
Page S8641-S8642

温豪李格拉夫先生。主席先生,我在这个特定的时候在这个特定的时间询问美国的总统“他们”是的,我希望“他们”这个词包括美国总统。我希望美国总统是酋长的“他们”。我希望我们没有进入辩论“他们”这个词的定义是什么。宪法很清楚 - 美国总统拥有我们政府存在的所有行政权力。这是我与您访问Wen Ho Lee Case的背景,总统上周的评论关于文豪李的释放,以及行政部门如何对待这位中国美国人。这是克林顿总统未能承担责任并拒绝认为他的行政行动的最新案例。[[第s8642]]文浩李的背景 - 对于那些在去年可能遵循这一点的人 - 是政府最近同意让这位前核科学家Los Alamos Laboratories恳求诉讼相对较小的充电,并在手腕上拍打。我想我们都同意他的释放是辩解的事情。但是,只有在短时间内,行政部门声称,温浩·李某对美国国家安全的严重威胁,他属于单独监禁和枷锁,几乎没有李先生甚至联系他的家庭。现在,经过这段时间长时间的禁闭,他在手腕上得到了一拍的戒指和他的自由。显然,政府的行政部门无法通过证明或这种情况备份其指控,或者这种情况不会尽可能地解决。尽管对公众对文豪李的恐怖发行,但事实是政府甚至没有案件。它只怀疑。 Mr. Lee has, of course, paid a very high price for the suspicions of some in the executive branch. Maybe because Lee is Asian American, there is not the outcry over the loss of civil liberties that there would be had Lee been a member of some other minority group. The same people who speak up against some minorities being mistreated because of civil liberties evidently don't seem inclined to speak up in the case of an Asian American. Mr. Lee's treatment has caused widespread public outcry. How can this happen in America where we treasure freedom and where the rule of law has been the basis for our country's law going back to the setting up of the colonies? How could the government damage the reputation of a citizen by labeling him as a spy for the Communist Chinese, lock him away for 9 months of solitary confinement, and then just simply drop the case? Our Government has damaged its reputation by the way it handled the Lee case. The American people are outraged. Pundits and political observers have raised legitimate questions about the abusive way in which Mr. Lee was treated by the executive branch of Government. In the midst of this justifiable criticism, President Clinton decided that it was time for him, as President of the United States, to chime in. President Clinton happens to be the Chief Executive Officer of the country. He thinks, like the rest of us, that the executive branch of Government may have abused its power in the way it went after Mr. Lee and kept him confined for such a long period of time. What troubles me about克林顿总统的评论作为美国总统,他的行为就好像他只是一个旁观者,和这个国家的法律执行方式没有任何关系。正如每个高中生在公民课上学到的,政府的行政权属于美国总统,第二条第一节:行政权属于美国总统。这是一种非常简单且非常明确的语言。这句话的意思是总统负责执法。总统负责保护我们的国家安全。所以,即使总统把他的一些权力委托给了司法部长,总统也要对李先生的遭遇负责。我希望总统在他离任前能说一次,作为他政治遗产的一部分,他要为在他任内发生的事情负责。我希望他说:我和我任命的人对发生在李先生身上的事负责。但是,没有。他在新闻发布会上说,是“他们”干的——“他们”抓住了他; "they" had these charges. It was always "they," "they," "they." I happen to think President Clinton is the chief "they." He is above all the rest of the "theys." It happens that President Clinton seems to think the Justice Department is some agency of government outside of his control. Surely the President knows better than this. The Washington Post certainly does. This past Saturday, the Post editorial page commented on the Wen Ho Lee case: President Clinton asks us to see him as one more commentator troubled by the case, rather than as the head of the government that brought it. In other words, I think the Washington Post is saying the President is, in fact, the chief "they;" or he is in charge of all the rest of the "theys." Of course, as far as I am concerned, the Washington Post is right on this point. The nation is waiting for real leadership, not another evasion or more misdirection. President Clinton may be an "artful dodger," but this is one dodge that just won't work. The American people elected President Clinton to be in that office so he could lead, not blame subordinates. The Constitution is crystal clear that the President has the ultimate responsibility of leadership and the ultimate power of our executive branch. It is high time for President Clinton to follow the Constitution and take responsibility for the sorry actions that took place in regard to Mr. Wen Ho Lee during this administration. I yield the floor, and I suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Kyl). The clerk will call the roll. The assistant legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. ____________________
