

国防授权法案财政年度2000 ______ LOTT(及其他)修订NO。394 LOTT先生。(为自己,华纳先生,谢尔比先生,穆考斯基先生,多梅尼西先生,斯佩克特先生,托马斯先生,凯尔先生和哈钦森先生)提出了一项修正法案(S. 1059)授权对于2000财年拨款国防部的军事活动,军事建设,以及能源部的防御活动,为武装部队,以及用于其它用途,例如会计年度有两道人才优势;如下:在387页上,下面24行,添加以下:SEC。1061受美国卫星制造商的出口管制违规进行调查。每当一个调查是与美国血统的商业卫星连接进行涉嫌违反美国出口管制法律的(一)公告的调查.--总统国会应迅速通知国会。(二)公告的某些国会豁免出口和许可证.--只要出口许可证或豁免是代表美国任何个人或公司,是一个调查的对象在小节中描述的授予总统应立即通知国会(一)。通知中应包括对特许或豁免的理由。(三)请注意,在应用.--这是任何美国个人或​​公司受到调查的小节中描述国会的意义(一)是提交给美国商业卫星的出口申请应包括在 the application a notice of the investigation. SEC. 1062. ENHANCEMENT OF ACTIVITIES OF DEFENSE THREAT REDUCTION AGENCY. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall prescribe regulations-- (1) to authorize the personnel of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) who monitor satellite launch campaigns overseas to suspend such campaigns at any time if the suspension is required for purposes of the national security of the United States; (2) to establish appropriate professional and technical qualifications for such personnel; (3) to allocate funds and other resources to the Agency at levels sufficient to prevent any shortfalls in the number of such personnel; (4) to establish mechanisms in accordance with the provisions of section 1514(a)(2)(A) of the Strom Thurmond National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999 (Public Law 105-261; 112 Stat. 2175; 22 U.S.C. 2778 note) that provide for-- (A) the allocation to the Agency, in advance of a launch campaign, of an amount equal to the amount estimated to be required by the Agency to monitor the launch campaign; and (B) the reimbursement of the Department, at the end of a launch campaign, for amounts expended by the Agency in monitoring the launch campaign; (5) to establish a formal technology training program for personnel of the Agency who monitor satellite launch campaigns overseas, including a structured framework for providing training in areas of export control laws; (6) to review and improve guidelines on the scope of permissible discussions with foreign persons regarding technology and technical information, including the technology and technical information that should not be included in such discussions; (7) to provide, on at least an annual basis, briefings to the officers and employees of United States commercial satellite entities on United States export license standards, guidelines, and restrictions, and encourage such officers and employees to participate in such briefings; (8) to establish a system for-- (A) the preparation and filing by personnel of the Agency who monitor satellite launch campaigns overseas of detailed reports of all activities observed by such personnel in the course of monitoring such campaigns; (B) the systematic archiving of reports filed under subparagraph (A); and (C) the preservation of such reports in accordance with applicable laws; and (9) to establish a counterintelligence office within the Agency as part of its satellite launch monitoring program. (b) Annual Report on Implementation of Satellite Technology Safeguards.--The Secretary shall submit to Congress each year, as part of the annual report for that year under section 1514(a)(8) of the Strom Thurmond National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999, the following: (1) A summary of the satellite launch campaigns and related activities monitored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency during the preceding year. (2) A description of any license infractions or violations that may have occurred during such campaigns and activities. (3) A description of the personnel, funds, and other resources dedicated to the satellite launch monitoring program of the Agency during that year. (4) An assessment of the record of United States satellite makers in cooperating with Agency monitors, and in complying with United States export control laws, during that year. SEC. 1063. IMPROVEMENT OF LICENSING ACTIVITIES BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall prescribe regulations to provide notice to the manufacturer of a commercial satellite of United States origin of the reasons for a denial or approval with conditions, as the case may be, of the application for license involving the overseas launch of such satellite. SEC. 1064. ENHANCEMENT OF INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. (a) Consultation with DCI.--The Secretary of State shall consult with the Director of Central Intelligence throughout the review of an application for a license involving the overseas launch of a commercial satellite of United States origin in order to assure that the launch of the satellite, if the license is approved, will meet any requirements necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States. (b) Advisory Group.--The Director of Central Intelligence shall establish within the intelligence community an advisory group to provide information and analysis to Congress upon request, and to appropriate departments and agencies of the Federal Government, on licenses involving the overseas launch of commercial satellites of United States origin. (c) Annual Reports on Efforts To Acquire Sensitive United States Technology and Technical Information.--The Director of Central Intelligence shall submit each year to Congress and appropriate officials of the executive branch a report on the efforts of foreign governments and entities during the preceding year to acquire sensitive United States technology and technical information. The report shall include an analysis of the applications for licenses for export that were submitted to the United States during that year. (d) Intelligence Community Defined.