from the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
April 17, 2007




As the missions and budgets for U.S. Special Operations Command steadily expand, a new official history looks back at the origins and development of SOCOM.

SOCOM指挥官Bryan D. Brown写道:“自1987年成立以来,USSOCOM一直支持常规部队,并在全球进行了独立的特殊行动,参加了所有主要战斗行动。”

由SOCOM历史办公室编写并由Secrecy News获得的新帐户,详细介绍了过去二十年来一直以来的主要SOCOM运营。

"After 9/11, the first SOF [special operations forces] counterterrorism operations were not conducted in Afghanistan or even in the Middle East, but in Europe," the SOCOM history notes.

“ 2001年9月下旬,美国SOF了解到,与Usama Bin Laden有联系的伊斯兰极端分子在波斯尼亚。Soceur部队迅速将行动固定在固定鹰行动中以捕获它们。这些突袭行动导致了所有可疑恐怖分子的袭击,并犯有起诉和情报剥削的证据。”

Other operations, like the battle of Tora Bora, were admittedly less successful.

“SOF的事实came as close to capturing or killing UBL [Usama bin Laden] as U.S. forces have to date makes Tora Bora a controversial fight. Given the commitment of fewer than 100 American personnel, U.S. forces proved unable to block egress routes from Tora Bora south into Pakistan, the route that UBL most likely took."

See "United States Special Operations Command, 1987-2007," SOCOM History and Research Office, MacDill Air Force Base, April 2007 (143 pages in a very large 32 MB PDF file):

The Government Accountability Office prepared a detailed critical profile of SOCOM in 2006.

"The Special Operations Command is comprised of special operations forces from each of the military services. In fiscal year 2005, personnel authorizations for Army special operations forces military personnel totaled more than 30,000, the Air Force 11,501, the Navy 6,255, and the Marine Corps 79," the GAO reported.


But recruiting and training special operations forces to meet expanding mission requirements will be a challenge, the GAO concluded.

参见“特种作战部队:必须应对一些人力资本挑战以满足扩大的角色” [GAO-06-812],2006年7月:



In a heated debate April 16, the Senate failed to achieve cloture on the FY2007 Intelligence Authorization Act, leaving it open for further amendment today.

One of the points that now seems beyond debate, however, is the need to disclose the total intelligence budget figure.


"I have talked with leaders in the intelligence community and I said: Does that cause you any problems? They said: No. It is only when you get below that. Were you to go down the slippery slope of disclosing amounts going into particular units or particular programs of the intelligence community, you give away vital secrets," Sen. Bond said on the Senate floor.

"This body has twice gone on record and was stated by the chairman and the 9/11 Commission has recommended disclosing the overall number so that the people of America will know whether we are continuing to support the intelligence community adequately, whether we are supporting it with the kinds of resources needed," he said.


See the full debate and the list of pending or proposed amendments to the FY 2007 Intelligence Authorization Act here:

Despite the intelligence community acquiescence noted by Senator Bond, the White House remains opposed to any disclosure of intelligence budget information, according to an April 12政策声明(PDF)。


The role of air and space power in U.S. military operations was addressed in a newly updated U.S. Air Force publication. See Air Force Doctrine Document 2, "Operations and Organization," 3 April 2007:

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request from the Federation of American Scientists, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has just released a somewhat perfunctory "2006 Annual Report of the U.S. Intelligence Community," dated February 2007:

美国进步中心已经发表了成绩单(pdf) of a March 30 program on "Ensuring Congressional Access to National Security Information," linked (under Resources) from this page:


The politicization of the Department of Justice, the erosion of professional values and the state of Freedom of Information Act policy were discussed with unusual candor by Daniel J. Metcalfe, former director of the DoJ Office of Information and Policy, in an interview with Tony Mauro of Legal Times.

奥兰多哨兵(Orlando Sentinel)的吉姆·莱斯纳(Jim Leusner)于4月15日报道说,NASA几年前秘密地支付了在2003年哥伦比亚航天飞机事故中去世的宇航员的家属。


Secrecy News is written by Steven Aftergood and published by the Federation of American Scientists.

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