overreaction given the circumstances.


因此,乔治·塞内特(George Tenet)在1997年的中央情报局确认听证会上关于他对泄漏的反应(在第108页)时说:“我不想起诉任何人;我想解雇某人。这会向人们发送正确的信号。”

But today, the Obama Justice Department seems unwilling to accept anything short of the maximum available punishment for unauthorized disclosures, at least for those who are not senior officials or acting under color of authority.







Until now, the removal of information from the Restricted Data category was irreversible, being prohibited by the Atomic Energy Act. That prohibition is nullified by the new legislation.

The authority to reclassify FRD as RD was requested by the Department of Energy last year.

能源部长史蒂文(Steven Chu)在8月4日的一项能源秘书史蒂文(Steven Chu)写道:“某些FRD中有敏感的核武器设计信息……现在应该受到与当前的国防部和情报界许可的更严格的安全保护。”,2011年的信。((能源部希望将一些信息重新分类为“限制数据”, Secrecy News, January 17, 2012.)



Improving declassification procedures for FRD was among the recommendations presented to the White House earlier this month by thePublic Interest Declassification Board.

“c的朋友信息oncerns the military utilization of nuclear weapons, including storage locations and stockpile information and often dates from the end of World War II through the height of the Cold War," the PIDB explained in its report. "Although often no longer sensitive or current, this type of FRD information is of high interest to researchers yet remains largely unavailable to the public, because there is no process for systematically reviewing it for declassification and release under the terms of the Executive Order for national security information."



The Senate voted last week to reauthorize the Public Interest Declassification Board until 2014, and the House followed suit yesterday by a vote of 409-1. Rep. Don Young of Alaska voted against the measure for reasons he did not explain.


New and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service that Congress has not made available to the public include the following.

Offshoring (or Offshore Outsourcing) and Job Loss Among U.S. Workers, December 17, 2012:

Chemical Weapons: A Summary Report of Characteristics and Effects, December 13, 2012:


U.S. Wind Turbine Manufacturing: Federal Support for an Emerging Industry, December 18, 2012:




Secrecy News is written by Steven Aftergood and published by the Federation of American Scientists.

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