--In this section, the term ``intelligence community'' has the meaning given that term in section 3(4) of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 401a(4)). SEC. 1065. ADHERENCE OF PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA TO MISSILE TECHNOLOGY CONTROL REGIME. (a) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) the President should take all actions appropriate to obtain a bilateral agreement with the People's Republic of China to adhere to the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and the MTCR Annex; and (2) the People's Republic of China should not be permitted to join the Missile Technology Control Regime as a member without having-- (A) demonstrated a sustained and verified commitment to the nonproliferation of missiles and missile technology; and (B) adopted an effective export control system for implementing guidelines under the Missile Technology Control Regime and the MTCR Annex. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``Missile Technology Control Regime'' means the policy statement, between the United States, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Canada, and Japan, announced on April 16, 1987, to restrict sensitive missile-relevant transfers based on the MTCR Annex, and any amendments thereto. (2) The term ``MTCR Annex'' means the Guidelines and Equipment and Technology Annex of the Missile Technology Control Regime, and any amendments thereto. SEC. 1066. UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH CAPACITY. It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) Congress and the President should work together to stimulate and encourage the expansion of a commercial space launch capacity in the United States, including by taking actions to eliminate legal or regulatory barriers to long- term competitiveness in the United States commercial space launch industry; and (2) Congress and the President should-- (A) reexamine the current United States policy of permitting the export of commercial satellites of United States origin to the People's Republic of China for launch; (B) review the advantages and disadvantages of phasing out the policy over time, including advantages and disadvantages identified by Congress, the executive branch, the United States satellite industry, the United States space launch industry, the United States telecommunications industry, and other interested persons; and (C) if the phase out of the policy is adopted, permit launches of commercial satellites of United States origin by the People's Republic of China only if-- (i) such launches are licensed as of the commencement of the phase out of the policy; and (ii) additional actions are taken to minimize the transfer of technology to the People's Republic of China during the course of such launches. [[Page S6074]] SEC. 1067. ANNUAL REPORTS ON SECURITY IN THE TAIWAN STRAIT. (a) In General.--Not later than February 1 of each year, beginning in the first calendar year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report, in both classified and unclassified form, detailing the security situation in the Taiwan Strait. (b) Report Elements.--Each report shall include-- (1) an analysis of the military forces facing Taiwan from the People's Republic of China; (2) an evaluation of additions during the preceding year to the offensive military capabilities of the People's Republic of China; and (3) an assessment of any challenges during the preceding year to the deterrent forces of the Republic of China on Taiwan, consistent with the commitments made by the United States in the Taiwan Relations Act (Public Law 96-8). (c) Appropriate Congressional Committees Defined.--The term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on International Relations and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives.1068秒。。限制数据和以前限制数据的解密。1999财政年度斯特罗姆·瑟蒙德国防授权法案第3161(b)条(公法105-261;112 Stat。2260;《美利坚合众国法典》第50条435号注释),在末尾增加以下内容:“(9)的行动以确保记录受制于行政命令12958号,自1995年以来一直在释放到公共领域的一页一页的基础上综述了限制或以前限制数据,除非这样的记录已经被确定为高度可能包含限制数据或以前限制数据。”。在541页第22行,在“4”后面插入“A”。(B)根据第(1)段任命五名委员会成员后,可指定委员会主席。在第542页第11至12行,插入以下内容:(8)在根据第(4)段指定委员会主席后,委员会可根据本节开始其活动。在第546页,删去第20至23行。在547页,第1行,划掉''(3)"并插入''(2)"。在564页的第17和18行之间,插入下列内容:进行安全检查。(a)联邦调查局的责任。—《1954年原子能法》第145节(42 U.S.C. 2165)被修改,在a、b和c小节中出现的地方都划掉“公务员委员会”,并插入“联邦调查局”。(b)符合修改。——该条进一步修订——(1)删去d和f小节; and (2) by redesignating subsections e., g., and h. as subsections d., e., and f., respectively; and (3) in subsection d., as so redesignated, by striking ``determine that investigations'' and all that follows and inserting ``require that investigations be conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of any group or class covered by subsections a., b., and c. of this section.''. (c) Technical Amendment.--Subsection f. of that section, as so redesignated, is amended by striking ``section 145 b.'' and inserting ``subsection b. of this section''. SEC. 3165. PROTECTION OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION DURING LABORATORY-TO-LABORATORY EXCHANGES. (a) Provision of Training.--The Secretary of Energy shall ensure that all Department of Energy employees and Department of Energy contractor employees participating in laboratory- to-laboratory cooperative exchange activities are fully trained in matters relating to the protection of classified information and to potential espionage and counterintelligence threats. (b) Countering of Espionage and Intelligence-Gathering Abroad.--(1) The Secretary shall establish a pool of Department employees and Department contractor employees who are specially trained to counter threats of espionage and intelligence-gathering by foreign nationals against Department employees and Department contractor employees who travel abroad for laboratory-to-laboratory exchange activities or other cooperative exchange activities on behalf of the Department. (2) The Secretary shall ensure that at least one employee from the pool established under paragraph (1) accompanies any group of Department employees or Department contractor employees who travel to any nation designated to be a sensitive country by the Secretary of State. ______
